
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Designed to Shine



Last week I received a most amazing email that really shocked caught me by surprise. Let me explain.

Back in 1995, our church took a missions outreach team on church planting crusade to the small town of Murom, Russia. The city was located about two hundred miles east of Moscow, and at that time very few foreigners had ever been to this region because it had several classified military bases.

Please join me over at the Cafe today find out more about this exciting story.

And don’t forget to check out what others posted at The 160 Acre Woods.


wordfilled Wednesdaytag


  1. I just read your devotion, beautifully said. I have also had the opportunity to go on several missions trips and as much as we go to give of our time and money to these places, I am always the one who comes back blessed and grateful. How wonderful that God gave you a glimpse this side of heaven the impact that your light has made. -Blessings.

  2. Wonderful! I love how the Lord works and that you had a chance to see the impact of the Good News!!

  3. That certainly must make you feeel good. God is good to let us share in His ministry. We ARE His ambassadors! Well done good and faithful servant!

  4. Hey YOU!
    I loved that cafe was great! Isn't that YOU in that picture?? Look at you!

    How perfect it is that you could put these together today!

    I always have BIG shoes to fill every month when I follow you:)

    love ya!!

  5. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing and tying all of this together so beautifully!

  6. I love when God goes way beyond our expectations and uses our small steps of faith to bring multitudes to Him. Partnering with Him is so amazing! Thank you for such an encouraging post.

  7. Beautiful devotion, Susan! We truly are designed to shine and may we all be bold in letting our light shine for Him!

  8. OH, Susan! This was awesome! I just love how God will take something that happened a while back and continue to use it to glorify His kingdom! Thanks so much for sharing that!


  9. We have always wanted to go on a missions trip, perhaps someday. Great post.

  10. Blessings Susan...How wonderful & timely indeed as we let our LIGHT shine His ambassadors wherever we walk, may we reflect His Love! Great photo!

    Amazing how God works & blesses!

    You are such a blessing!Keep shining! EnJOY WFW & Shine HIS Smile!

  11. What a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness. My parents planted a church in a little village in Russia. They are back in the states now and today my father was excited to tell me that a young girl that came to Christ in Russia and is in University now is going to marry a Christian Pastor there. Blessings...

  12. I came over from Amy Bayliss, she found me yesterday. yee haw

    I recongnized you I believe from perhaps LPM?


  13. The political hot-head in me . . .
    You know, in my dreams, I am a FoxNews Analyst!
    wants to comment on how our own country is headed to what you so perfectly describe having happened in Russia many years ago. . .
    BUT. . . God's Spirit reminds me that I cannot let political winds take my heart and mind of the True Redeemer - Jesus Christ. As Kingdom Workers, ours is the task of taking His Message to the world.
    Russia: awesome and rewarding task.
    Our own backyard: just as rewarding!!!
    Wonderful Devotion.

  14. What an incredible message! Praise God for your faithfulness. How precious of Him to encourage you (and all of us) in this way.


  15. I just hopped over to the Cafe and read what you have written there.

    Amazing!! This is one of my goals in my walk with Christ--to be a shining light to all I may come in contact with every day!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me!!


  16. Jumped over to the Cafe! What a testimony! There are times when the LORD will permit us to peak into the lives of people HE'S USED us as a vessel to bless in HIS NAME and for HIS GLORY. You just had one of those precious moments.


    Thank you my special friend for your prayers for my healing. I love you.

  17. wahhhh you made me cry.. that is a beautiful beautiful glimpse of God's love.

  18. We do need to keep this text in mind...God has given us a great and high calling.

  19. May our light be clear and unobstructed to a needy world.

  20. thanks for this reminder today "I am the light of the World. Blessings of peace, joy and love

  21. hi susan. i'm so glad to be back blogging. just quick thing. i have a new web addy. i also have a giveaway - my first ever. hope to see you there. =D

  22. Yes we are the light of the world and let your shine be a light to others. TC

  23. Oh, how I love this photo and devotion. The cry of my heart is that God would use me, my family, my friends, to shine for Him. If each of us uses our unique gifts and talents for Him in obedience, wow, I know we can. Going to slap you a message on Facebook soon, girl. Soon as I get caught up on my blog reading...

    Much love,

  24. Thanks for commenting on my blog ^^. yes I do realize how blessed I am for the opportunities that I have. Thats why I decided to start my blog to share it with everyone.

    Thats great that your son is traveling! I wish to do that some day ^^ he should TOTALLY visit Jamaica some time! ( I'm like the unofficial tourist ambassador!) and I will surely pray for him!

    Many Blessings,

    Jamaican Princess


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!