
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Tim 1:12 "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service."

On this Thankful Thursday I would like to give thanks for all of the people God has placed in my life who are serving in full-time ministry, and others who's lives are given in selfless sacrifice to the body of Christ in some way.

~I'm grateful today for my pastor, his wife and the entire staff at our awesome church! I'm so blessed, and so privileged to be a part of such a beautiful local body.

~I'm grateful for a new friend I have made since I began this blog. She has been so patient with me, so helpful, and is also the one who designed my new and very beautiful blog. Amy, you are so talented and you are such a giving servant to the body of Christ. A note to those of you reading this...If you ever need a blog makeover, I would give you my recommendation to go and check out Amy's wonderful work at Spilt Decisionz.

~I'm grateful for Mark and Mylissa Horrock, who head up a wonderful ministry called "Habitat for Hope" in Memphis. This ministry was born out of a desire to bring hope and help to families who have children that are dealing with childhood cancer and other life threatening diseases at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I am privileged to be able to work with them as their Prayer Partner Coordinator.

~I'm grateful for all of our friends who faithfully pray and encourage my son Jordan in his ongoing battle with a brain tumor. What a labor of great love this has been over the past five years. We could not have made it this far without you, and "thank you" just doesn't seem to be enough to express my deepest gratitude.

~I'm personally thankful for Lord allowing me the opportunity to serve His body in so many different ways each day. There always seems to be that "special someone" He brings across my path that needs a kind word or some other type of help just to express His love to them in their time of need. It's the grace, mercy and kindness that He has shown toward me, which equips me for service to others.

~I am also grateful for all of you who have taken time out of your busy day to sit and read this post today! May God bless you, watch over you, and fill you with His overflowing joy today.

~And finally I'm thankful for Laurel who is hosting this Thankful Thursday during the busiest time of the year! Blessings to you Laurel for your service to all of us! You can now go see what others are thanking God for at Laurel's Wreath today!


  1. Oh how my heart goes out to your family as you battle cancer. We are very familiar with St. Jude. My mom in law is part of the ESA philanthropic sorority that raises money for research. We also had best friends who lost a son to neuroblastoma when he was 5. We made the trip to Memphis many times with them.

    Please know you are in my prayers.


  2. I love your blog makeover! It's awesome. What great things to be thankful for today - prayer, most of all. I'll be praying with others for your son too now that I know. A healthy church is not always easy to find so that is a great thing to appreciate as well.

  3. I just love your banner! That is my favorite verse-that God has summoned me by name. I will pray for total and complete healing for you. Just keep praying to God for answers. Come visit. blessings in the name of Jesus,Rose

  4. You have such a sweet post. Thank you for taking the time to write this. You have been a blessing to me this morning. God Bless You!

  5. Your blog design is beautiful. Bless your family as your lives are touched by this battle with brain cancer. So glad you had a wonderful time at Disney!

  6. Susan,

    Your blog is beautiful. Wow!

    I also heut for your family and your son as you walk this journey.

    Thank you for sharing part of your life with me. Blessings, Lynn

  7. You have such a nice, welcoming blog. I really enjoyed the music too! I will pray for your family. God bless

  8. May God continue to bless you with a grateful heart. Praying that God equips you all and sends all the help, comfort, peace, and joy while you help your son battle his brain tumor. Blessings on all of you...

  9. My heart goes out to you and your family as my prayers go up to our healing Father!

    Gorgeous blog, great TT list! I added you to my page.

    God Bless You and Yours!

  10. It's so beautiful around here! Glad I clicked through from Bloglines to see your new look. :~D

    Your thankful list is so kind. Thank YOU for remembering those who serve in ministry.

    Blessings, e-Mom

  11. Your thankfuls touch the deepest parts of my heart. I'm praying for you and yours. You are not alone.

    Blessings, my friend.

    And hugs.

  12. What a testimony you are! Two family members I was very close to battled a brain tumor. I know how incredibly hard it must be. Its wonderful that you are still actively serving the One who called you. I said a prayer for your son and will continue to keep him in my prayers.

  13. Your blog is beautiful!! But not as beautiful as your THANKFUL HEART!! Thanks so much for sharing your list with us today. I will be lifting you and your dear son Jordan up in prayer, as you deal with this illness. The work you are doing is awesome, and I know that God is going to do AMAZING things in and through it! (BTW...I LOVE YOUR FIRST SONG!!...I can't help but worship each time I hear it...I've been set free!!!)
    Have a blessed day!
    In Him,

  14. You are an inspiration to those around you. Blessings to you and your family in this journey.

  15. I loved your post. I have been trying to read some as I take a break from putting my tree up.
    Thanks for visiting.
    Mama Bear

  16. WOW! Your blog looks wonderful! I just love it. I have just caught up on all of your posts . . . and as always I am so blessed by your words.

    Your trip to Disney looked magical and I am sure it was fun to do all the "Princess" things with your granddaughters.

    Blessings on your day!
    Love & FROG,

  17. Thanks so much for visiting me today! And thank you for sharing your blessings. God is so good!

  18. Only YOU could improve on perfection - you are so amazing!!!XXOO-randy

  19. Your blog got a face lift! How beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I feel ministered to by your thoughts today. Praying for health and healing for your son and strength for your family in this trial. Blessings on your weekend.

  20. Great new look!

    Always find encouragement here.

    You and yours are in my prayers.

  21. P.S. Just a friendly reminder that today is Marriage Monday. I hope you'll join us.

    e-Dad is offering a Songs of Solomon Perfume Giveaway. Come sniff things out!

    Blessings, e-Mom

  22. You are one amazing woman! I'm keeping you and Jordan in prayer. Your family is a shining example of God's love!

  23. WOW-WEE!! Susan, Your blog looks FANTASTIC!! The pictures from your trip are GREAT TOO! I've been out of touch a bit the past few days so I'm behind on my internet stuff. CONGRATS again on your "makeover." =-)

    Love you!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!