
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Giving Thanks

“Once again I’ll go over what GOD has done, lay out on the table the ancient wonders; I’ll ponder all the things you’ve accomplished, and give a long, loving look at your acts. O God! Your way is holy! No god is great like God! You’re the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do…” Psalm 77:11-14 THE MESSAGE

On this Thankful Thursday I’m grateful for so many things. I’d like to start out by thanking God for His precious WORD. Just as the passage above says, it seems like the more I ponder God’s magnificent ways, the more I’m left in awe.
Truly, our God is an AWESOME God.

♥ I’m so grateful for all the women who got to attend the “She Speaks” Conference. Oh my, I’ve enjoyed reading all the updates that were written about the event. I can tell that so many lives were deeply touched, and I rejoice with all of you.

♥ I’m also grateful for two very special bloggers who stay busy behind the scenes making two wonderful sites possible. Lori over at “All You Have To Give” and Amy at “In Pursuit of Proverbs 31” are the founders and contributors to the
Internet Café and Heart of the Matter Online. Not only are they talented, but their dedication and love overflows through their many hours of service "as unto the Lord” from which we all benefit. Thank you for being such givers and Godly examples. We really appreciate all you do!

♥ Finally I’m thanking God for
Iris who graciously hosts this meme each week. I pray God’s blessing upon your life and on your family’s as well. May God reward you for being such a blessing to the Body of Christ.

♥ I'm thankful for all you out there who take the time to stop by each week, your words bless and encourage me greatly.

Let's join many other grateful hearts over at Sting My Heart.


  1. Susan,

    Your TT post is so inspiring. I love the scripture.

    Also, I am one of those who was able to attend She Speaks. I am thankful.... thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus.

    Have a great TT. Hugs!

  2. i love the scripture you put there as well!
    Thanks for being faithful to God! :)

  3. Hey Susan,

    Great scripture! Great TT list.

    You are so correct in our God is an AWESOME GOD!


  4. I couldn't agree more! Awesome post! Those girls are dedicated to serving others, thereby serving the LORD! Thank you for sharing this!

  5. Hello Susan,
    I found your blog through another and just love it! I will be visiting again and again. I really like your song you have playing. I have 6 children, homeschool and have 4 grandchildren. What blessings they all are! Drop by sometime and visit.
    bless you,
    Sandra from New Zealand

  6. beautiful verse. "You’re the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do…" love it!

  7. Your heart is so sweet and precious! I enjoy getting more and more glimpses of it!

  8. I too am thankful for the women who went to She Speaks! Selfishly I think we will all be blessed because of their experience! Wonderful TT post!

  9. A beautiful TT post Susan, prases for the She Speaks, blessings,
    Mama Bear

  10. What an uplifting post, Susan. God bless your thankful heart! Happy TT.

  11. Hello my precious Susan!
    Sorry it's been a while since I visited. Things are rocking and rolling at the Reeder house, and my blogging has been sporadic at best.
    Getting ready to shake things up a bit, though...
    Wanna join in an online Bible Study discussion with me? Starting July 7, I am going to be going through Having a Mary Spirit, by Joanna Weaver over at Truly Captivating. Would LOVE IT if you would join me!!

    I agree... Lori and Amy are both dear, sweet, bloggy blessings!!!

  12. Thank the lord I can visit your blog again, and this time I log on our blog directly! Because often I use to visit other sisters' blogs, but something wrong with anonymouse, I could not log on it anymore recently. But lucky for me to log on your blog directly!
    Enjoy the scripture you quoted.

  13. Thanks for sharing your TT list...Happy TT!

  14. You have such a beautiful blog. Thank you for blessing me today!

  15. Hello...nice to meet you and I am glad that you took the time to come by my blog...... My heart so breaks for my country.. I try not to watch FOX News every night but I am compeled! I love your TT list and there are not enough words or pages to express my love of my Savior............

    I will come back often and read....


  16. That was a very inspiring TT and it's so wonderful the work, Lori and Amy, has done.

  17. Fabulous TT post!
    Our God is an AWESOME God!

    Have a wonderful week!

  18. I am thankful for YOU!!!

    much love my friend!

  19. I SO love reading your TT posts each week.

    You truly have such a gentle spirit....I'm truly thankful that I've found your blog friend.


  20. I have been reading through the Psalms lately - so encouraging! Thanks for sharing your blessings, and thanks for always visiting and commenting on my blog. What a blessing bloggy friends are to me! Thank you!

    Have a blessed day!

  21. Susan, I love the verse! No god is great like our God!! He takes my breath away at His goodness! Thanks for your wonderful post. You must be enjoying your time at the Internet Cafe. I'm so proud of you girl! Blessings on your day.

  22. Good morning sweet you never fail to bless my heart(or my blog)and your inspirational GIVING THANKS because you are FOREVER HIS

    I am learning to read and LOVE THE MESSAGE more & more! Thank you for sharing Psalm 77! But what touched me the most was the opening graphic! so....THANK YOU!


    THANK YOU for Susan and her encouraging words to me, Iris,
    Lori, Amy and all the SheSpeaks
    participants and of course to the team from Proverbs 31, who gave it!

    You are so thoughtful and considerate! I have alot of Twila on cassettes cuz I love her music so much!(but I have 100 songs on my playlist, you wee just given that one by God to bless you!)

    Thank you for the blessing! Be blessed as you bless me, my beloevd friend and sister in the Lord...May Our Lord continue to speak to you through His precious Word as you ponder and linger in His Presence...always

  23. This was a great thankful post. I, too, have enjoyed reading from all you attended She Speaks. I wish I had been there. I was great of you to mention all these wonderful blog ladies who inspire us weekly and daily with the written word from their hearts. Thanks for reminding us about all our blessings.

  24. Love your heart for all the women out there. Your love is contagious.

    I am thankful for you.

    And yes, thankful for the Word...Life to this dry bones.

    Have a beautiful rest of the week, resting in Him.


  25. Yeah - weren't the up-dates of the "She Speaks" conference wonderful? I have enjoyed reading them and I hope that one year I will be able to attend one :)
    Oh, His Word - even though I have read some of the passages over and over - there is always something fresh I can glean off of His Word.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Be blessed today and always.

  26. You know, my eyes were already burning from reading The Shack today...and then I come by to say hello and you have such sweet words to say....
    It is my privilege to work 'behind the scenes' with you ladies....I KNOW that there are women all over the world who are being fed daily....
    I'd love to reach them all.....

    THANK you for your are one of a kind girl...and who knew that I'd make such friends out here!!

    have a blessed night!
    love you!!!

  27. Susan,
    I am so thankful for YOU!! You are the ultimate encourager and I can hardly wait to spend some "in person" time with you. I was sad you didn't go to the conference this year but I have a strong feeling you won't miss it next year (July 31-Aug. 2).

    I am finally settling back in and adapting to home. It has been a whirlwind week but it has been nice to finally get a chance to stop by your blog. You have lifted my spirits as usual!

    Enjoy a beautiful weekend and I'll see ya soon....


  28. Hey Susan,
    Great scripture and great TT post.

    I have a question I wanted to ask you but couldn't find your email. Would you mind shooting me an email at: chelseyhall at gmail dot com? Thanks! :)

  29. Susan:
    I would love the pleasure and honor of meeting you one day, face to face. I had the privilege of meeting several sister bloggers this past weekend. We should all really do a weekend somewhere sometime in the future. What fun would that be?!

    Anyway, until then, blogging will have to do. Susan, you've been such an encourager of me and my writing. You'll never know what a well that has been for me to draw from on days when the clouds loom thick.

    May God continue to bless you this summer with his joy, his favor, and his abundant presence at every turn. These are good days to stand alongside you in his kingdom business.


  30. I love reading you TT posts...they speak to my heart. Thanks and God bless.


  31. Thanks for welcoming me to Thankful Thursdays Susan! I'm seeing ALOT of helpful tips from the She Speaks conference myself! Seems like it was great! How do I find out more about it?

  32. Hey Susan,

    Here is a link to a video of "Hillsong." It is awesome. It is Mike (from Hillsong) talking this song he wrote "Healer." You've probably heard the song. I didn't know, but he's had an aggressive cancer (you may know this as well). He was diagnosed I think 2 years ago.

    Here is the link that takes you to their website and this video. It is a 9 minute segment, but will blow you away. (you may have also already seen this).


    Love you, sister!

  33. Hello!! Lovely to "meet" you! :) I have tried to leave a comment for several days but blogger wouldn't let me see the visual verification code...restarted my computer and finally it WORKS!! :D Thanks so much for stopping by my place and commenting....agree so much with your thankfuls too! How blessed we are in so many many ways...God's Word, what a privilege to have it so readily available to us. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed week!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!