
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thankful Thursday

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.1 Thessalonians 5:18

I'm so excited about today's post! I've looked forward to this for a long time, this will always be my favorite day of the week. I just have so many things to be thankful for, it would take a lifetime to share all of them. So, I'll just get started now, and each week continue to add on to this never ending list.

I'm so thankful first to have Jesus in my life. Where would I be without him?
(But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.(I Corth. 15: 57)

I'm so thankful for the parents the Lord blessed me with. Although they are now with the Lord, there is never a day that goes by I don't think of them, miss them, and remember all the many things they taught me.

I'm so thankful for my sisters and brothers. God could have not choose a better family for me. I love you Steph and Mary, you've been such rocks in my life.

I'm so thankful for my children. Truly they are a gift and heritage of the Lord. Each one of them are so unique and wonderful. They are the joy and delight of my life.

I'm so thankful for Rick, my precious husband. You have been there for me since the day I met you. Your patience has been invaluable. Thank you for leading me, teaching me, and guiding me closer and closer to Jesus. You've been such a great dad to your 5 sons too!

I'm thankful for my precious daughter in law Kristin. God truly knew the right woman to bring into my life after so many years of being the only female "Amato" in this house. Together we can conquer anything, (like every mall in town, you are so much fun!)

I'm so thankful the Lord blessed me with 3 of the most beautiful grand-daughters, oh my, what a reward for raising all boys! It just doesn't get any better then this.

I'm so thankful for friends. Lord, I could not walk this journey alone, so you've hand-picked some of the sweetest, kindest, generous women in my life. I do not know where to begin expressing my deepest gratitude for each of them. I feel so rich, and so honored to know these awesome women. Thank you Jesus.

I'm so thankful for all the mighty prayer warriors you have placed in my life as we faced Jordan's brain tumor journey. I could have not done it without all the prayers and words of encouragement. Your support carried us through, literally.

I'm so thankful for the good report we received this week at St. Jude! YES... Jordan's tumor remains stable!!!

Finally, (for now) I'm thankful for a new friend you placed in my life, Amy Bayliss who was so kind to take time out of her busy life to help set up this blog. Yep, I could have not been able to make this post, without you! You were a God-send, and I'm so grateful.


  1. Hi Susan,
    I just came across your blog and I would like to start reading it each day. Your beliefs seem to be the same as mine. I was just blown away reading about your son. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to go through something like that. Praise God for the good report. And I love the way you started your first post with the Bible verses and promises from God. Please visit my blog when you have time at

  2. Awesome news about Jordan, I'm so happy that he was able to get a good MRI this time.

    God bless...

  3. And I am so thankful to hear the news about Jordan! Praise many things to be thankful for!

  4. What an awesome list! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I look forward to reading more of your journey here. I'd love to exchange links with you!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!