
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A special day to celebrate!

Today is a very important day for one of my best friends. Yes, Tonya, who you can find over at Safe In His Arms, is celebrating her birthday!

Oh, what a great day it is for me to give thanks for this extra special friend that God has blessed me with.

The Lord has given me many wonderful friends, but there are a few that come into your life that are the ones “born for adversity”.

These are the friends that God brings to you when you need someone to lean upon during times of great difficulty, and can celebrate with in times of awesome victory.

A friend that truly understands the depth of your fears, and accepts you just the way you are. A friend that is willing to reach out a hand to you even when they are in need of a helping hand themselves.

I'm so grateful for the love Tonya has shown to me and my family over the years. Even in her darkest hours, she still managed to be concerned for me and continued to show God’s love “at all times”.

She is truly my Proverbs 17:17 friend.

Happy Birthday Tonya, I love you!!

Please join us today for other WFW pictures at The 16o Acre Woods.


  1. Very nice tribute to a friend on her birthday. What a joy to have such a friend. Be blesed

  2. This is a good friendship verse!

    Happy WFW!

  3. Happy Birthday Tonya. If you are a blessing to Susan you must be something special as Susan can pick them! I am glad God gave you to each other to get you through the difficult moments. Blessings to you both.

  4. What a gift you've given to each other....friendships born in times of adversity are truly gifts from God....
    peace Susan...what a GIFT you are!

    Have a great day!!

  5. Goosebumps! What a great post honoring Tonya on her special day! I wish I knew her in person but I so glad I can at least be her blogging friend. :) Ang

  6. What a great picture!!! It is a blessing to find a friend like that!!

  7. Happy Birthday to Tanya, and I'm so glad you have this great friendship from the Lord. I'm so thankful for mine!

  8. i will head over there now and wish her a happy birthday! i know you are blessed to have her in your life as she is to have you!

    love ya

  9. Precious tribute to Tonya. Beautiful post, Susan! Oh, the joys of friendship...Happy WFW!

  10. Wonderful words for your dear friend...thank you for sharing.

  11. Yeah! Your comment went through...I'm so sorry to hear that you were having trouble commenting!

    The good news is that a comment did go through! Lol, and that is a joy and praise to be able to hear from you!

    That was a sweet way of celebrating your friend's birthday and may God bless the both of your friendship and that you can continue to be an inspiration to the rest of us!

  12. Great Tribute to someone who is OBVIOUSLY very special. God Bless you both!
    My Favorite WFW's are the ones that use the beloved pictures of those we love. Nicely done.

  13. Happy Birthday to your friend! It's a great blessing to find a faithful friend in the Lord.

  14. Great WFW post today. Happy birthday Tanya. May God bless your socks off today with His amazing love!

  15. Blessings Susan & happy birthday to Tonya! You are that kind of friend to her and many! I wish I had my photo with you!!! This is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman & a true friend when you know that she was with you in your difficult time as she had just gone through the worse. God brought you two together! It's wonderful to know that God is even in control of bringing special people to be our friends in our deepest time of need! I'm so thankful for the kind of friend you are...Thank You Jesus for Susan & Tonya & their friendship!

  16. What a beautiful picture of two of God's princesses. As always, I can expect you to be pouring out love and encouragement to all people. Thank you, Susan, for being such a sweet sister to all.

    I will go visit sweet Tonya now.

  17. Hi Sue,
    Friends are a wonderful gift from God. Blessings on you...

  18. Such a great tribute to your friend... I am praying that God send me a best friend.. I have been home 6 years now and I so miss that friendship that a girl friend can bring.....

    Happy birthday to your friend

  19. Susan, Girlfriend, You just BLEW ME AWAY! I've only been online a couple of times today.. I checked my email and read some comments (wishing me a happy b'day). I came over to your blog (via my cell phone) and all I saw was your post from yesterday. (I guess my cell didn't "refresh" itself?)

    I was in TEARS (happy, BLESSED ones) when I saw this post. My, what a FRIEND YOU are!!!

    GOD RICHLY BLESSED me when HE caused our paths to cross!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!! Thank you for remembering me today! =-)

  20. Joining you wishing Tonya a happy birthday!

  21. What a sweet tribute to a special lady! Praising God for your blessed friendship, that has been a beautiful example to all of us! Though a little late as I'm reading it, I'll have to stop by and send her birthday wishes. = )


  22. How perfect, and perfectly beautiful! Susan, YOU are such a great friend to Tonya, and it's something that is plain for all to see. God blessed you both when He allowed your paths to cross. And one day, you'll link arms and dance for the King...

  23. Just now popping over here from Tonya's blog. I've been here once or twice.
    I like your new background.

    You are definitely blessed.

  24. Wow! What a wonderful friend you are. I just love how God uses ALL things for his good and perfect purpose. I know that you two are such "jewels" for each other. "Those" are the kind of friends everyone needs!

    Have a great day!

  25. Friends are such a gift! I wish that I had a kindred friend close by with whom to share my everyday with; I, too, have a "walk through everything" friend, but she lives 11 hours from me. This is one reason my blogging connections mean so much to me. Thanks for steering me over to your pastor's blog. Powerful post.


  26. Just dropping in to say Hi! I haven't been by in a while. =) Have a wonderful time at your retreat.
    Love ya, Kristin

  27. Happy Birthday to your friend, Susan. A friend such as you describe here is a real treasure.

  28. Such a lovely tribute to your friend Tonya, one "born for adversity." You two look like you could be sisters in the photo. You're both true beauties! Love you, Susan.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!