
Friday, October 5, 2007

Launching Out!

" But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place. Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you"...Isaiah 43:1-4

Wow, what an awesome promise and declaration to each of us! I choose this as my theme for this blog because there are so many precious promises packed in there. Knowing that I am truly "HIS" brings so much comfort and reassurance. I am so blessed to be called by our loving Father. I pray you have the same confidence as well.

I thought I would try out blogging after a few years of journaling on Caringbridge. For those of you who don't me, welcome! I would love to meet you, and walk along side of you as you journey on the path the Lord has set before you.

I don't know a person who has not been through deep waters or rivers of difficulty, but I do know my God is faithful, unchanging, compassionate, mighty and always ready to extend His loving hands outreached to you. I'm not sure what direction this blog will go, but I do know I want it to be a place you can come to and find comfort, encouragement, and yes, my crazy humor.

I'd like to ask you to share a time you have known you were truly "His". In Revelations 2:11 it says: "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony". I know my faith is so strengthened as I watch others overcome! Looking forward to hearing how God has blessed your life.


  1. xjqSusan,

    You asked us to share of a time when we KNEW we were HIS.... well, our most recent adventure would most definitely be one of those times! As you know when we lost Brent I began to struggle with worshiping GOD. It was just so hard to COMPLETELY TRUST after MONTHS of PRAYING AND BELIEVING that God would heal him. Well, as I settled into my nice little folding seat at the Convention Center in Nashville (the Deeper Still women's conference) I KNEW almost INSTANTLY that my LORD had met me there! Yes, HE showed me that even though I had strayed (my time of grief, doubt and negativity) HE still loved me enough to pull me back into HIS MIGHTY LOVING ARMS!

    I'm SO THANKFUL to have YOU in my life (definitely a GOD-send) and for your new blog! It'll be AWESOME to be able to "glean" from your knowledge!

    I love you so much, and am so proud of you!!

  2. Hi Mrs. Susan!

    First, let me say I LOVE the new look! Your page looks perfect, just like I knew it would. I am excited to be along for the ride of this "blog adventure" w/ you.

    Well, to answer your question...
    There were many times God has confirmed to me that I am His, but one that really sticks out is the time you spoke for the women at Harvest (years ago).

    I was going through a really rough time, but never really shared my struggle with anyone. Well, God showed up during worship, and the tears started flowing. I kept crying out to God that I wanted to go where He was; I wanted to find Him; I wanted to know where He was during this situation. (Something to that effect.) At that very moment during my Q and A session with God, Nancy Thomas walked up to me and told me that God is meeting me right where I am. I realized then that God knows us and cares for us so much, that even when we can't seem to put one foot in front of the other to find Him...He stops the world to let us know we are loved and MEETS us right where we are.

    Later on that night, I went up for prayer, and told the lady praying for me that I was so overwhelmed that I really didn't even know what to ask her to pray for. She was so sweet and just started praying. Well, she didn't pray for strength, peace, etc. (which are all very nice things and what I was expecting to hear, but not what I needed to hear at that time). She started telling me that God is telling her that I am His beautiful daughter, the apple of His eye.

    I will never forget her words. I have to remind myself of them every now and then. =) God knew that I didn't need to hear anything in that moment, except that HE values me and loves me b/c I am His child, and since He is my father, he will take care of me.

    Okay, now that I have left you a novel (Sorry)...I'll stop now.

    I love you very much, and I so appreciate all of the encouragement you speak over my life. You are just like a mother to me, and I hope you know how much your friendship means to me.

    See you tomorrow...

  3. Awesome post Susan!

    The one time that I knew I was "His" that stands out in my mind is after my divorce. God gave me revelation that I was complete and whole with just Him. I needed no one else... and I was happy and content. That is what stands out to me. God is so good and He is so faithful.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  4. Knew we were His?...every day since since 1977! True, some days I hold on by string..but it's a golden cord that connects me to the Saviour...some days lately, as I travel the land of pediatric brain tumors and expected loss, I hold on with white knuckles BUT, truth is it's Him who is holding on to me...I've let go...Thankyou are the best cheering section ever!!

  5. Dear Susan:

    You are truly amazing, awesome and so incredibly awe inspiring. Enjoy yet another venue for your talent of sharing/comforting and loving.....
    Wonderful timing for your new blog as you and Jordan are off again for what I am sure will be prayers answered for Jordan's good health.

  6. Susan...Welcome to the blogging world! Iv kept up with you and Jordan on Caringbridge..but sad to say I never signed the quest book. Your son is a handsome boy. I know you will enjoy "blogging" as the rest of us. Looking forward to keeping up with you!
    Love your page is so inspiring.

    Love and Hugs!
    PS...I have a "Jordan" too.

  7. Susan, welcome and may the Lord bless you at this blog. You have already made it so beautiful. Thanks for coming back to visit me today and thanks for the link. You have such a nice spirit and I look forward to getting to know you better. I love your theme and this passage is a favorite of mine. It is just such passages as this that let me know that I, through Christ, am His. More than thirty years ago, the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to me in salvation, and since then, I know that I am His. Isn't He a wonderful Savior? Happy blogging!!

  8. Hi Susan,
    I am excited that you have found this awesome venue to share your insights and to journal your walk with the Lord day by day.
    I receive so much encouragement from you and I have to say, (as corny as this sounds), that your friendship is just one of the ways that the Lord shows HIS goodness to me. I adore my family and am thankful for them and I'm truly amazed and grateful that the living God chose me before the foundations of the world to be His child. Being saved by His grace is my deepest Joy. There have been many "moments" where His presence and Holy Spirit have changed my life just by directing my steps a slightly different way. Praise God for His indwelling! I pray that I will always be soft-hearted and open to HIS will.
    Love you Susan,

  9. Susan, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and posting a note for Daniel's family! Your prayers are needed and appreciated!

    God Bless You!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!