
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Each year I gather together with a group of my very special friends to share a cup of tea, laughter, friendship, and lasting memories. Over the past ten years, our Christmas Tea has become one of my very favorite holiday traditions, which I look forward to so much every year.

On this Thankful Thursday, I want to thank God for all the wonderful women that He has brought into my life. Friendships are a special gift given to us by God, and I cherish every one of those gifts that have so enriched my life. In Proverbs 17:17 the Bible says, "A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." Oh, where would I be if it were not for my faithful friends and family?

In Psalm 133:1 David wrote, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" I believe this brings glory and honor to our Father as we walk together in unity; upholding, comforting, and encouraging one another. This really is the clearest expression of what we as the Body of Christ need to be about.

In closing today, I'd like to share a few pictures from our Christmas Tea that capture some of those special moments and memories that live on forever. I pray that all of you checking in will have a wonderful day today, and that you will also have the chance during this holiday season to celebrate the friendships that God has so graciously brought into you life!

Pam & Cyndy, we go back many, many years!

My daughter in law Kristin!

~Thrista & Nancy~


My precious treasures...

If you would like to see what others are thankful for please go to Laurel's site!


  1. Susan---that is wonderful...My mother and sisters have had a traditional Sisters Tea at Christmas...and invited a special friend each year to join us...but this is the first year we didn't do it due to health and stress difficulties in our family..I miss it! But I know that we all have enough on our plates right now....Your pictures are so sweet---I know you had a grand time!
    May you be especially blessed at Christmas this year!!!

  2. I miss going out with my friends ... but I am so thankful that they have always been there for me. :)
    Friends and family are truly a blessing! :)


  3. I can imagine what a wonderful time you had - only because I've had them myself! :)

    Your blog is beautiful....


  4. What beautiful pictures!! You look like you had a wonderful time with your friends. Your blog is beautiful Susan...

  5. It is so wonderful that you still live close enough to your friends and family to gather with them at special times...
    enjoy and appreciate the wonderful times you share....
    my siblings all live in other states...
    and one of my daughters also lives in another state... so the get togethers are not near so often... but they are wonderful when they can occur
    looks like you had a very joyous time sharing time together!!

  6. Susan what a special tradition, so many times we get so busy and have a difficult time cultivating friendships. It is neat that you all have a special time of meeting each year.

    Have a great day.

  7. It is such a wonderful thing to spend time with friends. The pictures are so good. Thanks for sharing them with us. Indeed they are treasures.

  8. What a wonderful tradition. Thanks for sharing pictures with us! Loved the WW picture!

  9. What a lovely Christmas tea! Thank you for blessing me with your thankful list. May your family enjoy a blessed Christmas season!

  10. A beautiful group of friends. Thank you for including pictures with your post of thankfulness. I can just imagine the sounds and sweets scents of tea and christmas.

  11. What a lovely tea! Friends are the best accompaniment to tea :)

  12. It sounds like a very special tradition. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Friends are definitely something to be thankful for. Your pics were great! Happy TT!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my site today. I almost wrote about being thankful for my friends today. It is blessing to have friends...

    If you would like stop by again and participate in my new meme, KNOW & TELL FRIDAY. The post is already up... Blessings


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!