
Thursday, January 10, 2008

On this Thankful Thursday I want to thank God for FREEDOM!!

In June of 1977, I celebrated my true "birthday". Yes, for many of you reading this, that was probably around the time you were actually born! However, on that very special day, 31 years ago, I gave my life completely over to Jesus Christ. It is a day I will never forget, and one that I will always be thankful for.

Now I'd love to say, it was the day God set me free from all my many fears, insecurities, anger, selfishness, and the list goes on and on. Actually, it was just the beginning of a new life where those shackles began to come off one at a time, and even to this day are still coming off more and more as I walk closer to Jesus.

In Romans 6:6 it says, "We are freed from sin’s bondage so that no longer are we slaves to sin, but we are slaves to God." I'm so grateful for being set free from the horrible bondage of SIN that I once walked in, and even thought I enjoyed. Whether we know it or not, we are either slaves to sin are servants to God. No one can serve two masters. You must love one and hate the other. There is no real middle ground. This freedom that I found in Christ is the greatest blessings and joy anyone could every experience. And as I walk in this new life, I understand more each day what “true” freedom really means.

There are so many strongholds of darkness and bondage of sin that can strangle the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. But I love the way Isaiah described the ministry of Jesus 1,000 years before he was even born. In Isaiah 42:7 the prophet wrote: "I, the LORD, have called you (Jesus) in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open the eyes that are blind, to free the captives from prison, and to release from the dungeons those who sit in darkness.”
Oh, that was me 31 years ago, but now I am free and so grateful for all that God has revealed to me about this wonderful liberty found only in Jesus.

Atop the hill in Washington, D.C. stands the Capitol Building of the United States of America. The cornerstone was laid in 1793, but the crowning touch is the statue that sits on top of the rotunda known as the “Freedom Lady”, which was placed there in 1863. The Freedom Lady proudly stands nearly 20 feet tall (now that’s some lady) atop the dome of one of the worlds most notable buildings. A crest of stars frames her face, and a shield of Stars and Stripes is in her left hand. She is but a symbol of all the suffering, pain and bloodshed that others freely offered for us to know the great freedom that we have come to love here in America.

How much more a precious gift is the liberty we have in Christ? And the symbol we have come to know and love is that of the cross standing atop a hill called Golgotha. A place where great suffering, pain and bloodshed also took place. How grateful I am for that sacrifice and vigilant I will be to guard it in my life. I love those now famous words of Martin Luther King, Jr. in his “I Have a Dream” speech when he said, “free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we’re free at last….” And that legendary quote by Patrick Henry in his speech to the Virginia legislature when he said, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

We can see the leaders that have made the greatest difference in the world, are the ones who understood what a precious prize the gift of freedom really is. So today, I will remember the sacrifice that was made for me 2,000 years ago, and like countless thousands of others who have gone before me, will lift up my voice in thanksgiving and praise.

“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
So, what do you want to thank God for today? Please join us over at Lynn's site over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage today to see what others are grateful for! This will be Lynn's last week to host this. Lynn, thanks so much for doing such a great job! You'll be missed.


  1. Good morning, Susan. I'm sitting here with my morning cup of tea and so enjoying your thankful post. Freedom...especially freedom in Christ - is the ultimate in setting us free eternally and TODAY as we struggle with those besetting sins that try to entangle us. Thank you, sister.

  2. Wonderful thankful post. Thanking Him for the freedom that is ours in Christ Jesus.

  3. Susan,
    I love that you "blogged" about freedom today. I enjoyed so much reading it....and love your design and header...You are awesome when it comes to designing your blog.

    Love and Hugs..
    Happy New Year too!

  4. Bless you for such a wonderful thankful list.

  5. Susan, this is AWESOME! I have walked many miles with Christ but He is still showing me areas of my life He wants to bring out of chains and into freedom. What an exhilerating post! Thanks.

  6. You have a beautiful blog. Such a neat TT list. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!

  7. Great post! You are such an awesome blogger.

    I am so tired tonight, so we will have a LENGTHY conversation tomorrow...too tired to write. =)

    Love you, Kristin

  8. Wonderful!! Thanks for stopping by, and if you want to participate in my weekly Friday meme it is up now.

    Blessings to you on your spiritual birthday!!

  9. Wow, I can feel your passion and freedom. God is good. And you are free...I celebrate with you. FREEDOM is ours. Christ paid it all.

    Thank you for praying for me. I thank God for you. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him with all your heart.

    Hugs, my friend.

  10. Amen. The Son makes us free indeed. Freedom from sin is indeed worth blogging about. God bless. Love your new look!

  11. Susan---what an incredible post! I loved it! It is late tonight as I sit here on the bed reading several of the Thankfuls from today...and yours just got my full attention! Amazing is what it was to my heart.
    Freedom...and as I read the music played and the words..."let the church rise...." and I felt the Spirit of the Lord flow over me!
    The Church is doing just that! Rising and will soon be with HIM! His Church---His Bride!
    You blessed me!

  12. "We are freed from sin’s bondage so that no longer are we slaves to sin, but we are slaves to God." Romans 6:6 There is no place I would rather be.

    Even God has a reign on Satan's freedom. ".... very well, then, everything he (Job) has is in your (satan)hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger." Job 1:12

  13. Wonderful thankful post. I enjoyed your blog so much. Thanks for visiting my site and for your encouraging words.


  14. Powerful Thankful post, Susan. Yes - the freedom we have received from His is incredible and sometimes I still can not believe His sacrifice.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thankful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to your weekend and always.

  15. Hi Friend!!
    I have been trying to get on your blog for days. It would bring up the top part & the side bar, but not the posts. Then I left it up today & the music started to play. For some reason I had to scroll down really far to see your posts. Anyway, I am so glad I can get on your blog again. ?Thanks for the visit, I am so thankful to have "met" you and what a small world about my uncle preaching at your church. I forwarded them your message as I think it will encourage his heart.
    I love this post! I wonder how frustrated God gets with me when I choose to stay in bondage over something instead of soaking in His freedom. Ugggh! Makes me sick to think about the YEARS I spent bowing down to my past. Now they bow down to my God and boy has He taken me for such a freedom ride! Opened doors for me only He is capable of kicking down. Thanks for blogging such encouragment & "thinking" posts. :)
    I'll be back...
    Blessings & love,

  16. Susan,

    awesome post...Actually, it was just the beginning of a new life... Amen.... Amen, I am on this journey right along with you. I experience new freedoms each year in Christ. Fantastic Post.

    Love you, Lynn


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!