
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm still in Disney, and will celebrate this awesome day with my family and grands. What a blessing this time has been! Today I'm so grateful for "family", for my health...(although my back is taking a hard hit!), and for my children's health as well. We are blessed, we are full and we live in a GREAT nation. I'm grateful for Jesus, and for all those who went before us and paid such a great price for our freedom! I'm grateful I live in the United States of America today!

I'd like to share a wonderful devotional I received this morning before I head out of the door. Blessings to you all out there. I'm grateful for you too!

I will bless the Lord at all times. Psalm 34:1

A thankful heart

David said, I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. A thankful heart should be a way of life. But did you know it can save your life? When Jonah ended up inside the whale he told God, I will sacrifice to You with a thanksgiving (Jo 2:9 NKJV). And when he did God made the fish spit him up on dry land. When you are down in the pits and all hell's breaking loose around you are that. When you need to raise your voice and praise God. Nothing demonstrates real trust like thanking Him when you are in the throes of crisis. A thankful heart does 2 things:

(1) Builds your faith. The reason we can walk by faith and not by sight (See 2Co 5:7), is because we know that regardless of the circumstances God is working on our behalf. David said, "Magnify the Lord with me!" (Ps 34:3). Praise acts like a magnifying glass; it makes God bigger than your problem. What changes? Your focus changes! Instead of dwelling on the problem and getting discouraged, your faith is released and you begin looking to God for solutions. And a believing heart will recognize and receive those solutions faster than a doubting one.

(2) Restores life. Before raising Lazarus from the dead Jesus looked up to heaven and said, Father I thank You that You have heard Me (Jn 11:41 NKJV). Something amazing happens when you start thanking God in advance for saving you, protecting you, and providing for you. Your faith begins to soar and you gain the confidence to command those things in your life that you thought were dead to live again. By (Rick Godwin)

Thanks Laurel for being such a gracious hostess on this Thanksgiving Day! You can go visit some other thankful people at Laurel's Wreath!


  1. God IS bigger than our problems! Thanks for the reminder!

    Happy Thanksgiving in Disney! God bless you!

  2. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to YOU too my FRIEND! I love you SO VERY MUCH!!!! I hope you're all doing well. I think I'm a little extra moody this morning, but doing SURPRISINGLY WELL. It's a TOTAL GOD-THING! I KNOW that without HIM I'd be heavily medicated. I might joke about medicine in other circumstances... but in ALL SERIOUSNESS, I KNOW that without JESUS, I couldn't get out of bed each morning. THANK YOU for remembering us, I CANNOT wait to see YOU! (I really hope to get to meet Kristin too!)


  3. Great post...thanks for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you Susan! May you enjoy the day with family.

    Love and Hugs..

  5. Wonderful post Susan,

    Loved the devotional. Happy Thanksgiving! Great List! Blessings, Lynn

  6. thanks for sharing that devotional. Hope your back will not suffer too much. Hope you have a wonderful time.

  7. I was out of town for Thanksgiving, just returned home and am trying to catch up on my blogging friends... I hope you had a wonderful time at Disney and have a safe trip back home... I too am Thankful for my wonderful family and for good health, etc...
    Thank you for the devotional you posted.. I appreciated it!!

  8. God is good, all the time... Praise and thanks! God Bless1

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Susan, I hope you had a great time at Disney. Enjoyed your reminder on how God uses our Thankful heart.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!