
Monday, November 26, 2007

In Other Words...

"One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately should concern us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy."~ Elisabeth Elliott ~

Wow, this quote came to us at one of the most hurried times of the year! It all starts with the preparation for Thanksgiving, and does not stop until New Years Day. Just thinking about my schedule wears me out. I'm so glad I decided to read this quote and take a minute to think about how God might feel about all of this activity. The first scripture that came to my mind was in PS 90:12 where we are instructed by these words: "So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom." What does it mean to truly number our days and why?

Our schedule may be filled with many good and even important things to do. But are they the best things, and the necessary things? I know that I can often identify with Martha. In that very familiar passage where we see Martha trying so very hard to seek the approval of Jesus by her own performance. She blurts out in frustration and says, "Look how much harder I’m working than Mary, Lord!" But she failed to see the important thing, the "one necessary thing" that in coming to Christ it is not what we bring to Him, but what we receive from Him. Mary understood that principal as she sat at the feet of Jesus and worshipped Him. What is the “one thing” that is most needed? Isn’t it hearing and receiving the words of Christ? His words to us are life indeed!

Now there is consolation for all of us who fall into the “Martha trap” in the fact that Jesus did not condemn her. Instead, He gently instructed her and encouraged her to reassess her priorities.

I pray that during this sometimes hectic season, we will not only take time to enjoy all the many things God has blessed us with, but even more importantly enjoy the on who gives the “Blessings”. No matter how busy we may get, let’s not loose sight of why we are doing what we do. I think we all want to be able to look back and realize that we have invested our lives in the things that will last.

Lord during these very hurried times, help us to keep our hearts focused on the things you would have us to do. Be glorified in our lives in this Christmas season, and everyday.

Thanks Sarah for hosting this In Other Words today. The quote could not have come at a better time. To visit other's who have written on this topic you can go visit Sarah's blog.


  1. Beautiful thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

  2. as a 'recovering Martha' I still find myself at times coming to the cross with my dust rag in hand..I'm getting better, I used to bring the vaccum:)
    We need to focus on WHAT and WHO is important and then we will see clearly what HE wants us to do..
    Your words rang so true this morning! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Susan,
    thanks for the reminder to slow down and remember the "Reason for the Season". it is so easy to get caught up in the rush of all the things we have to do..we need to be reminded.
    have a wonderful week...

  4. Learning to slow down and adopt simplicity is a process I am going through right now. I have to remind myself often to just sit down and enjoy the with my son, play outside, whatever.

    Thank you so much for your wise words and for contributing!


  5. Yes, we must remember to number our days and pay careful attention to how we are spending them - rushing about doing "good" things, or sitting quietly at His feet. I appreciated your thoughts this morning!

  6. Thank you Susan. I pray that none of us ignores the best thing this season. Christ in us, our hope, our light, our strength! Blessings on all your plans...

  7. You are such a wise lady!

    I need to slow down. We have been sort of non-stop to with all of the birthdays and everything else going on. I just want to relax!

    It looks like you all had a great time on vacation! I'm sure you are glad to be home though!

  8. Great post! We all certainly need to slow down.

    Blessings to you.

  9. It is amazing to me, the timing of this quote could not have been better! It is a wonderful reminder in deed!


  10. EE's quote is wonderful, and your thoughts are so timely. Blessings, and welcome home. e-Mom :~D

  11. Isn't it the truth, "Now there is consolation for all of us who fall into the “Martha trap” in the fact that Jesus did not condemn her. Instead, He gently instructed her and encouraged her to reassess her priorities." I'm glad that Jesus doesn't condemn us when we get too busy, but we really do need to be reminded to reassess our priorities...especially at this time of year!

  12. Hi Susan!

    Welcome back from your trip!
    So many people are talking about this topic on their blogs, it seems. That is, many of us are dealing with this whole issue of prioritizing our time during this season when so much of it is swallowed up by our busy Christmas doings. This is a timely reminder and may we all take heed.

  13. Trying my best to live out what matters most. I often pray Psalm 90:12. Not sure I grasp the concept yet of numbering my days.

    Enjoy your night!

  14. I can so easily fall in the Martha trap it has to be a conscious effort on my part not to, and God's grace and mercy. This was a timely quote for right now, a great reminder.

  15. Hi Susan,
    This was a great post! These are things we need to constantly be reminded of this time of year.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!