
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Paid In Full

On this Thankful Thursday, the day before the 4th of July, I'm thankful for the FREEDOM we have in America, but even more than that, I’m rejoicing with a grateful heart for the TOTAL FREEEDOM I have found in Christ.

Once bound in chains and a slave to sin, God in his loving mercy and grace has gloriously set me F-R-E-E.

Today I will thank Him for the freedom He has given me to:

* Love

* Pray

* Hope

* Dream

* Believe

* Serve

And the list goes on and on…!

What a privilege it is to proclaim the greatness, the goodness, and the glory of our mighty God. His love has no limits, and his faithfulness is to all generations.

“Lord I thank you for the ultimate price that was paid for us to walk in freedom. As we celebrate this special holiday in our nation this week, let us always remember it was the blood that was shed on the cross that won our deliverance. Watch over those soldiers serving our nation during this time of war and their families back home. Give us a heart to cry out and pray for those who are in leadership now. Let us never forget the foundation of faith that this nation was built upon. May You Be glorified Oh Lord, as we bless your holy name: Amen

Happy 4th of July!

Please join other grateful hearts over at Sting My Heart!


  1. What a lovely post! Have a blessed 4th!

  2. Amen! my dear sister Susan...what a beautiful Thankful Thursday prayer and innumerable list...

    Bless you for the AMAZING heart so full of thanks for each blessing we have the privilege to share, because of HIM...Our Lord Jesus!

    My heart delights and praises Jesus with You for being set free!

    Be blessed and enjoy a Celebration of our Freedom this weekend!

    Thank You for your prayer for the families of the soldiers and our leadership! We truly must pray for our nation and those in authority!

  3. happy TT and happy 4th of july. God bless!

  4. This is definitely a time of reflection of our freedom and the lives that were lost giving it to us.God is so good to this country and I'm very thankful for that.
    Have a Happy Independence Day!

  5. thank you for your TT and I am also thankful for our freedom...sometimes we Americans take it for granted. Praise God for the freedom we have in Him. That the chains have been broken! -Blessings to you on this Independence Day weekend, Laurie

  6. PAID IN FULL! I love it! We are free INDEED!

    Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post today, Susan! Have a blessed weekend!

  7. Enjoyed reading your post! I'm so drawn to your's just amazing with what I walk away with.
    Through Tonya's site....I was led to yours. You have an awesome family and a beautiful one at that! All Boy's?!?!(well men now) WOW. I may email you if you don't mind for some suggestions...I've got two..ages 12 & 13. Be back soon!

  8. Oh, Amen sister. The blessings we have in Christ far surpass all othes. Happy Fourth to you!

  9. What a precious post, Susan. Your heart is as beautiful as you are. God bless you for sharing the things you are so thankful for with us. My heart echoes "Amen". Happy Thankful Thursday and Happy 4th.

  10. What a great picture to go with this theme! I love your post too.

    Thanks for alerting me to my linky error. I hate it when he remembers things that I have long forgotten! :)

  11. Amen...and you raised one of those MEN who bravely fight for the freedoms we so often take for granted....THANK YOU friend for that...If only I can do the same!!
    Have a great weekend!
    love ya!

  12. Yeah! What a power-packed post!!!
    Have a blessed 4th!

  13. Amen!! I loved this post. Have a wonderful and blessed 4th!

  14. What freedom is ours in Christ! We are free indeed! Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us.

  15. What a lovely, thankful post! God bless your heart as you celebrate 4th July

  16. Thank you for reminding me that the ultimate freedom does, indeed, come from our Savior.

  17. What a privilege it is to proclaim the greatness, the goodness, and the glory of our mighty God. His love has no limits, and his faithfulness is to all generations.



  19. Susan,

    I'm so thankful we have Freedom, but mostly Freedom to Praise God at any time, as well as pray and read our Bible.

    Don't you know it just gets under Satan's skin that there are all these Christian Blogs and whereas in today we are giving our thanks to our Lord for so many things.

    Have a great SAFE weekend!


  20. This is beautiful. I truly sense the genuine thankful heart coming through my screen! Have a peace filled 4th weekend.

  21. Love the "serve". How often do we say we're thankful to "serve". So many people, no names...LELIA don't have a very good servant's heart. But I'm working on it!! Just thought that was so cool and show's your true heart. Your true servan't heart.
    Love you Susan!
    Thanks for your prayers! ;) She's at my sisters tonight.

  22. Susan, of all the things we have to be thankful for in this country, you hit the nail on the head. The most wonderful freedom we have is the one given through Jesus Christ and our right to worship Him freely! Amen!!!

  23. Yes, the freedom to dream . . . thank you for reminding me to be thankful for this too.

  24. Amen Susan! = ) We are SO blessed. Thank you and Happy 4th to you!

  25. Praising God for my many freedoms this day! Happy 4th to you and yours.


  26. Amen to that, Susan. Yes, true freedom comes from knowing Christ and His sacrifice for us.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart so faithfully with us each week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  27. Such a great reminder of what true freedom really is! We take so much for granted, not only in our country but also in our every day. I have really been trying to meditate more on the blessing of Freedom this 4th of July weekend. What a HUGE price tag it required! Have a lovely holiday Susan!!


  28. As ususual, a very uplifting post, Susan. You're such a wonderful encouragement in blogland. How blessed we are to know you! Thanks for your faithfulness to the Word and His Truth. We are free indeed. :~D


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!