
Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Treasured Inheritance

“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” (PS 2:8)

On this thankful Thursday, I want to thank God for technology. Yes, you really can’t appreciate your cell phone until you receive a call from Russia, half way around the world, while you are out shopping.

In the summer of 1994 our church took a team to Russia to hold evangelistic crusades and help plant a new church. As we were ministering in a city called Ivanovo, I met a young girl named Jane who could speak some English. She received Christ, became one of our interpreters, and traveled with our team the whole time we were in Russia. From the moment we met until this very day Jane has captured my heart. She became a spiritual daughter to me, calls me her American momma, and I love her like my very own.

Over the years Jane has stayed in contact with me. We even had the privilege of bringing her to the United States to spend a summer with us. While she was here, Jane visited many churches, shared her powerful testimony, and saw lots of people respond to surrender all to Jesus. Since then God has called Jane to be a missionary. She has been to China, the Black Sea region, and is now waiting to go to Africa.

Little did I know that summer God would grant me an inheritance I will treasure forever.
♥I love you Jane♥
Join other grateful hearts at Sting My Heart, you'll be glad you did!


  1. So precious, this touched my heart.

  2. I find myself wondering what that sweet girl looks like today. Any recent pictures?

    I'm thankful with you, Susan, that God let you be in on His work. It truly is a blessing.

  3. That is just so neat. Thanks for sharing. I loved the pictures, too.

  4. What a neat, neat story. God's timing and circumstances are just so perfect that everything works together amazingly. How wonderful that she has become a missionary.

  5. What a beautiful story! (My husband has a heart for Russia too... he'll love this.)

    e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  6. How sweet! Have a blessed Thankful Thursday!

  7. What an awesome post! I have CHILLS!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Truly a precious gift from God! Happy TT, Susan!

  8. Oh, Susan - that is such a wonderful story. How neat to see Him working through you and bringing fruit that you already can see.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful and willing heart with us this week.

    Be blessed today and always.

  9. THAT is just sooooo neat..and what is even neater is that you CAN when used right is AWESOME.... here is the story of the STASH of STUFF....see it's not shoes for's PAPER and EMBELLISHMENTS...Girl....I have ISSUES!!!:) DEEP SIGH!! Scott reassures me that it BLESSES other people....just wish I had more free time to bless!!!

    Next SALE...I'll call you....:)


  10. This is so God. He loves to bring his children for than we could ever hope or imagine. I loved this. God is using sweet Jane. And you get to be a special part of her story.

    Thanks for sharing. How inspiring. I love God stories.

  11. What a great story!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  12. What a wonderful legacy you have in her! Just think of the spiritual children we can take with us to heaven!

  13. How wonderful for both of you! Relationships are one of God's greatest gifts! I'm far too old to be your daughter but how about if we are "spiritual sisters"? Happy Thankful Thursday! And thank you for all of yor prayers, I am feeling them!


  14. I was so encouraged that you visited my site. I am new to this and it put a smile on my face to have comments! I look forward to reading more about how the Lord blesses you! 5! Nice to meet you as well. Erica

  15. What a powerful spiritual legacy! I pray that God will continue to multiply what you had sown in Jane's life!

    Have a blessed day, Susan!

  16. Wow this is a touching post. Your story of friendship is awesome. It's really so neat to be able to keep in touch with others despite the distance.

  17. Love the pictures. Neat story- thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for coming by, Susan. It must have been hard to lose your mom at such a young age. God is so good in providing us precious sisters in Christ.

    Many blessings!

  18. Col.2:2 came to mind when I read your post - "That their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love..." That's exactly what He has done with you all.
    I know what you mean by technology! It's so wonderful that I can call my daughter in Kenya occasionally and hear her voice.

    Have a blessed week.

  19. Hello my Sweet Friend! I'm having to resort to keeping late hours online since my hubby has been home so much lately. O;-) I feel like I've been missing so much!

    I loved your post for this "TT." Your Russian daughter is BEAUTIFUL! (Just like her American Mama) ;-) I know that GOD has used each of you to encourage the other. What a precious gift she is!

    Okay, I'll be checking back tomorrow to see if you did a "FFF" post.


  20. I came back by to let you know that I'm hosting a blog giveaway that I'll draw for when I return. Hope you can stop by and participate. I'll miss you!


  21. What a beautiful inheritance! It's true that "it's a small world after all" isn't it? So happy for you and God's blessing upon you.

    (Thanks for stopping in today and asking about me, I am feeling GREAT thanks, and THANKFUL for health!).

  22. Wow I loved the pictures! That is so cool that you can have that kind of relationship with her.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog last week! Sorry it's taken me so long to get here!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!