
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Very Special Day

Today for my “In Other Words” post, I would like to dedicate a quote to someone I hold very near and dear to my heart, my wonderful husband!

Albert Einstein once said:

“Only a life lived for others is worth living.”

Over the last 32 years of my life I've had the privilege of witnessing this quote lived out right before my eyes. Of the many awesome qualities I could use to describe my husband, the gift of serving others would have to be number one.

When I tell people I've raised five sons, I must say many times I get eyebrows raised. People say, “How did you do it?” I can tell you; I never could have done it without all the help and support Rick has been to me.

I could go on and on naming all the ways he has made my life so much better, but you would tire from reading the list. The amazing part is they all would be true!

So today I would just like to say, “THANK YOU” Rick for being such a godly witness to me, a loving husband, a dedicated father to your children, and now even our grand-children. I truly appreciate the way you live your life for others.

I'd also like to wish you a Happy Birthday. Being born on Christmas Eve, your birthday often gets passed over by many, and you never complain. But at this Christmas season, I want you to know how much of a gift you have been to me.

I love you, and will forever give thanks for the day God brought you into my life.


  1. What a lovely tribute to an obviously wonderful man. Many blessings to you this Christams and in the New Year.

  2. Happy Birthday, Rick! Is it today the 23rd or tomorrow 24th? I'm guessing it's tomorrow by the Christmas eve part. Rick, I hope you enjoy your birthday! The day God brought you into this world.

    And Susan, thank you for your friendship. Merry Christmas~!!

  3. How precious! He truly does have a servant-heart, doesn't he? Happy Birthday to Rick! I'm praying you have a wonderfully Merry Christmas!

  4. Happy Birthday Rick. You are so blessed to have a birthday during this season!!. Rick, I don't tell you enough just how much I appreciate all you do . I am so blessed to have you as a brother -in law. Enjoy this day, and know I truly do love you!! Stephanie

  5. Happy Birthday Rick, I sure hope this isn't the 2nd post I am sending, having a few problems here. Anyway, I don't tell you thank you enough, for all you do for me. You are such a blessing in my life! What an awesome time of the year to have a birthday!! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Rick, I love you, Stephanie

  6. Ahh.. what a sweet post for your hubby, Susan!

    Happy Birthday, Rick!

  7. Oh, that was so sweet!! Your husband sounds like a wonderful man! You are blessed!

    Happy Birthday to your hubby!!

  8. What a beautiful tribute to your husband....I love the that your house and yard?? it is just gorgeous!!!! Happy Birthday to your Rick

  9. what a great tribute to your husband! i believe i've said it before, but he is blessed to have you as well.

    happy birthday, rick!

  10. Hey Rick: A very Happy Birthday to you, my friend! You are loved and appreciated by many and Jim and I are on the top of that list. We are blessed to know you and I pray that you walk in the Lords joy, peace and abundant love and grace, not only on your special day, but all through 2009. (from Jim)...Brother.. have a blessed holiday and a fruitful new brother Jim.
    Happy Happy Rick, Love cyndy

  11. Happy Birthday Rick and may you enjoy the presence of the LORD and your family now and always.

    I can completely understand your heart for your hubby. I have a pretty terrific one too. What a blessing!

    Merry Christian and God bless you.

  12. Susan,

    I wanted to stop in and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and tell you how much I have enjoyed the writings from your heart this past year!

    Merry Christmas!

  13. Hi Rick, Just me saying Happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day. Pretty soon you will be "over the hill" and won't be playing in those football brawls, but for now "the old guys" still kicking. Much love, Cheryl & Joe See ya Christmas & I'll be sure to save you an oyster patty.

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knowing Susan I KNOW you had a fantastic day!
    I'm here praying right now!
    Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  15. What a heartfelt, loving tribute to your sweet and wonderful man! Happy Birthday Rick!

    May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and may you sense the presence of Christ like never before.


  16. Happy Birthday, Rick!

    Man, it's such a blessing to read how YOU'VE BLESSED Susan and so MANY others! I know there are NO WORDS for how you guys have blessed my family! I hope you've had an AMAZING one!

    We love you all....
    Link, Zach & Gabe

  17. Happy Birthday to Rick. You two make a wonderful couple. Must be hard to be born on Christmas Eve,but then again, a lot of people are celebrating and festive on your big day--even if it is for someone else!!

    Merry Christmas all of you!

  18. What wonderful praise! (More wives should feel this way!!) I hope he had a fantastic birthday!

    You have a lovely blog...


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!