
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thankful Thursday

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

As always, on Thankful Thursday there are always so many things to consider to talk about, but today I'm most grateful for the HOPE I have as a believer in Christ. Yes, this listed as one of the three greatest gifts God has given us, Faith, Hope, and Love. To have Hope is crucial in the life of a believer. No matter what has happened in the past, what is going on in the present, or what will come in the future, God’s promise stands firms that He will always be there for us. In Hebrews Hope is called the “anchor for the soul”. There are so many illustrations of what an anchor can symbolizes, such as, stability, security, safety, and the list goes on, but the real question is, “How do we obtain this great hope the Bible speaks about”?

Paul said we gain Hope through endurance, and by the Word of God”! It's holding on when you want to let go. It's believing and trusting even when things look bad. It's standing on the promises, even when you feel like all your strength is gone. Hope gives us a reason to “keep on keeping on”.

David truly understood what Hope was when he wrote, "My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my Hope in your word”. (PS 119:81). And a little further down in this same Psalm he wrote, "You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word." (PS 119:114). It seems Hope centered on the unchangeable character of God and of His eternal promises spoken to us in His Word.

Thank God the He has given us so many precious promises. Our Hope keeps us from settling for human solutions, and it turns our eyes away from our momentary afflictions and helps us focus on the glory of God! I think if anybody could write about Hope it was Paul, who suffered so much affliction in his life and yet could still say to us, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12: 12).

Yes, Hope is truly a gift, and one that I am so thankful to have received from Jesus who is the Hope of the World.

My prayer for us all in this New Year is found in Romans 15: 13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Thanks Lynn for hosting this week's Thankful Thursday. Looks like we were on the same track!

You can go see what other's are thanking God for at Lynn's site now!


  1. Susan,
    This is a wonderful post on hope. Hope is so important in our lives and you've done a great job in describing what our hope is and where it comes from and how we can continue to hold on to it. Blessings...

  2. Awesome post on Hope. Blessings to you...

  3. Thanks for stopping by today on Thankful Thursday, and then reminding all of us of the gift of HOPE that is offered to all.

    If you get the chance stop by again and participate in the 6th Week of my
    "Know & Tell" meme.

    Blessings to you!!

  4. Oh Amen! Hope is definitely the anchor of my soul. I'm so thankful He included it in this weak vessel.

  5. Thankyou for your inspiring post. I need to remember the true meaning of Hope and the true meaning of the season!
    THank you for the touching reminder!

  6. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post on the hope we have. God bless you in 2008.

  7. My hope is in Him. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful post. Be blessed now and in the New Year.

  8. Yes, hope in the Word is awesome! Thanks for the reminder!

  9. Thank you for reminding me the meaning of hope. May your 2008 be abundantly blessed.

  10. Loved your words "Our Hope keeps us from settling for human solutions." Thank you for this inspiring reminder.

    Happy New Year:)

  11. Susan

    Romans 15:13 AMEN!!! Girl, you and I are on the same page...

    Wnderful post and I am putting this scripture into my Manna Jar. Thank you.

    I pray God showers you with many miracles in 2008. Love and hugs, Lynn

  12. Beautiful post!! I love that I have hope in Him through His Word!! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I very much enjoyed your post today, esp. as you focused on one of my favorite topics, Hope! :-)

    It would be a wonderful addition to my brand new weekly blog carnival, The Seventh Day. Details are here:

    Basically, you submit your best post from the prior week, i.e., the one that you would like to spotlight. I will provide the link to it and, hopefully, you will gain some new and additional readers! Simple! It’s just my way of engaging in some community good will and helping all of us expand our audiences.

    Posts on any topic are welcome!

    Hope you will submit this post as I would love to spotlight it!

    Happy New Year!

    Hopeful Spirit

  14. Susan,

    As always your words move and touch my heart. Hope is eternal and it is wonderful to reflect on that as the end of another very tough year draws to a close! Thank you for the encouraging reminder,


  15. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, blessed in every way! Drive-by hugs for a Happy and grace-filled New Year!


    ps--you might like to credit that ornament graphic to "" where I got mine - forgot to do it on my site. Oops :-)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!