
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thankful Thursday

On this first Thankful Thursday of 2008, I'd like to start out with a question David asked in PS. 116:2 when he said, "How can I repay the Lord, for all his goodness to me"? Today I feel the same way. It would truly take a lifetime, and then some, to show God my deepest gratitude for all His goodness, mercy, unending grace, love, and compassion that I experience daily as I walk with him. His forgiveness and loving kindness sustain me. Where would I be with out Jesus?

So today, I would like to give thanks for all the ways God has blessed my life, and for His faithfulness to me. Don't worry, I won't make a list, it would take way too long. So I'll just say that I am so grateful for ‘New Beginnings’ as I contemplate the start of this New Year, with all of the opportunities and challenges that it will bring. I want to be more like Jesus by the end of 2008 than I am right now, and as scary as the words of the proclamation on my post below, I'll utter those words, "what ever it takes".

I want to give a great big thanks to the Lord for the awesome "Laced With Grace Giveaway" I won yesterday! Yes, what a thrill this was. I don't win things often, so you can just imagine how excited I was when I was notified. Thanks so much to all of you who made this awesome gift possible. I'll look forward to reading my Women of Faith Study Bible, using Lisa Whelchels' Bible Study Tool, drinking coffee from my "Mugs of Truth", watching "The Nativity Story", (I wanted to rent this and have not yet seen it!), and read the book Love and Respect as I listen to Becky Knight's first CD! Whew, was I blessed or what?

If you want to sign up for the next giveaway, head on over to the Internet Cafe for the awesome John MacArthur Bible Study.

I'd like close today by thanking E-Mom for introducing me to Tami at The Next Step during her New Year's Blog Party she was hosting. Tami wrote such an incredible post on New Year's Day called "Because You Say So"... You really need to go check this one out.

Finally, I’m just so thankful for all my new blogging friends. I was really hesitant to start my own blog, but now that I have taken the leap of faith and launched out into this wonderful world, I am so glad that I did. Happy New Year to you all…

So what you thankful for today? Please join us at Lynn’s place, Spiritually Unequal Marriage to find out what others are thanking God for today.


  1. I love my blogging friends too! I pondered starting a blog for some time and now I don't know what I'd do without it!

  2. What a beautiful post! And congratulations on your win.
    Mama Bear

  3. Congratulations on being the winner! Happy New Year to you. I'm going to head over to read the post you mentioned.

  4. and I for one am glad you leaped into this blogging world with us!! It can be such an uplifting place!!!
    I am going to Tami's to read too!!
    I feel like I'm coming back up for air!
    and congratulations on that PRIZE!! how FUN!!
    have a wonderful day!!
    hugs to you!

  5. Where would we be without Jesus? I'm so glad he stepped into our dark world and filled us with His light! I was reluctant to leap into bloggy world, too. I'm so glad that I did though. Blessings on your New Year!

  6. Happy TT, Susan!! Congratulations on your prize!!
    I so look forward to reading your posts each week. Thanks for being such an encouragement to me!!
    Much Love,

  7. So much to be thankful for today! Blogging is a real blessing, isn't it? He has given us so much!

  8. As always, your post is so encouraging and God honoring. Thank you for your sweet spirit and sensitivity to His will for your life.

    I agree with you. I'm so blessed to be a part of this blogging community. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!

  9. Congratulations on your win! You have a lovely page. Loved reading you TT post. I'm heading over to Tammi's now. Thanks and have a good day!

  10. Hey friend,
    I LOVE the verse you mentioned, How can I repay the Lord, for all his goodness to me? I echo a hearty AMEN! It reminds me of that new Mercy Me song that says, "Who are we that You would be mindful of us? What do You see that keeps you looking our way?" Those of us who know Him are truly blessed, aren't we?

  11. Such a wonderful thankful list, be blessed.

  12. Thanks for that beautiful post you wrote on my post. I love the encouragement. The package you received looked awesome. I will be visiting your blog regularly.
    Be Blessed, Susan

  13. Love the music! What a great question! I love it when things from His word hit me between the eyes and cause me to think.

    God Bless you!

  14. Oh yes! Where WOULD I be without Jesus? I'm so thankful that I don't have to find out!

    Have a blessed day!

  15. This is a wonderful thankful post!

    Congrats on winning!

    Livin' With Me

  16. Yeah - His goodness, mercy, unending grace, love and compassion is amazing isn't it - I marvel over it every single day - and sometimes it bring me to tears...

    Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours in 2008 and beyond.

  17. Susan,
    Congrats on winning and thank you for stopping by.

    These are beautiful words and a thankful heart is a happy heart!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!