
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Soapbox Sunday

On this Soapbox Sunday I'd like to share a video that was going around a few months ago. It really convicted me because I was guilty. If you haven't seen this, please take a minute to watch this. (Please remember to mute my music playing!)

In 2 Timothy 2:15, it says, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of truth."

The Word of God is the greatest treasure we'll ever possess. As we study it, we will gain understanding to live by and come to know the fullness of Christ that is revealed to us in it. Let's always take time to seek God in his Word and mediate upon it's great truths.

How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to your word. Psalm 119:9

I will delight in your decrees
and not forget your word. Psalm 119:16

How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

Thanks for stopping by today! Got to go, time for my devotions!!


  1. Really does make you think, doesn't it? And one of the best chapters about the Word IS Psalm 119!
    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. this really spoke to me...I think I read my Bible often...but do I really???
    thanks for this very vivid reminder of how much we should really be relying on our Bibles...

  3. Oh that is good! I have read that in email form but I like this clip. I am probably the exception but I do take my bible everywhere I go (I have several of them) and I do give them as gifts (which embarrasses my kids).

    My girls took a friend (8yrs.old)to church with us today and on the way home she said, "we don't actually read the bible in my SS class, the teacher reads it to us." On the other hand our church has our kids looking up the verses in their own bibles and memorizing them. I don't think you are ever too young to fall in love with the word of God!

    Thanks Susan for getting on the Soapbox today!


  4. Susan,
    I have never seen that video before and it convicted me, too. It also reminded me of a sweet friend in high school, Linda. She talked to me for months about Christ and His love for me, but I really thought she was crazy. When she left for college the year before I did, she gave me a Bible with a message that she wrote. It was several years before I came to believe in Christ, but I still point to that moment as a a defining time in faith. I still have that Bible, too! You never know when that gift will become important to someone. Thanks for sharing and evoking a wonderful memory for me.

    I have been praying for you...are your headaches better??

  5. I have been reminded! I hardly ever use my cell phone and most of the time I don't even have it on...but this spoke to me in volumes.

    Question? What is most important to me?

  6. WOW! I hadn't seen that!! I have a few of them...but I need to keep it with me at ALL times...what a message!! I keep buying my kiddos them too! What a message...I'm passing this along!

    don't leave home without it...that should be the NEW MOTTO...we'd never leave without our phone..hmmmm....


  7. Yes, yes, and yes!

    Thanks for sharing. I think the best part about this is we can keep His WORD and write it on the tablets of our heart. We carry it over everyday. I want to live out loud for Christ. He paid my bill. A pricy one.

    Thank you, Susan.


  8. Your blog looks very bold, I can't wait to come back later and read more when I am thinking and reading straight!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!