
Monday, November 12, 2007

Captured by His love

"Love is beautiful, but it is also terrible--terrible in its determination to allow nothing blemished or unworthy to remain in the beloved.” ~ Hannah Hurnard ~

It has been many years since I first opened the pages of one of the most life transforming books I have ever read, “Hinds Feet on High Places". I'll never forget the friend who gave me this book saying, "Susan, I hope you are ready for this." I didn't realize why she would make such a statement, and I thought, “ready for what?”

I started the book around 8:00pm one night, and after a box of Kleenex was wiped out, I finished the entire book! I have never had a book that kept me as captivated as this one did. For those of you that are not familiar with the book, it is a beautiful allegory of a young woman called "Much Afraid.” The story takes her on a journey from her "Fearing Family" to the high places of the Shepherd. She leaves with two companions, Sorrow and Suffering, for this upward journey. I immediately identified with Much Afraid. It was as if the author wrote her part with me in mind. So many things had her bound for so long, yet there was nothing more she longed for then to follow her great Shepherd. She wanted more. In this story, she travels through many difficult places on her accent, which finally leads her to the "High Place."

In our journey, the Lord is always calling us to draw closer to Him. Like Much Afraid, we will also face many obstacles along the way, but we must be determined and steadfast to reach Him. This path can only be found when our hearts remain pure before him.

In Ps. 18:26 the Bible says, "To the pure you show yourself pure.” David cried out to God in Ps. 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." And Jesus made an amazing promised to us in Matt. 5:8 when he said, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.”

This beautiful book is based on the scripture found in Habakkuk 3:19, "The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me walk upon mine high places." Yes, to get to that place, we must rid ourselves of all the things that could cause us to stumble and fall on this treacherous journey up that steep mountain.

Just like Much Afraid, we must let go of pride, self-pity, bitterness, fear and anything else that would blemish our love towards God. In Eph 5:27 it says, “And to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” And so, we realize how true the quote above is, "Love is beautiful, but it is also terrible--terrible in it’s determination to allow nothing blemished or unworthy to remain in the beloved."
I know that for me it's time to get this book out and read it once again! If you have not read it yet, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime.

Visit Bonnie at "Ink it Blog " to read her take on the quote and to leave your link along with the other participants.


  1. That is such a brave prayer "create in me a clean heart, oh God". But that is what we need to draw closer to Him. Blessings on you. I have the book and it's on my list to read soon...

  2. Bless you dear, enjoyed this post.

  3. What a lovely post! I, too, remember the first time I opened up this book and the difference it made in my life. Bless you for sharing.

  4. I am adding it to my must read list...
    your boys are beautiful...what a blessing....5 of them! that is just the best!!

  5. I can't believe I've never read 'Hind's Feet'. I simply MUST add it to my reading list! Your post was a great teaser!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm loving yours! Five sons, WOW. We're just drowning in estrogen at my house with four girls, I can imagine your home was a wonderfully rambunctious place when those boys were teeny!

    PS...I'll have a son in the service next year too...a hubby AND a son.

    Blessings to you!

  6. Susan,
    You are so right - this book has been one of the most life changing ones I have read. I get it out about every other year and read it. Since I got my first copy in 1973, I've probably read it 17 times...

    Bless you for sharing today!

  7. Very wonderful post. Thank you for commenting on my entry. God bless!

  8. [And to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless]

    I have found so many wonderful Bible verses attached to the thoughts from this week's IOW. I love that ~ it is one thing to be inspired by beautiful words from a talented writer... but I love the Bible verses!

  9. I've read it a few times...The image that I was remembering today was when she had a flower growing in her heart and she had to sacrifice it for Him. It is such a powerfully moving story!

  10. Oh yes, I read Hinds Feet on High Places many years ago too, and I loved it. I'll have to look for it on our shelves. Thanks for the reminder!

  11. Yep, time to dust off the book and take another read...

    Thank you, Susan.

  12. I read your post before I wrote my own this morning, and it really helped me to understand what she meant behind this quote.


  13. I'm so glad you shared the background to this quote, as I haven't read the book. Now I want to desperately! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I have never read the book but now I really do want to read it. Thank you for telling us about it.

  15. How wonderful! I truly appreciated your take on this quote. You have truly blessed me this day. Now, I must go find this book! Thanks!

    Cynthia Robin

  16. Thanks so much Susan for your sweet, encouraging note. It meant a lot to me today! :)

    Interesting what we both gleaned from this book. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Oh I remember reading the book while an undergrad. I just loved that book...hmmm..i should check my old trunk to see if I still have it and re-read it!
    This was a great post..I enjoyed reading it!

  18. I have never read the book , but it sounds like a must read book...
    thanks for your review ....

  19. gosh G-d sent me here for a reason :) Yup i can relate to Much Afraid. Though G-d doesnt want us to waste here being afraid, rather than folloiwng HIS path. I see it more and more in the life here in Montana. What I dub an "amen"

    Phil 4: 13
    blessings to you
    gp in montana

  20. What a wonderful post. Thanks for the book review, sounds like a must read.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!