
Friday, October 19, 2007


I was going through some old devotionals I have saved and ran into this one. Thought this would bless you. What a powerful reminder of where our confidence should be. Enjoy...

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" (Psalm 20:7).

~ Father in heaven,

There are so many things that promise to be my confidence if I will trust in them. Finances promise security. Looks and the right wardrobe promise self-esteem. The right job promises success. The accumulation of great "stuff" promises fun. Yet we know all these things are fragile. The promises, though often fulfilled for a time, can end up hollow. We know too well the stories of how these things can all be fleeting.

Thank You for reminding me in Your word, that there are many things I can put my trust in... yet the ultimate is to trust in Your name. All that Your name encompasses will stay with me and never become fragile or hollow.

* Thank You that You are my Provider. I trust in You today to meet my need.

* Thank You that You are my Peace. Encase me in Your peace today which passes understanding.

* Thank You that You are my Rock. When all around me feels like sinking sand You alone provide a firm place to stand.

* Thank You that You are my Shepherd. Lead me today in paths that You have prepared for me.

* Thank You that You are my Healer. Touch me where I need healing both physically and emotionally.

* Thank You that You are God Almighty. With my God I can scale the walls in front of me.

* Thank You that You are my refuge and strength, my strong tower. I run to You to find the strength and shelter I need today as I face the winds of life.

* Thank You that You are Father God. Encase me in Your loving care today. Thank You that I can trust in the name of the LORD my God! Remind me, by Your Holy Spirit, to live in this reality today. By Gail Rodgers

So, what does it mean for you to trust in the name of the Lord? What are some ways your faith has been heightened?


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Writing out His attributes on my own blog every week has lifted my spirits and renewed my joy. It keeps me focused on Him and where my confidence really lies. Some trust in houses, job security and bank accounts- but I will trust in Jehovan Jireh, my God who provides.

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!