
Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Amazing Human Body

On this Thankful Thursday the theme was to give thanks for our five senses. Yes, it's so easy to take them for granted, of course; and if you are so unfortunate to lose use of one or more of them even for a short time. Who likes a stopped up nose?

The human body is so amazing. All of these senses work in perfect harmony with each other, which allows our bodies to function perfectly. Now, I'm far from a doctor, but 5 years ago, I learned more about vision then I ever wanted to know.

My son's brain tumor is partially wrapped around his optic chiasm. These tiny nerves that cross over each other allows us to have visual fields. When everything is functioning correctly, you not only can see in front of you, but at the same time you are able to see things happening all around you.

If there is any damage to this delicate pathway the result can be loss of vision. This was a very real concern for the doctors when they operated on Jordan.

So today, I'm giving thanks for the miracle of my son's vision! Each time we go in for his 6 month check up, Jordan visits with a neuro-ophthalmologist among a host of other doctors! They are always so amazed at how well he is doing and the stability of his vision.

Lord, how can I ever thank you enough for keeping your hands on my son Jordan? You have been so gracious to protect his vision, and allow him to enjoy the many beautiful sights in this world that can easily be taken for granted.

I'm also thankful for my vision. I was once blinded by sin, but now I can see. It’s all because of the huge price you paid for our salvation on the cross at Calvary. Let us never forget how blessed we are to know and love you.

Please join many other Thankful Hearts to day over at Grace Alone today.


  1. Praise God for the precious blessing that your son is sweetie.

  2. What an amazingly beautiful post. God is so good! Ang

  3. We often times take our senses for granted. It is a blessing to be able to see the amazing works of God. My son was born with a vision impairment and we take each and every day that he has full vision as a blessing from God. God sees us thru so many things and no doubt you are a blessing to those around you when you visit st Jude with your son. Thanks for sharing from your heart, happy TT! -Laurie

  4. I just have one word for this: AWESOME!!!

    AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! (Make that one word FOUR TIMES!!)

    Our God is SO GOOD, and I am especially thankful for his TENDER CARE and that you and your precious Jordan are the recipients of that care.

    Much love to you my sister!!

  5. A beautiful post, Susan! I'm thankful, too, that Jordan has not experienced any loss of vision... God is so good!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  6. Brings tears to my eyes to read your post. Praise God for His blessing upon your son. It always makes me remember how God delivered my oldest from osteosarcoma. Blessings upon you today.

  7. I will pay for your son. I am glad the surgery went well. My niece has went through this with one of her twins. And counseling is needed to help them get through this.

  8. Praise God for preserving your son's vision. God is awesome and so at work in his life! Thank you for a beautiful post, Susan. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  9. God is so good! Your son is a miracle.

    Have a blessed day, Susan!

  10. Susan,

    What a beautiful thankful heart ~ and thank you Jesus for the gift of sight for Jordan!

    Blessings to you today!

  11. Continued blessings and Praise to God for sight for you and your son.

  12. Oh, Susan. I don't know you (yet!), but I TRULY know what you are going through. My husband also has a brain tumor in his optic chiasm. My mouth absolutely dropped open as I read this post. You and Jordan are officially on my prayer list.

    Thank you also, by the way, for commenting on my "Falling for Jesus" entry "Looking No Longer." You are a blessing - and I WILL be back!

  13. Hi, Susan. Just a quick note to answer a question you had left for me earlier in the week about my Word-Filled Wednesday picture. I do add the text of the scripture myself, but most of the time my pictures from They've got some GREAT pictures there.

    Praying you have a great weekend!

  14. Susan ~ Praise God for the good report on Jordan! I too am so thankful that once I was blind, but now I see. Thank you Jesus. Blessings to you dear sister. Mary

  15. Your prayer was precious. And so is your sweet Jordan.


    Thinking of you. Thankful for your e-mails and for my book..


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!