
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My First Award!

Robin at Heart at Home has awarded me with the Excellent Blog Award! I'm just so humbled and so blessed to have been chosen. Being new to this blogoshpere world, I'm am truly honored.

I was really hesitate to dive in and start blogging. Now it's become such a source of joy and actually a great passion of mine. The Lord has used so many of the wonderful and gifted writers I have met to speak directly into my own life. I feel as though I personally know many of you already! Again, thanks Robin so much for this nomination. I'm so grateful.

Mother Teresa once said: "We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world." The word instructs us to minister and encourage each other daily. Now in accordance to the rules of this award I will pass it on to 10 more people who's blog's have blessed, inspired and encouraged me greatly. (These are in no special order!) Here are the instructions I received:

By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people who’s blog’s you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. Thank you out there for having such great blogs and being such great friends! You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded…

And the winners are:

Amy @ In Pursuit of Proverbs 31

(A special thank you to you Amy. You have been my mentor and teacher in the blogging world. Thanks for being so patient with me. It's such a joy to have actually had the opportunity to meet you also!)

Lelia @ Write from the Heart

(Oh what a blessing your site has been to me. I'll look forward to getting to know you better!)

(There isn't a day I don't come over to your cozy site, you challenge me so much!)


Tonya @ Safe in His Arms

(Tonya, you are such a treasured friend, so close to my heart. Your love and zeal for Jesus has made me more hungry for him each day, I'm so glad we are now blogging buddies too! Thank you for being my Proverbs 17:17 friend.)


Vickie @ Windows to My Soul

(Thank you for being such a witness for Christ. Your blog continues to open my eyes to truth daily.)


Lori @ All You Have To Give

(Oh, what a joy it has been getting to know you, Thanks for being such an encouragement to me.)


Susanne @ Truly Captivating

(You are such a sweetie, I love your honesty and visiting your blog, I'm so glad we have met.)


Laurel @ Laurel's Wreath

(Laurel, your writing inspires me and I enjoy visiting your blog daily.)


Heather @ Mumblings of a "Mommy Monk"

(Heather, your writings, your thoughts, and convictions challenge me daily. I never leave your blog with out much thought and contemplation. You are such a blessing.)


E-Mom @ Chrysalis

(Oh, what a joy it's been to participate in your Marriage Mondays! I've learned so much from you. Thanks for being such a great example to all of us!)


Heather @ Faithful Froggers

(Heather, you are more then a friend to me, I feel like you are a sister. There is not enough words to describe how much your life, your love for your family, and your testimony of hope and courage inspire me daily. I'm so blessed you are now blogging. Love you...)

One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that there's always so much more to know, so much more to discover. Just when we least expect it, He intrudes into our neat and tidy notions about who He is and how He works. Joni Eareckson Tada

Thank you all for being used by God to teach me more about Him daily!


  1. Ah, Susan!

    Not only does the music here lift my spirit, but your words of encouragement to me today are God's gentle nudge and wink. Thank you for including me. God be praised for all these wonderful ladies, your own sweet self included, whose hearts after Him spur me on, too.


  2. are SO deserving of this award!!

    Have a BLESSED day!!

  3. Thank you so much Susan for your kind words and for including me in a circle of sweet friends who all strive for excellence in our writing/blogging. I'm blessed!

  4. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. This blog is excellent. I am so proud of you for diving right into this blogging world.
    Have a great rest of your week.

  5. Thank you so much, Susan! You are awesome and I love ya!


  6. Susan....
    you are so sweet....I honestly have NEVER seen that one and that makes it mean even more!
    I too have been BLESSED by the women 'out here' who lift me up, and make me laugh and walk the walk with me!!
    It's been a JOY getting to know you as well!!!
    hugs and great big thank yous!!

  7. Susan,

    You deserve this award! No doubt about it. To God be the glory. You are so sweet and encouraging to me. Your support through your words touch my soul.I love reading your heart. Thank you for choosing me in your ten awards. I'm humbled to know we are friends. I hope we continue to connect heart to heart, word by word.

    May God continue to confirm to you how precious you are to Him and others.

    You make a difference!

  8. Your first award??? You deserve many. Kudos, Susan.

    Thank you for thinking of me. I do appreciate it. Woohoo, you've made my day!

    I know some of the bloggers on your list, but not all. I can hardly wait to make some new friends, thanks.


  9. Thank you SO MUCH, Susan!! I am blown away!! It was so sweet of you to think of me in this way, and to share with me such a great award!! I will be posting my nominees soon...don't be surprised if you find yourself on MY list, too!! Your blog is SUCH a blessing!!! Have a great day!!

  10. Susan~
    You are Excellent--congratulations!!
    Thank you so much for blessing my heart today!!! You are so sweet. I never leave your blog without feeling encouraged & with my thinking cap on. I love how you challenge me to become closer to God through your blog.
    Love ya!

  11. Hey Susan~
    Just wanted to let you know I'll award my Excellent Blog Award this weekend. Haven't had time to work on that yet, but I certainly will take the time tomorrow.
    Have a blessed weekend friend!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!