
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Price of Freedom

With all the talk about the war on TV during this election year, it has really made me stop and think more about all the brave American soldiers who are deployed throughout the world defending our nation.

So, on this Thankful Thursday, I'm thanking God for every one of the men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. At this very moment thousands are away from the safety of their homes and are in dangerous places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and many other parts of the world. We are grateful to them and their families for the great sacrifices they are making. So many have not made it back home, and thousands of others have returned with severe and debilitating injuries. This is real life, not a movie... Our enemies hate freedom, but we must stand and defend it even when the cost is so high.

I'm proud to be the mother and aunt of a soldier. My oldest son Jason is in the Army Reserves. He just completed his Officers Training School and will soon receive his commission as a Second Lieutenant. He has served oversees in Germany, South America, and Afghanistan. Also my nephew Mark is in the regular Army. He is currently stationed in Korea after finishing a one-year tour in Iraq. He was a gunner on an armed Humvee. We are so thankful to God that he made it back safe and sound.

(Our Son Jason)

I suppose these days everyone knows someone who has a son or daughter in the military. It’s just the state of the world we live in. We cannot forget the many sacrifices made daily by these courageous men and women. As we sit at our table to share a meal with our families, or jump in the car and head off to the mall, or go the show or a nice restaurant to eat lunch, remember that there is cost being paid for all this FREEDOM we enjoy.

It has been said that “Freedom is never Free”. There is always a price to be paid. The Bible says that Jesus has set us free from sin and death, but He had to pay a great price when He suffered and died on the cross. And our soldiers are doing the same thing for all of us everyday. They are willing to lay down their own lives to keep us free. May we always be grateful for what they are doing for us. Please join me in prayer for their safety and protection, and when you see a soldier, take the opportunity to tell them “Thanks”! It just may be exactly what they need to hear that day.

If you would like to join us on this

Stop by Iris's place; Sting My Heart. Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. Yes, we thank God for the gifts of freedom which are ours.

  2. My brother is in the National Guard. He served a one year tour in Iraq. I can't express how much I truly appreciate every man and woman in uniform who serves to protect our country and others. They are the true heroes of the world.

    Wonderful post Susan!

  3. I thank God for the soldiers around the world who fight for freedom. My great uncle fought and gave his life in the 2nd world war for us :-)

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
    Glad to know that you son will come to China to teach English, May our heavenly father protect his steps.
    My hometown is Hu-bei province, but now I live in Guang-zhou,guang-dong province.
    So which city does your son will go?

  5. Hi,

    I will say prayer for your son and your nephew, that they will always be safe as they go about defending our country. I have a cousin in the military but thank goodness she wasn't called to Iraq, she served in the gulf war. Thank you very much for visiting my Thankful Thursday. Hugs...

  6. This is a wonderful post. I can relate because my brother is in the military (our country).

  7. Amen and thank YOU, Susan, for allowing your son to serve in this way. I imagine as a mother of a service man, you've spent quite a bit of time on your knees and experienced a little anxiety. Thank you for YOUR sacrifice that benefits us all.

  8. Yes ma'am!! Our freedom is MOST DEFINTELY something to be thankful for!! I am most especially thankful, for men and women, like your son, who sacrifice their lives for our freedom. Like Amy said, they are the true heroes. Thank you for sharing this...
    You are so precious!!!

  9. I am so thankful too for mother's who raise those MEN who serve...
    They are heroes and thank your son and nephew for ME....
    They do what most will not....for us...

    wonderful words Susan!!

  10. Thanks for reminding me of this today. A lady at our church has a son who just went to Iraq named Tommy and I am praying for him. My Dad was in Korea and I lost a couple of great-uncles in WWII. They really are the true heroes of our world.

  11. You are so right, Susan, freedom is never free! I too am thankful for our men and women in uniform. My cousin is currently stationed in Baghdad - I pray for her safety daily!

    And it all reminds us of the price our Savior paid for our freedom!

    And thank you for your kind words on my TT post this morning!

  12. Thank you for this MUCH needed reminder...God bless our armed forces!

  13. Thank you for sharing. What a wonderful reminder. Thank you.

    I was reminded of the sacrifice of our service men and women and their families after reading Ever After by Karen Kingsbury. I wrote about it a few weeks ago on my blog.

  14. AMEN to that post! I am so very thankful for our military. What a tremendous blessing they are to us.

  15. Susan, what a WONDERFUL post today! YES, we should TRULY respect the men and women that serve to protect our country. As for Jason, well, he's got two little "fan's" here in Mississippi that are looking up to him! Yes, he's one of their heroes! (What a GREAT thing to have a "real life hero" who is not only GENUINE, but also loves his LORD. We're praying for him, your nephew and all the others that are out there defending our country and protecting not only OUR freedom, but that of others as well.

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. And thanks to the mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers of these men who also exhibit great courage.

  17. These people are definitely something I am thankful for!God bless your son for his service!

    P.S. Yes, that's Gymboree the children's clothing store I work for. My challenge is not spending my hard earned money there! Everything I see, I think, "That would looks so cute on Megan (or Kyle, or the new baby. . .)!"

  18. Thanks for posting this honor to our men and women that protect us and our freedoms in this country. We pray for them! Blessings to you dear girl.

  19. Susan,

    Plase say, "thank you" to your son and nephew for me. Having a stepdad, 2 uncles, and a cousin, who served in the military, I don't take freedom for granted. I can't sing Star Spangle Banner with dry eyes anymore.

    Have a good weekend,

  20. When I stop and think about all of the men and women who are fighting and dying for me- for ME, little old me- it amazes me. Wow. I am thankful.

  21. Beautiful! A wonderful post. I'm standing up and cheering with you for Jason and Mark. Hugs!!!

  22. This post touched my heart in so many ways. Thanking God with you and FOR you - you're a real blessing in my life.

    Praying fervently for your son and nephew, that God's hand of protection will always be over them. So grateful for their service.

    love you!

  23. Thank you for such a lovely post, bless you.

  24. have SO touched my heart!!

    We have friends that are in the military...and we've been the hand extended to the wife/family who have been left behind while our friend has served.

    We truly are a blessed people....having such brave men and woman standing on the front lines...for us.

    May God bless your heart...real good....and flood your soul with HIS peace.

    Have a great weekend friend. :-)

  25. While I was visiting your blog for TT yesterday, I listened to a favorite of mine "I Know My Redeemer Lives". We are singing it in our cantata at church this Easter. I just had to write about it on my blog and put a link to you. Two of my blog buddies have visited your site to hear the song and were blessed. Praise God. Just had to let you know.

  26. What an awesome reminder for all of us to be thankful for!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

    Blessings to you!

  27. Amen to that, Susan. It is so true - so many men and women giving up their own freedom to protect and serve. May we remember them more often than not in our prayers - and their families. I have several friends who's husbands are currently serving in Iraq.

    What a blessing that your son and nephew have put theirs lives on hold to serve.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and your precious family.

  28. Thank you to both you and your son for protecting our country and our freedoms.

    Have a great weekend.

  29. this is a wonderful post of tribute to all of the military...
    thank you Jason for your sacrifices...
    you can be very proud of your son and your nephew for the time they have given in service of our country...
    we are very proud of them...

  30. I've always said I thank all the men and women in the military and appreciate the sacrifice they make.

    But now that my oldest son is seriously considering joining it is all the more real to me.

    Great post!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!