Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Giving Thanks

“O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!”
1 Chronicles 29:13

On this Thankful Thursday I have a heart that is full of gratitude. God has truly shown Himself strong on our behalf. It did not take long for me to recall the many things God has done for us over these past two weeks. Before I share these wonderful things I’d first like to remember all those families that lost loved ones on 9/11. It’s been 7 years since our nation was shocked by this nightmare and all of our lives have been touched by it. Please remember to take time today to remember and to pray.

I'm giving thanks for:

· God's supernatural protection of our family during Hurricane Gustav. He sent friends and family to help us in our time of need. God is so good.

· I'm thankful for my brother-in-law that came to our rescue after some long hot humid days and brought us some much needed supplies!

· I'm grateful for my friends who checked up on us and so many of you out there who prayed for us.

· I thankful for ELECTRICITY, air-conditioning, the Internet, microwave and all the luxuries we usually take for granted on a daily basis. What a blessed nation we live in!

· I’m thankful that I was able to talk to my son Joseph for a long time through Skype this week! It was so good to hear his voice again. I miss him so much. Joseph is now living in Bangkok and ready to start a new teaching job there. He’s already planning the next country he wants go to. He wants to see the world, and I believe he will. Please pray for his protection as he travels, and for the Lord to send Christians along his paths. Here is a recent picture I received:

· I thankful for baby Cole (my soon to come 1st grandson) and for Kristin as she prepares for his birth this coming Tuesday!

· Finally, I'm thankful for my son Jason and all those other men and women of the National Guard that have come from across America to Louisiana to serve and protect us during this storm. They have sacrificed so much for our safety and to help during this crisis.

Now, let's keep Texas in our prayers as they prepare for Hurricane IKE, which is expected to hit this coming weekend.

Please join many other thankful hearts over at Sting My Heart today.


Peggy said...

I am so thankful that you are alright! Susan and family!!!
Praise God for ALL The provisions both human and Divine that Gustav diminished in power but you sadly still felt that power destroy your
home with trees...but God showed HIS DIVINE PROTECTION...this was a beautiful post of gratitude in spite of the STORM, we'll praise HIM! Thank you for sharing and holding up the new area facing
this supernatural disaster once again! may God show HIS MIGHT & protection once more to many!!!

Hope you are able to recover and all will be restored quickly, including Rick's return! Prayers for your new baby and mommy for next Tues.Glad you had the chance to talk with your son Cole overseas! God keep you safe and wrapped in His Love along with those great men who surround you!

Denise said...

Such wonderful blessings, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow, Susan, In one week so much.... I mean wow... and a baby, the hurricane.... I am overwhelmed for you. But God is good and I see Him all over in your life. Miss you too. Love and hugs, Lynn

Leaon Mary said...

Oh Susan,
I had no idea you were in Gustavs path. I'm so THANKFUL yall are okay.
We do take many things for granted don't we?
I'll be praying for your Joseph.
And your new Grand's entrance into the world.

Anonymous said...

God bless your grateful heart, susan.

i said...

A lovely thankful list! So glad to hear you are safely out of Gustav's wreckage. God bless!

Tami said...

I find myself reading saying, "Amen, amen, amen..."

Love your sweet spirit, girl.

Mary said...

Hey sweet sister. Praise God you were protected!! Glad you got to talk to Joseph. I know what that does to a mom's heart! If he wants to pop into Hong Kong, I can give you my brother's email at the YWAM base there. Congrats on the soon arrival of baby Cole! How exciting! I've missed you Susan. Blessings on your day.

luvmy4sons said...

Praising God with you! Your grateful heart through the midst of it all is a shining example of Christ in you.

Heather said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately...sorry I haven't been by to say hi. I'm glad you made it through the storms safely. What a picture of the tree lying in front of the (your?) house. Glad you talked to your son - he looks like he's having fun.

Toknowhim said...

Wow, you surely have so much to be thankful for... Missing your son must be hard... Congrats on the first grandbaby to come :)

Debra Kaye said...

What a beautiful TT post. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

God bless you!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

I'm SO thankful that you and your precious family are ok.

God is such a FAITHFUL God!! He's just so amazing, and I'm rejoicing with you see his hand in your life, and the lives of your family.

Only a few more day's...Grandma!!

Sheryl said...

It is so great to read about what others are thankful for. So necessary to take the time and count our blessings! I know that you are one of mine.

What an exciting week you have coming up with the arrival of baby Cole. Will be praying.


Tea with Tiffany said...

THANKFUL FOR YOU! Need I say more?


Smelling Coffee said...

Thanking Him with you today...

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

So very much to be thankful for. May our hearts always live in a posture of gratitude.

Thanking God for you today~elaine

Peculiar said...

Susan, thanks for stopping by my place.

I enjoyed reading your thankful list. It made me grateful for everything being intact around here. Those storms are so fierce, but God is a sustainer and protector. I'm glad you were spared massive amounts of damage. I'm glad you had friends and family members who came to help. God is good, but we must remember that God is good, even when or if something much worse would have happened. It doesn't change His character, we know.

I hope you get things back to normal at home soon, if you haven't already. I pray that your area sustains no more fierce storms the rest of this year.

Have a good rest of the day.

Melanie said...

Susan, so much to be thankful for, isn't there? And what special sons you have... so willing to step out and help others!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Susanne said...

Thankful to hear from you!! Lots and lots of prayers went up on your (and your family's) behalf last week!!! God is so faithful to protect and provide. So great to hear that you have spoken with your son and that he is well. Praying for the safe delivery of baby Cole! You truly have some awesome blessings to give Him praise about!!! Thanks for sharing, and for being your wonderful self!!! ;-)


Addicted to Beadz said...

Hey Susan,

How often do we take for granted so many things? Not just the luxuries, but even our lives. Once you've been smacked with one of the storms in life, whether it be physical or our surroundings, you are reminded, once again, that anything can change in a moment's time.

Thank you for joining us in prayer and praise regarding Jan. I talked to her earlier to see if she wanted to have lunch tomorrow, or if she had plans. It is her birthday. She told me she has wondered in the last 10 months, whether she would see her birthday. It is just a reminder we are not, none of us, promised tomorrow.

I will most certainly pray for Joey. Just a few more days and you will be Grammy to a baby boy! Isn't God good?

No matter what storms we encounter here on earth, we have a home for eternity waiting! That will make it all worthwhile.

So glad there was no physical injuries and that your property damage wasn't greater.

Love ya,


Runner Mom said...

Bless your heart! I am so thankful that y'all are OK. I will continue to lift you up in prayer. YOU are such an awesome witness, my friend! Many blessings on you and your family.
Love ya,

Can't wait for your newest little one to arrive!! :)

Laurie Ann said...

I'm so thankful to hear that you're doing well, Susan. Lovely list of blessings you posted. I have been praying for you, and it was so sweet of Kristen to update us. I think it was Kristen? Seems like a lifetime ago. So much has been happening in my life lately that I was so glad to pause today and give thanks.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! Amazing blessings! God is so very good! Thanks for sharing.

GranthamLynn said...

What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. Praise God for all your thankful entries. The family is beautiful! Thank you for praying for us in Texas. Although I am in the north I have friends and teens I mentee down south. Thanks for prayers.

Marsha said...

What a beautiful post.

Occasionally, we get to use Google Talk with our daughter and her family in Kenya. But that's only when they're in Nairobi. Out in the bush there's not enough service to support that.

Have a blessed weekend.

Stephanie said...

I like you sooo much online, I can't imagine how wonderful you are in person! I haven't been posting for a while, but I certainly had you in my prayers as Gustav paid you a visit.
Thank-you for your thankful example!

Nancie said...

Thank God for protecting you and family during Hurricane Gustav and providing for your needs. So wonderful that you can talk to Joseph through Skype. Must be a very precious experience! May God continue to watch over him. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and have a blessed weekends!

Chocolate and Coffee said...

Bless you Susan. I will definitely keep your son in my prayers.

Beth K. Vogt said...

Thank you for your encouraging words, Susan! I'll be praying for your son while he travels--and for the birth of your new grandchild too!

Susannah said...

That's a very important fistful of thank-yous! And is that a tree on your front lawn? Yikes! (What a beautiful home.)

Looking forward to hearing about the birth of your first grandson. Exciting!

Yes, praying for all those in the path of IKE...


e-Mom (Hugs)

Michele Williams said...

I praise the Lord that you are all doing fine. Wow! you have been through a rough patch. But all in all God has been good too. I am thankful for those things as well!

Thank you for all your encouragement on your blog and your comments on my posts. I have a special awards for you. God bless.

Susan said...

Thank you for the encouragement. Here in Germany it is refreshing. But my goodness, you have been through something with Gustav. I am glad you and your family are safe! Will check out the book you suggested, thanks!
