
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

On this Thankful Thursday I want to thank God for his WORD, which brings me such great JOY!

Because of a conflict that came up right before church last night, I almost decided not to go. Now, isn’t this just like the enemy to try and keep us away from God’s blessings?

Just as my husband and I entered church and sat down the worship leader asked if there was anyone here who needed to release some thing to the Lord? He went on to say that if you are tired of trying to do things on your own, just lift up your hands, and someone will come and pray with you. Immediately I knew God wanted to speak to me.

This was only the beginning. We had a guest speaker, and he taught out of 2 Chronicles 20 where Jehoshaphat was warned that a vast army was coming up against him. The pastor shared from that passage in a brand new way about all the things Jehoshaphat did upon receiving this news. Now God had my total attention, and I knew why the devil was working so hard to keep me from church. I was supposed to be at this service to hear this amazing Word! He taught us when we come to God we should first bring “praise” unto God. We do this by declaring His sovereignty, His dominion, and His ability to do all things. Then we are to testify and bring ourselves into remembrance of the goodness of God and all the mighty things He has already done for us.

So that is what I want to do today. I want to thank God for all the battles he has already brought me through. I want to thank Him for His Word that has never failed me. I want to thank Him that there is none besides Him – He is God alone! And finally, I want to thank Him that the “Battle is the Lords” – and I can stand still in faith and “See the salvation of the Lord”!

Isn’t the Lord wonderful? I love they way God’s word is alive and just as relevant today as it was the day it was written. It still brings healing and hope to all who will hear it.

In Psalm 107:20 the Bible says, “He sent forth his word and he healed them…”

Thank you Jesus that your word brings healing, hope and life to this hard hearted and weary soul. Thank you for being so patient with me. For the “Joy of the Lord” is truly my strength!
If you would like to see what other grateful hearts are thankful for today, join us at Iris' Sting My Heart!


  1. Susan,

    A wonderful TT. Yes, satan will try to sneak in and keep us from the Word. I'm glad you decided to go to church so God could speak to you.

    Thanks for visiting my TT post. You're welcome anytime.


  2. What a great reminder of how awesome His Word is. I have found that the days that are hardest for me to make it to church are the days that I most need a Word from the Lord. He is so faithful to always supply a message a hope or healing or many times correction!

    Thanks for visiting my TT post. You are such a sweet encourager!

  3. W-O-W! Susan, those days are too few and far between but MAN when they happen...when God steps directly into our path ans asks that we listen...WHAT a blessing! Praise Him!

  4. Amen and Amen Susan! Boy we only know half the battles God has already won for us. Blessings on you and yours...

  5. Amen to that, Susan. I too love that God's Word is alive and active. It is wonderful to me to read His Word, discover new meaings to 'old' Scriputure passages.
    I am glad that you were able to make it to church yesterday - despite the little challenges.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  6. Sometimes we forget we're in a real battle, don't we? We need to start the battle with praise each day (I love that story of King J., by the way, it's a favorite of mine!).

    It's awesome when God speaks so clearly to your soul!

  7. Your post spoke to me. My husband and I go to church two or three times/year, under all sorts of pretexts. It is the evil's work, oh I am so glad you said so!
    Blessings to you.

  8. That is wonderful!! I've often heard it said that when you don't want to go to church or when you don't want to do devos or whatever...that is when you need to do them/or go to church the most!!

  9. Such a lovely thankful thursday post.

  10. Thank you for the reminder that the Battle is His!!

  11. What a wonderful thing to thank God for! Bless you.

  12. Great post. It's true that everyday we have battles -external and internal. Evil vs good. We can fight it but God is really our armour, our true weapon.

  13. What an awesome, encouraging story! I am glad you shared it w/ us. I am so looking forward to your b-day celebration!
    Love ya, Kristin

  14. GIRL.....I'm SOOO glad that I stopped by.....what you heard and passed on is EXACTLY what I needed to hear tonight....and I was almost kept from coming here...HA!
    what a blessing!! For the battles HE has already brought us through and the ones yet to come....WE ARE ARMED IN HIM....I loved it!!! always!!!
    scattering joy with you!!!

  15. Susan this TT just blessed the socks off of me! I love the fact that the message spoke to you so much. I too find it difficult to get to church when there is a message I KNOW I need to hear.

    Praise God.

  16. Susan this is my first visit and what I blessing! I love your thankful post!

    AND I love Is 43:1 what a wonderful word from God!!!

  17. Thanks for your sweet comment you left on my blog! I love meeting new people! Wow! Five boys?! I bet your loving your granddaughters! =)

  18. That was a great TT post and I love the graphic that you used to illustrate it!! Did you make that yourself? It just completely embody how powerful God's strength is...Nothing can penetrate when God's protection is over us.

  19. SUSAN! I am hollering your name! I needed to read this! "The Battle is the LORDS!!! Not ours! Wanda's health battle is GOD'S NOT HERS!!!
    This was the reminder I needed to night. I am now on my way to pray---thank you Susan! For your obedience to the Lord for going---and then for sharing!

  20. 2 Chronicles 20 is one of my favorite passages. I love the challenge in it.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  21. HI Susan!
    Wow! That is mighty!! A battle was being fought for you to get to church & you didn't even know. How cool is our God???
    I love that passage about King Jehoshophat. Our pastor taught on it about 2yrs ago & wow, it touched my heart so deeply. I once heard Beth Moore say, "Stop making your problem bigger than your God, it's time to let your problem know how big your God is." Amen!!!
    Have a great weekend my friend!
    Love ya,

  22. Susan,
    Yes, we should always thank God for his word. Gosh,,I just love the messages im your posts. They truly are inspirational.
    Have a great weekend my friend!

    Love and Hugs..

  23. isn't it wonderful the way God let's us hear just what we need to hear...when we need to hear it most?!!!
    Satan used his limited power to keep your away from God's encouragement.. but praise God you made it to the service.. so God could open your heart to more of his goodness!!

  24. There have been many times that I almost didn't go to church for one reason or another. Then when I got there it seemed like the message was just for me. Satan sure does try to keep us away when we need to be there the most.

  25. Amen! Yes, we must always remember that Satan is lurking about, ready to snatch our joy and plants seeds of doubt in our mind towards God. But as you reminded us, God is good and is faithful and true to His Word. He has already fought and won the battle :)

  26. A strong post uplifting the Lord for His ability to do and accomplish all things.

    It's so true that the enemy tries to keep us away from His presence and Word. Funny how in everyday life, there seems to always be something that gets in the way of our reading the Word. That's where discipline comes in. And that's where your obedience and trusting came in for going no matter those uncomfortable circumstances.

    And finally, I want to thank Him that the “Battle is the Lords” – and I can stand still in faith and “See the salvation of the Lord”!

    Absolutely. Something I wrote just recently that aligns with your wonderful statement...

    "It's not just knowing that God is in control but thoroughly believing it. I don't need to foolishly command angels or rebuke the devil. That would still be trusting in my strength to make it happen or self determining the method. I need only ask God for His covering in all areas. He will determine how that will be carried out safely. I just need to trust He will do so as He sees fit and that He will be there mightily for me in the midst of all things."

    Thank you for being the confirmation that I was understanding His leading in my latest posting. You see...He had multiple purposes for your going to hear the Word because your posting about it rippled out to me and my posting will ripple out to others and all for His glory.

  27. Aw, your post is so good. Wanted to thank you for the uplifting prayer you left at my blog the other day. I've been so burdened with so much, and am thankful my sisters in the Lord care enough to come alongside me and pray. God bless you and thank you!!


  28. Wondeful! Thank you for sharing. I've found that when it's the hardest for me to get out of bed to go to church, it's when there is always a Word for me to here so I press on.

  29. Susan,

    The battle IS raging. I stand amazed the Lord would see fit to use us for His purposes in this world. Awesome.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!