
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Following The Light

“Mrs. Amato, could you please read over these papers carefully and sign them before we take your son, Jordan, back for his surgery.”

I’ll never forget reading that frightful paper 6 years ago. Because of the location of my son’s brain tumor there was a great risk of damaging his optic nerve during surgery. There were other severe risks associated with going into this area of his brain, but I just could not get past the fact my son could come out of that operating room blind. I remembered pleading with God not only to let my son live, but asking Him to please let him see!

I guess we don’t think about our vision until there is a threat of losing it. That probably goes for almost anything in life. Jordan went through the surgery, and although they could not remove his tumor, I’m so grateful that God heard my cry and my son’s vision remained intact.

Is there anything worse then losing our physical sight? I would have to agree with what Helen Keller when said wrote this compelling statement:

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."~ Helen Keller

So how is it that some can see, but have no vision? I think Paul answers this question when he penned these words in 2 Corth. 4:4

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God”.

Before we met Christ, how many of us were blind and unable to see the God’s truth? Actually, we all were. We walked around in total darkness unable to see and understand God's love, holiness, forgiveness, and the countless other things that God purposed for all mankind to know.

Unlike Jordan, most of us will never ever experience the threat of losing our physical vision. Yet, how many people are content to live their entire lives blinded from the truth and never able to see and know the only true light of this world, Jesus Christ?

One of my favorite lines from the well-known hymn Amazing Grace says it so perfectly. What believer who ever received the miracle of having their spiritual blindness healed by Jesus, cannot identify with the words of this song?

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

But to answer Helen Keller’s question; Yes, there really is something worse then being blind, and that is being unable to see God.

I’m so grateful for the vision Jesus has given me. A vision to know what is the hope of His calling. A vision to be able to see the desperate needs of this lost and hurting world, and a vision to know that one day, when I leave this world, I will be in His presence for all eternity.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

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  1. I once was blind, but now I see. Amen. Keeping my eyes open today in appreciation for that gift.

  2. What an awesome post. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Susan, WOW! What a perfect way to explain and parallel the quote with scripture. You're a TRUE BLESSING AS ALWAYS!


  4. Susan, I found you through another blog and I'm glad that I did! I love Helen Keller's statement as well!! I so long for the day when I see my Lord and Savour!!

    Great blog!


  5. Without light, we have not vision! Thank you that Jesus is the light and He has given that light to us that we may also cast into the lives of others. Wonderfully said, Susan. You are a blessing.

  6. Thanks for such a lovely post.

  7. Amen, Susan. So beautifully expressed. Praise God for giving us sight. So glad Jordan made out okay.

  8. Susan-you have a beautiful blog site and I couldn't agree more with you on this topic of spiritual sight. We have to try and look at all our circumstances and situations through God's eyes. Then life becomes more beautiful!
    In His Graces~Pamela

  9. Thank you for sharing about your child and relating it to this quote. Very thought provoking.

    If you have a chance - you might like the book for "sons" that I am offering for a giveaway on my blog. It's a neat book AND (shhhh) I will be having SEVERAL book giveaways next week!

    You have a lovely blog.

  10. Wow! Perfectly stated. I'm so glad I stopped by to visit today!

  11. Thanks for an awesome post!

    Blessings to you.

  12. Another favorite post! Love the scripture and the Amazing Grace verse . . . so very true for ALL of us!

    Have you ever thought of writing a devotional book? You have so much to share and your words truly bless me. I'd be first in line for your book! :)

    Have a great week!
    Love & FROG,

  13. Morning, my Friend! I'm about to get out for the day and wanted to check in and see if you'd posted anything this morning. I guess I'll check back later today. I pray you're having a GREAT ONE!! (I sure do miss you and your sweet family! Can't wait till you come up for a visit) =-)

  14. This was a beautiful post, Susan!! So real, and so true!!
    Thanks for stopping by. The kids and I are great. I may have royally messed up my van, but that can be replaced!! God is SO GOOD!!
    You are such an inspiration to me!! (And talk about beautiful!! Have YOU looked in the mirror lately?? ;-))


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!