
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gratitude for Ungrateful Days...

On this this Thankful Thursday, I'd like to share a really neat devotional by Max Lucado. I pray it touches your heart like it did mine. I know God loves a grateful heart, here's a beautiful illustration. Thanks so much for stopping by today!

“Always be joyful. Pray continually, and give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus”
(I Thessalonians 5:16-18 NCV).

Look at the totality of those terms. Always be joyful. Pray continually. Give thanks whatever happens. Learn a lesson from Sidney Connell. When her brand-new bicycle was stolen, she called her dad with the bad news. He expected his daughter to be upset. But Sidney wasn’t crying. She was honored. “Dad,” she boasted, “out of all the bikes they could have taken, they took mine.”

Make gratitude your default emotion, and you’ll find yourself giving thanks for the problems of life. Need spice in your day? Thank God for every problem that comes down the pike.

Is any situation so dire that gratitude is eliminated? Some of the ladies at the Women of Faith Conference thought it was. This great organization fills arenas with women, and women with hope. The president, Mary Graham, told me about one particular weekend in which a shortage of space tested everyone’s patience.

The floor had 150 fewer seats than needed. The arena staff tried to solve the problem by using narrow chairs. As a result, every woman had a place to sit, but everyone was crowded.

Complaints contaminated like feedlot fragrance. Mary asked Joni Eareckson Tada, a speaker for the evening, if she could calm the crowd. Joni was perfectly qualified to do so. A childhood diving accident has left her wheelchair-bound. The attendants rolled her onto the platform, and Joni addressed the unhappy crowd. “I understand some of you don’t like the chair in which you are sitting. Neither do I. But I have about a thousand handicapped friends who would gladly trade places with you in an instant.”

The grumbling ceased.

Yours can too.

Impossible, you say? How do you know? How do you know until you give every day a chance?
If you would like to see what other grateful hearts are saying stop by Sting My Heart today.


  1. Susan, Your post reminds me of a hymn we used to sing in church...

    Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

    O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s light for a look at the Savior,

    And life more abundant and free!

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    Through death into life everlasting
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    O’er us sin no more hath dominion—
    For more than conquerors we are!
    His Word shall not fail you—He promised;

    Believe Him, and all will be well:
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell!

    YES, when we look at our JESUS and what's to come... the things of this world do grow strangely dim! Thanks so much for the AWESOME reminder to keep our eyes on JESUS!

  2. God Bless You for that very humble post; We forget in our grumbling that there is much to be thankful for and forget that as hard as we may have it, we forget to thank our Heavenly Father who had it harder when His One and Only Son died for all of us.

    Through His Greater Love, He endure Greater pain so we could have what we have.

    Wonderful post!

  3. oh this is good! Thanks for posting it, I think we all need that reminder once in a while.

  4. Wow, so convicting! I want eyes to see things like the girl with the bike. To realize that everything is a gift - even a skinny chair!

  5. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.

  6. How easy it is to grumble, and how hard to be grateful! Thanks for a "grate" post :)

  7. Just the devotional that I needed to hear. My husband is out of town working and called today to say that our only vehicle broke down and can not be fixed. But I'm really trying hard to keep a good attitude and have a grateful heart. After all, we will be getting another van now.

  8. what a wonderful post ... and great reminders! I should remember that more often ... :)

  9. Sweetie, I live in chattanooga tennessee.

  10. "Make gratitude your default emotion." Wow, that rings out loud and clear!

    I love Joni Earekson Tada's attitude. She is one spunky lady. She actually makes me chuckle with these bold words: “I understand some of you don’t like the chair in which you are sitting. Neither do I. But I have about a thousand handicapped friends who would gladly trade places with you in an instant.” Now that's influence!

    Love you!

  11. A powerful post! Really got me thinking - thank you for that!

  12. Such an enriching post Susan! Thankyou so much for sharing your wisdom. What a wonderful thought to start off a "Thankful Thursday."

    Love and Hugs..

  13. Susan....
    You know...THIS is why you are a fave of mine!! It's EXACTLY what I needed to hear! It IS all in how we look at it....

    If we'll just LOOK closely enough....
    God gives us EXACTLY what HE wants to give us...and ALWAYS for a reason...we just have to "lean in" and listen....

    Hey and Tonya quoted my FAVE too....
    "turn your eyes upon Jesus....and the things of earth will grow strangly dim, by the light of His glory and grace..." It's on my header to remind ME!!

    love ya!! Happy Thursday!!!


  14. What a beautiful devotion to remind us to be grateful. I am grateful that my vacuum cleaner blew up last night, because I don't have to vacuum until I get a new on!

  15. How wonderful! Thanks for the positive reminder about having a positive outlook. God bless you.

  16. What truth. Susan, this was so good. A blessing today!

  17. It is SO easy to grumble...yet..God has given us SO much to be Thankful for.

    Thank-you sweet friend...for your post, and this great reminder.


  18. Oh, that is just good stuff! Love the example about JET and the seating situation. I'll certainly try to be more grateful. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I am so glad that I read your post today. My post today was one of grumbling about my crabby little guy.I am very thankful that I have this little guy. He has blessed me beyond measure and today I was not very thankful for the gift the God game me in him. I am humbled.

  20. Awesome post as always! Thank you so much.

  21. Oh what a lovely story. I need to read this about Joni every day.

  22. What a great post! Very uplifting. To see things the way the little girl did with her bike....we need to be more like that! or at least I do anyways!

  23. I don't know what else to say after reading all of the comments already posted. You have a way of just reaching into hearts and touching them! I am so thankful for you and your writing today!


  24. Speak the truth sister. Love this post. I heard Joni speak a few years ago and her heart made me bawl. She has such a peace about her.

    Loved all of this post.

    Giving thanks for you today.

  25. Wow! What an inspiring message today Susan!! I needed that. It's so easy to look at what everyone else has and wish we had it. But if we truly open our eyes, can we honestly say we want what others do?

    I love it. I'll have to show it to my husband. He's a pastor. I think it would make a great sermon illustration!! Thanks!!

  26. Oh, Susan -- I needed to hear this today. I've been grumbling far too much this week, and most of it is about inconsequential types things. I am so blessed and I need to re-focus my grumblings to my blessings. Thanks so for sharing with us all!

  27. Susan, sweet sweet Susan.
    Thank you so much for your prayers for my granddaughter on her way & also for what you wrote on my blog. It was so touching. I can't wait to have Alyssa read it.
    I've always loved coming by your blog. You are a true encourager. I bet you make God smile A LOT! Also, thank you for sharing about your son. I did know he had a brain tumor and often wonder how he is doing.
    Love you much!

  28. Awesome. Thank you for sharing this, it blessed me tonight.

    Have a wonderful Friday.

  29. You have a wonderful post. Thanks for a great reminder. I enjoyed my visit! Thanks and God Bless~

  30. Oh - what a wonderful story. I love what Joni said - I am sure that even though we might grumble at our circumstance - I am sure that someone would love to take our place :)

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  31. that was so encouraging. people tend to look at the negative so easily, that includes me. but the girl's attitude was inspiring. i hope i'll have that kind of attitude too - being able to see the good in any bad situation.

    thank you for sharing. God bless! =D

  32. It's all a matter of perspective, huh? Thanks for the reminder we can choose our attitude

  33. Thank you...I needed this advice on having a grateful attitude no matter what. I have been facing some very trying situations on a daily basis, and this gives me a renewed perspective.

  34. I enjoyed reading your post. No matter how uncomfortable we are with our situation, there is always someone worse off than we. Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Mama Bear

  35. P.S. You've won an award! When you get a chance, please stop by to pick it up.

    Hugs! e-Mom

  36. WOW . . . another very powerful post. I need to bookmark this one so when I am having an "ungrateful" day I can come back and be reminded of my blessings. Great update!

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
    Love & FROG,

  37. Hey There, Girlfriend! I wanted to tell you that there is a FUN new "meme" listed over at CWO. It's called "Then Sings My Soul Saturdays."

    Have a GREAT WEEKEND...

  38. Hello, My Friend! I wanted to check in to say THANKS for the sweet words of encouragement you left for me today.

    I really miss being there with you and your family... I sure wish we lived closer together. =-/

    Okay.. I'm looking forward to your next post.. "hint, hint." ;-)



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!