
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Steadfast and Hopeful

On this WFW I choose a scripture that I am praying will be the heart of all five of my sons, daughter in law, and one day for all of my grand-children. I pray they will never lose the hope they found in Jesus at a very young age, all the days of their lives.

This picture really touched my heart as I saw my son Joseph with his arms stretched out, in such a beautiful setting on the coast of Australia. I recently found out that a good friend he made while teaching in Taiwan joined him in Australia. I had been encouraging Joseph to visit Hillsong while he was in Sydney and he did finally go last week. When his friend met him, the first thing he told him was, my mom wants me to go to Hillsong!

My heart rejoiced to think another mom from Michigan is encouraging her son to seek after Jesus, and to think God brought them together half a world away. Hopefully I'll even get to meet her one day.

Lord, I pray you will continually watch over and protect Joseph daily. Let all his journeys lead him to you. Surround him with your presence and fill him with your joy. Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful son. May he have a heart after yours. In Jesus name, Amen

Join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods!


  1. GREAT photo! Yes, the message is a perfect match - A prayer for our children that should never be let go . . . .

  2. Susan,
    This is AWESOME! I love the photo and the verse is the prayer of my heart as well!


  3. thanks mama, I see your really getting good at blogging. Keep it up! I love you

  4. I was touched by this post because it is the prayer I pray for my four sons as well...I think I understand your mother's heart very well. How awesome God is showing you that He has your son in His care!

  5. What a beautiful prayer to pray for your son. I love the picture and verse. thanks for sharing your eart with us today. Is it not wonderful to know your kids are listening and watching you as you lead them to Christ. Be blessed with a wonderful WFW.

  6. What a beautiful prayer for your children and grands. Great pic of your son and wonderful choice of Scripture! I love it. (Re: your comment on my WFW post. I was talking about yesterday - I typed WFWs post last night. I'm not *that* fast, hah hah!) Happy WFW to you!

  7. Beautiful picture for sure. Love the scripture too.

  8. Great picture and a powerful verse and prayer.

  9. I love your photo...and what a beautiful prayer. How sweet to even get a comment from you Joseph!

  10. That is an amazing photo. It could easily be used as backgrounds for songs in worship. It's just beautiful. Blessings to you!

  11. Dearest Susan,

    I rejoice with you. The Lord is so mindful of all of us and I'm convinced He has a special place in His heart for our children (young and old) and grand children. He hears our prayers for them.

    I love the photo and the Scripture.

    This warmed my heart and increases my steadfast hope in the Lord.

  12. Susan,

    I love this photo too. There is just something about seeing someone, and especially your son for you, with their arms opened up toward Heaven.

    And to go to Hillsong. That would be awesome also.

    Have a great day!

  13. This is a pretty amazing picture for Ps 71!!

  14. Hi Susan, immediately as I saw this verse even before the page was fully loaded, it warmed my heart completely.

    A wonderful choice for today.

    I too pray this will be the theme of my son and daughter's life, never losing sight of God.

    Bless you

  15. Wonderful photo & verse!
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. What a COOL story and what an awesome pic...see the power of those PRAYING MOMS!! I'm impressed with this hiding talents???:)

    Hugs Susan!!

  17. beautiful and something that all of us moms should be praying for our childrens!

  18. What a great story about your son and his friend! :0)

  19. I did not know this verse, I love it!

  20. Well he is in the right country..wrong state...vbg
    There is long time rivalry, friendly, between NSW where Hillsongs is located and Victoria where I am.

    Yes love verse also. Hope. What would we do without God's hope. The world can have the stuff they call hope but our hope is based on something sure and steadfast.

  21. Blessings Susan...This verse is a LEGACY keeper for all your children, grandchildren, and ALL!
    And your personal words touched me deeply!

    Now the photo! It is awesome and very moving to see your son with arms stretched out feeling the wind of the spirit as he crosses the bridge of life. It is aMazing how the Lord brought the two friends together to see HILLSONG & be moved, be blessed & be filled by His Spirit. So this HOPE was planted! You model steadfast & hopefulness and they will see HOPE through you and your love!

    Thank you for your visit! Hope you enjoyed WFW & continue to enjoy your week! Be blessed my sweet friend...the card idea and letter is from that Sherri not mine. I had to clarify for ALL! I guess it was not clear...glad you liked it!

  22. Hillsong is an amazing church... AND HUGE. (I've seen photos.) It sounds like some wonderful things are going on in Joseph's life. May he be filled with God's hope all the days of his life.

    BTW, I can't recommend any Nancy Leigh DeMoss books yet... I've just discovered her ministry about two months ago. She is so anointed!

    Thanks for offering to buy Faith (Gold in the Clouds) one of Nancy's books. I left Faith a note on her blog. I hope you hear from her. You are a true blessing in the blogosphere, Susan!!!

    (((BIG hugs)))

  23. What a wonderful photograph - and that it is your son makes it even more special. The verse is perfect for it.

  24. I love this is just beautiful!
    Love the verse too. I pray for my daughters every day that they would hope in Christ all of their days! Your prayer to your son is so touching don't have to buy me a book! IT is so nice of you....but you really don't have to do that! (emom told me you had mentioned this on her Nancy DeMoss post)

  25. WOW! What a GREAT picture!! This is awesome! I am already a bit down tonight and feeling that I might cry any second now. This did bring tears to my eyes...tears of joy! I am soooooooooo glad that your son followed through on visiting Hillsong. What an opportunity of a life time?!?!?! Thanks so much for sharing!

  26. Love the photo! Great message too. Blessings to you and your family.

  27. Great picture and verse! May God bless you and family always. Take care and have a great weekend.

  28. Oh, your Joseph is right where Jesus wants him. In Australia with his arms open wide! I know there will be many treasures he will find along the way. Friendships, Hillsong, beauty, and HIS presence.

    I'm thankful he has a praying momma!

    This made my heart leap for joy! Your son is HIS! Just like you are.

    Thank you for your friendship, Susan. You are a treasure to me.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!