
Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend!

Hello, Everyone! (This is Tonya, Susan's friend)

I hope Susan won't mind, but I'm taking over her blog today. (Sorry, Susan, this is what can happen when people get their hands on your log-in information.. hehehe)

Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that TODAY is Susan's birthday! I know that Susan has been such a tremendous blessing to you, just as she has to me! She is one of the most GENUINELY SWEET people I have ever met! She's COMPLETELY ON FIRE for JESUS (need I say more?) and she's got the gift of encouragement like few before her! I thought it'd be FUN for us to encourage HER today, on her special day??

I, I guess I should say WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, Susan, and hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday!


Tonya (Please overlook Susan's signature below.. I'm not sure how to make it not post today. LOL!!)


  1. Happy Birthday!
    May God bless you and keep you!

  2. Hey there, Sweet Mama!

    I hope you're okay with me taking over your blog today?? I could've asked permission, but that would've ruined the "element of surprise"... O:-)

    I wish I were there to give you a great big hug (and to take you out for dinner)... this will just give us an excuse to make up for lost time, eh? =-)

    I'll try to get your gifts in the mail in the next day or two. (Sorry it's not there now.. I've not been out much lately.. "world's biggest procrastinator".. that's me!)

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend!
    I love you!

  3. Happy birthday, sweet Susan! Oh my, you have been such an encourager to Tonya even when your own path has been rocky. Hooray for our sisters and encouragers; somehow I think that's what Jesus was talking about when He said "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on EARTH as it is in Heaven". It's friends like you that give us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like. Hope your day is every bit as special as you are!

  4. Happy Birthday! I just love love love to read your thoughts about the MIGHTY GOD we serve. You are such a true testimony to HIS word. I'm so thankful that GOD brought you and Tonya together on this journey of life. What a sweet friendship you two share. My prayer for you, today, is that GOD will continue to shower you in HIS blessings.

  5. Happy Birthday Susan! May this year be the best yet!

  6. Happy Birthday Susan!!! You are such a sweet and special woman! So grateful to know you and praying you have a wonderful, wonderful day!


    P.S. I sent you a little something...hopefully it arrives on time! = )

  7. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday, Susan!
    I pray you are enjoying your day and your surprise. You have definitely blessed my life over the past year. I'm so thankful our paths have crossed in bloggyland.
    Blessings today and always.

  9. Precious Susan,

    I'm off line today celebrating my birthday too but popped in to say I love you and Happy Birthday! It's nice sharing the day with you.

    You are a woman of grace and substance who definitely has the heart of the LORD.

    I love you.

  10. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Dear Susan,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    So much love for you, my friend! You are a wonderful encourager and sister-in-Christ!

  11. Happy Birthday, Susan! Tonya sure is sneaky, isn't she?! Haha

    I hopped over from Tonya's blog after reading her wonderful birthday tribute to you.

    May God richly bless you today...and EVERY day!

    Beth E.

  12. Happy Birthday sweet sister in Christ!

  13. Happy Birthday Susan...I've over from Tonya's blog...I hear you are a wonderful lady and I just wanted to let ya know somebody thinks so! :)

    Have a blessed day in Him!


  14. Susan, we love you so much. Have a joyous and blessed birthday today. CELEBRATE! And thanks for being so on fire for Jesus.

    Big hugs and blessings,




    Now that my voice is tuned up & sweetened up by knowing you..uh-hum
    A happy birthday to you,
    A happy birthday to you,
    Every day of the year
    May you find Jesus near.
    A happy birthday to you,
    A happy birthday to you,
    The BEST you've ever had...
    and many more

    May your day be as blessed as you make my day each time you visit or I come and sit a while at your sweet FOREVER HIS!

    Thanks Tonya for letting us know!

    Hope you are enjoying your b-day & all the friends & family that love you!

  16. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Now, the real celebration will begin on Sunday, right? =)
    Love you~
    Kristin (and the rest of the gang)

  17. Happy Birthday sweet friend! May God bless you richly and may your life be full and sweet as this day draws to a close.

    I pray you are surrounded by those you love, blessed by special moments and memories and have many treasures that will remind you of this day. God shines on you, Susan. Have a blessed time this evening. Love You.


  18. My Sweet Susie,

    What can I say? You know how much joy you bring me, and all the happiness I found since the day I met you, fell head over heals, hopelessly in love, and never looked back!

    So on this, your special day, I wish you all the happiness, that you have brought so many others, right back to you.

    So Happy 29th - this year and ever 29th year as long as you live.

    Your Greatest Fan, full-time Friend, and huggable husband,


  19. So, how was your birthday?!!!!!!! Hope it was the bestest one yet!

  20. P.S. My oh my. Did you all catch the anomymous comment above this one? Whoeeeee! What a wonderful guy! :~D

  21. Happy Birthday Susan. I know how much Tonya loves and appreciates you in her life:) I hope you had a great day and you were blessed in ways you would have never deserve it. I LOVE to read your blog and get much encouragement from you:) Happy Birthday......Dena

  22. Morning, Friend!

    My eyes "teared up" as I read what your sweet hubby wrote to you. How PRECIOUS AND AWESOME was THAT??

    You guys are such an AMAZING, EXCELLENT example of GODLY a LOVE & marriage! I'm so thankful to have been SO BLESSED as to get to meet & love your beautiful family!

  23. Happiest of birthday wishes! How cute to have your blog kidnapped!! Just wanted to say what a blessing your blog is - I enjoy each post!

    Have a beautiful day!

  24. Happy Belated birthday dear Sister!! Praying you had a wonderful and blessed birthday!

  25. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Susan, Happy Birthday to you!

    I missed your actual birthday. But I want you to know my life is a whole lot sweeter because of your influence in my life. You've been a constant source of encouragement and love since we've met. I am so thankful to know you via the blog. I loved hearing your voice on the phone. You are precious to me! I love you!

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!