
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Col.4: 2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

On this Thankful Thursday I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of a new season of prayer at our church. The Lord gave our Pastor a word that the year 2008 will be the year of "opportunity".

We are now finishing a 3 day total fast and entering into an extended time of a Daniel Fast. Daniel make a statement of faith when he asked for only vegetables to eat and water to drink, then dared the overseer to compare the appearance of the four sons of Israel with the young men who ate the king's food. Fasting brings one into a deeper, more intimate, and powerful relationship with the LORD. When you eliminate food from your diet for a number of days, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and amazingly sensitive to things of God.

I want to be hungry for the living bread, and for God to call me to a deeper place in Him during this year. I'm so grateful I am able to do this with my husband and the rest of the body at our church.

I am open to any prayer requests you may have, and would be honored to pray for YOU during this time we have set apart! Just let me know.

I'm also grateful for Iris who is now back hosting Thankful Thursdays. If you would like to see what other grateful hearts are saying please hop on over to Sting My Heart, you'll be encouraged I know.


  1. Thanks for stopping by today... I have been considering fasting after I watched a church on the TBN channel call a 21 day fast. Fasting has been something that I feel the Lord has laid on my heart several times in the past years, but I never really pursued it. I think fasting is a spiritual discipline that has been overlooked, but I believe it can be used by God in such a powerful way in the believer's life. So joyful for you, and I hope when you come out of the fast you are even more close to God.

    Do you have any info, or know where I could get some info on the Daniel Fast?


  2. Thank you for sharing your grateful opportunity this week. I felt the blessing just reading it.

    I would be humbled but grateful for prayer for an area that I have struggled with for several months. We gave birth to our second stillborn baby - a boy (our only son) and I'm still struggling so much in walk of faith. Time is healing the grief, but I just do not have that "peace that passes understanding" that I know will come one day but in the meantime it is such a stumbling block.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and listening tonight.

  3. I have never entered a days of fasting, only eliminated certain foods of my diet.

    I really like how Daniel stood up to the King and followed His Lord. He is a great example for us.

    Thank you so much for sharing grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours.

  4. I agree that fasting (and eating the right kind of food) could bring wonders to our health as well as help us sharpen our minds. :)
    what a lovely post!
    thank you for the visit!
    Blessings ...

  5. May the Lord bless you and show you what he has in store during this time of fasting!

  6. "I want to be hungry for the living bread, and for God to call me to a deeper place in Him during this year"...
    I love that!!
    Thanks so much for sharing your heart, and your thankfulness with us today. I would love it if you would keep KISA and me in your prayers as we continue on this awesome adventure of church planting. God is working and moving, but there is still so much that is uncertain. Would you please pray that I will REST and TRUST in HIM, throughout this process...and KNOW that HE IS IN CONTROL? Thanks so much!!
    Have a wonderful day!!

  7. Hi Susan,

    I love the days I fast. It's been a while. I used to fast once a week. God definitely cleaning the spirit.

    I love the word of the year. Opportunity. My word is "freely give." I wrote about it on Janaury 11th, I think.

    You are a blessing to me. Hugs!

  8. what a way to begin the year!!
    I LOVE that!! We often overlook that discipline of fasting and we were just reading about it this morning in our family time in Matthew 4.....

    You inspire me to do the same!
    thanks for sharing!!

  9. Yeah! A prayer warrior. God Bless You! Please pray my sciatic nerve becomes unpinched and that I will be pain free. Thank you so much! Now, what can I pray for you for? Just let me know. God Bless!

  10. Susan, How awesome! I had my little personal prayer retreat last weekend. I know you will be blessed by this time of fasting. Do you want to pray for me? You can pray for God's clear guidance and for renewed joy. Thanks!

  11. Hello!
    I found your blog through my profile -- we have some of the same interests; Bible studies and homemaking! You blog is beautiful and encouraging. You have a lovely family too!
    If you care to visit my blog, it is at
    Keep up the great work and God bless you!

  12. Good Afternoon Susan,
    "THANK YOU" for stopping by. I enjoyed reading your "THANKFUL THURSDAY". We all should be hungry and thirsty for GOD'S word and undying Love HE has for us. I have never fasted before but my MIL has. I have done without certain types of foods before tho. "THANK YOU" for the kind comments you left today. I appreciate them very much. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours. You said in your profile you lived down South, do you mind me asking what State in the South you live in? I hope you will come back and visit again. You are always Welcome at my place.

    Karen H.

  13. I pray God's blessings on you.

  14. Thanks for stopping by. Your post blessed me.

  15. God truly honors a thankful heart. And fasting is one of those ways I've seen Him move in my life and in the lives of those I pray for during that time.
    Thank you for your uplifting words.

  16. What an amazing thing you are doing. I think this is my first time to your blog, but I would appreciate it if you would pray for me and my family as we try to make a difficult decision about whether or not to pick up and move because we need to be closer to family.

    Livin' With Me

  17. God's blessings as you seek Him during your fasting. What a privilege to seek His will and spend time in His presence!

  18. Susan...this is a wonderful post!Fasting is powerful...brings God's power into focus in our lives. God bless you through this awesome time of prayer and fasting.
    How encouraging to know you are praying for the needs of so many. Please add my sister Wanda to that list! I appreciate all prayers for her strength and healing! (she has a severe heart/lung condition.)

  19. Susan...this is a wonderful post!Fasting is powerful...brings God's power into focus in our lives. God bless you through this awesome time of prayer and fasting.
    How encouraging to know you are praying for the needs of so many. Please add my sister Wanda to that list! I appreciate all prayers for her strength and healing! (she has a severe heart/lung condition.)

  20. What a great post!!!! In 2007 I participated in a Daniel Fast...and really enjoyed it!!!

    Praying that God blesses you heart during this time.

  21. Susan, I was so encouraged by your comments today on my blog - I'll be praying for your sister and I hope it's helpful for her.

  22. What a great post! Thank you for sharing your journey in fasting! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my post and sharing your kind words. It is always a delight to visit your blog :)

  24. Hi Susan!

    Thank you for coming to my blog and leaving your comment. I am so thrilled you enjoyed it! Please come back anytime.

    I will be visiting you, as well.

    What a beautiful family you have!
    Lisa :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!