
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Seizing the moment...

Sometimes God brings the strangest acquaintances into our lives. Instead of turning away, why not embrace the moment and make a difference in someone's life. Divine appointments may come when we least expect them.

Join us today over at the 160 Acrewoods today.

Please stop by tomorrow for a WONDERFUL GIVE-A-WAY, you won't want to miss this one!


  1. Awww sweet picture. So true, what a great reminder of what I need to work better at. God puts the perfect people in our lives to teach us valuable lessons' that no one else can.

  2. Oh my goooooodness, that is a precious pic! So precious! Happy WFW!

  3. I love your new layout and the pic of you and the grandchildren! It is godo to see EVERYTHING as coming from our Lord, because as a sovereign God it all is!

  4. What a perfect picture to illustrate this scripture! I don't want to miss the moment.

  5. Precious picture and such true words. We don't want to miss any opportunity to show love to those God brings into our path. Happy WFW! And I love your Christmas look!

  6. ALWAYS make me think!!!! :-)

    Love your new background...your sweet grandbabies...are just too precious!!

    Love ya friend.

  7. This is beautiful! If this is your backyard, I am jealous :-)
    Kinda' reminds me of the "unlikely" friends that God puts in our path - to help us, teach us, etc... and we, them.
    Happy WFW!

  8. Love this verse. It means more than you know. I used this verse in another version on an article I recently wrote..

  9. Cute picture! :-) And a great reminder - the Lord does use others to teach us valuable lessons.

  10. Yes, God does put strange people in my life... or maybe I'M the strange one in someone else's life? ha! Either way, it's simply amazing the way He puts these things together. Thanks for sharing, the photo was adorable!

  11. Your pictures wins the prize today. Priceless! It mirrors my many relationships that have been birthed out of the "strange" encounters with others.

    Happy Wednesday.


  12. Beautifully stated! Thanks for the reminder!

  13. Awesome picture. Just perfect for that verse and your words were so fitting too.

  14. Blessings Susan...What a precious awesome photo! I'm so glad that with God nothing is impossible!
    Such precious love! Indeed we never know about whether it's a divine appointment and they come very unexpectantly! Let's embrace each moment! I treasure that which God brings through you! God bless you as you bless each of us! Thanks so much!

  15. That is a great picture and such a beautiful truth!

    Happy WFW!

  16. That is TOO cute...I'm still just in love with this festive look!!:)
    It's so fun to stop are just a renovating queen these days...


  17. Divine appointments... you're so right Susan!
    I adore that photo!
    Have a great night!
    I've missed you!
    I'm going to go catch up on your blog!

  18. Such a cute pictures. What a divine moment it truly is.

  19. A precious wildlife photo, Susan!

    BTW, I love your Grammy pics in your blog's header. You're such a beautiful young-looking Grandma!

    A giveaway tomorrow? Bless you... I'll be back.

    Hugs, e-Mom :~D

  20. Hey Susan,

    Love, love, love your new look, and the picture of Grammy and her girls and now little boy.

    I've been so out of touch with my bloggy friends and have been missing you.

    Blessings my friend. Thanks for your continued prayers for Janet. Good news, even with her "well baby" check. They think she is doing fabulous!

    God is soooo Good!


  21. Are you saying I'm strange?!

  22. A very precious reminder of the day when the lion will lay down with the lamb.

  23. oh that is soo sweet! i love it! not to mention your header is beautiful too!

  24. Hi Sue,
    What a sweet photo to pair with this verse! Have a joy filled day!

  25. Love the picture, and the truth that you portrayed. May we always be sensitive to those placed in our path.

  26. LOVE that verse, and the picture is perfect for it! Wow! So cool!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!