
Monday, November 5, 2007

"Liberated Through Submission"

Thank you E-mom for so graciously hosting this Marriage Monday. If you would like to participate or read what others have posted click on to this link. Hope you have a great Marriage Monday today!

When I saw the topic for “Marriage Monday” this week, I had two emotions. The first reaction was, "ouch". I don't know why I still get this feeling when I hear the word submission, but I do. I guess the reason is that I believed the lies of the enemy for so long about this subject. I still must remind myself about the freedom I have actually gained because of it. The second feeling was to take the opportunity to reveal the truth God has taught me from His Word on this subject. So here goes…

I personally believe the resistance and even pain that often comes from dealing with this whole concept of submission originates from a lack of knowledge. In reality, this mental fear of submission is actually a lie that Satan continues to try and deceive women with on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is, once we are able to grasp the concept that God has designed submission as part of His plan for our good, and for our protection, we will gain a lot of ground. God never intended it to hinder us or hold us back. Unfortunately, with all the publicity about women’s liberation, multitudes of women that think they are free are actually bound by trying to live independently of God’s perfect plan for their lives. Submission is not a "dirty word", but a word that can change and revolutionize our lives, if we are willing to trust God and obey His Word.

I was personally blessed several years ago with the privilege of meeting, Bunny Wilson, the author of a book titled, "Liberated Through Submission". In fact, Bunny spoke at a women's retreat that was hosted by our church. God knew what I needed in my life at that time, and graciously caused a deep friendship to form between us. What can I say? How can you be friends and accountable to the author of a book titled “Liberated Through Submission” and NOT SUBMIT? (He He...) God truly used Bunny to mentor me over the years, and I must confess this was an area I needed lots of help in conquering.

I actually found that the more I learned about the meaning of submission, the more I became free. The load of having to feel that I was in control was lifted from my shoulders. I think the enemy would like for us to believe if we can have the “final say” about everything, things in our lives will work out better. In fact, there is nothing further from the truth. I have discovered that “submission” is the willingness to trust God and place ourselves under His authority. Once we learn to do this, it's a whole lot easier to find a place of submission under the leadership of our husbands. I've heard it once said, "Submission is not about logic, it's about love." Amen?

If you have never read Bunny’s powerful book, I highly recommend it to you. I promise you that your life will never be the same. Bunny has written several other great books as well. You can go to her website here and order one today! In addition, while I am on this subject, I would like to take a minute to wish my wonderful friend Bunny Wilson a "Happy Birthday". I love you Bunny! Your love, your friendship, and your impartation into my life have been a blessing I will always treasure.

“For far too long, men and women have been deceived by the myths, incorrect expectations, and lopsided portrayals of submission. As a strong woman married to a strong man, author Bunny Wilson became angry and frustrated when she first heard that submission was the key to a fulfilling marriage.

In this provocative and surprising book, Bunny Wilson shares her clear and thoughtful understanding of the principles that will revolutionize your most important relationships. Using the Bible as a guide, Liberated Through Submission shares the fascinating facts of true, biblical submission and explores how submission applies to every man and every woman - whether married or single. If submission is the last thing you want to do - you need to read Liberated Through Submission.”

Sharing some tea as Bunny and I celebrated our friendship on one of my visits to California.


  1. For starters I love the song on your blog. "How Beautiful". Great post! I will be hopping over to Amazon and buying this book. Thanks for sharing!

    I found you through e-mom links.


  2. I completely agree with you that the problem with the word "submission" is a lack of information. People hear the word and refuse to learn more. In reality, it is a beautiful picture of God's love. Thanks for sharing your insights on this!!

  3. Great post! I may have to check that book out. Sounds good.

    Lifting a prayer for your marriage.

  4. Thanks for this wonderful post on submission. I'm so glad you've joined us on Marriage Monday! I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I think you are right about the intial response people have. It just shuts them down, but they are missing the beauty and freedom submission offers.
    I've heard of the book, but haven't read it. I'll have to look and see if I can find it.
    Thanks again!

  5. Such a good point about having MORE freedom in submission. Thanks for sharing!

  6. It sounds like a book all of us wives can benefit from.

  7. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for visiting me. I loved your post - it is right on. We struggle because we do not understand. But when we do understand that we have a Heavely Father who would never mean us to be subject to something that could harm us - then we are free!

    I think it's wonderful that you have had such a wonderful mentor in your life - thank you for the book info I will most defiately be checking it out.

    Be blessed lady!

  8. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for visiting me. I loved your post - it is right on. We struggle because we do not understand. But when we do understand that we have a Heavely Father who would never mean us to be subject to something that could harm us - then we are free!

    I think it's wonderful that you have had such a wonderful mentor in your life - thank you for the book info I will most defiately be checking it out.

    Be blessed lady!

  9. Enjoyed this post. And I think I may like that book...I had never heard of it! Thanks for visiting me....Blessings,Faith

  10. Beautiful, Susan. You said it all so well. Isn't God so good to provide for you what you needed in your friendship with Bunny? How precious and special.
    I like it that you said God designed submission as "a part of His plan for our good, and for our protection." Once we come to grips with that, and embrace it, we are well on our way. It is just another of the wonderful provisions He's made for us and instead of resisting Him, we should be thanking Him.
    This is a wonderful post, Susan, and may the Lord bless you for it. Hopefully many will take it to heart, myself included.:)

  11. This was such an honest and lovely post. I've heard of Bunny Wilson, somewhere in my past... I'll take a look at her book, thanks. It looks EXCELLENT. :~)

    These words of yours especially spoke to me: I personally believe the resistance and even pain that often comes from dealing with this whole concept of submission originates from a lack of knowledge. In reality, this mental fear of submission is actually a lie that Satan continues to try and deceive women with on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is, once we are able to grasp the concept that God has designed submission as part of His plan for our good, and for our protection, we will gain a lot of ground. How true this is!

    I enjoy your blog, and thanks for linking up at Marriage Monday today. Hugs 'n prayers, e-Mom

  12. ahhh yes...they talked about this during our conference last weekend. on the great mystery of marriage and how submission in the true sense brings greater freedom!

  13. I am so glad you pointed out how satan always tries to deceive us. In every area that I have found freedom I have always looked back and realized how deceived I was, but yet how close to freedom. Like it was right there, but I just wasn't seeing it!!

    I really enjoyed your post. It is wonderful when God brings women in our lives to help mold and disciple us.


  14. I am honored to be a part of your favorites. I'd love to add you to my blog roll too. I'm in desparate need of updating some of my sidebars.

    I'm going to read your thoughts on submission now. I'm looking forward to hearing your heart.

  15. Love the song too. And I so enjoyed that submission brings freedom. I'm most free when I surrender completely to God.

    I'd love to read this book. Still working through a stack of my to-be-reads. I've seen her books before, at bookstores, and thrift stores.

  16. I like the thought that you shared that the evil one continues to try and decieve women that submission is not good for women. That is very true!

    You have a beautiful blog.

  17. "I actually found that the more I learned about the meaning of submission, the more I became free"

    Yes and more yes... I am such an indepedant little bear.... to the point of ugliness. so this was huge for husband would just giggle at the thoughts of me "working" on being submissive...
    but Praise God... that He is bigger than I am...

    And it is so beautiful when we let HIM handle it...and my husband sees it working... wow

    this was a beautiful post... thank you...



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!