
Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Day at The State Fair

This weekend was the opening of our State Fair here in Baton Rouge. My husband and I, along with my daughter- in- law Kristin took our grand-daughters to the fair. What a perfect day it was! The weather was just beautiful, sunny blue skies, and the girls laughter and joy was just the perfect mix. A day I'll always treasure.

"If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first." ~Lois Wyse


  1. What cuties!!! They are adorable!

    It looks like you guys had a blast!

  2. It's fun seeing what Kristin looks like! I've seen her post on sites before. And I LOVED the comment about grandkids. Yup, I would have had 'em first, too!

  3. Susan,

    Those girls are just TOO BEAUTIFUL! (Kristin is too) =-)

    I told the boys today that I'm thinking of coming down sometime in the next month or so. They were all excited. I told them I would have to see some MAJOR behavior changes before I'd bring them to your house... your boys are all grown up and now you have granddaughters. I'm not sure you'd know what to do with my WILD children. He he he..

    Thanks for sharing these pictures... they are ADORABLE!

    I love you BUNCHES!

  4. Fantastic photos! And so nice to meet you. :~)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Chrysalis. Marriage Monday will be NEXT Monday, Nov. 5th. (It's the first Monday of every month.) Please stop by then and leave a permalink to a specific post you've written. Next week's topic is submission in Christian marriage.

    Check in again next Monday if you have any more questions, OK?

    Looking forward to seeing you then. Hugs 'n prayers, e-Mom

  5. you are right about the grandkids being sooo much fun....
    and yours is just beautiful...

  6. Very nice picture you have here - Hapy WW! Wish you a nice Halloween :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!