
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Direct Dail

psalm17_6Doesn't it seem when we are facing our toughest battles the first thing we run to is our spouses, friends or family for help or advice?

I guess it is just natural for us to reach for that phone before we spend time on our knees. smile_sniff

What we need to learn is how to run to Jesus in our time of need.   Prayer is the best only remedy for any problem we may face. 

Call on Jesus, He is always ready to answer!

Lord forgive me for the many times I run to others in my time of need before I spend time at your feet.  You are so faithful to hear our cries and desire to be our greatest source of comfort, peace, and guidance.  Thank you for hearing me before I even speak.  

Join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods for more word-filled posts!


  1. Wonderfully encouraging scripture. Great post.
    Blessings @ Happy WFW!

  2. Oh Sue, I LOVE this message. Yes, Wow. And that graphic is so original that it will pop into my head regularly. Awesome WFW!

  3. THIS is GREAT! I love that lady! How clever! I'll be remembering this one....I'm such a visual gal!

    TOO cute!

  4. Oh my goodness but you got my number today! I do exactly what you said....when trouble comes my way the first thing I do is get online and send out an "emergency prayer request" email. I know God is the answer to my trouble but I guess I am too much leaning on others to ask Him for me. Thank you so much for this eye opening truth today!


  5. what a great visual Susan! i love it!

  6. Wonderful post, Susan. It really is a sign of our sinful flesh nature that we sometimes run to everyone else before we run to Him.
    Have a blessed day.

  7. CUTE...and very true!

    And that line is never busy!

  8. What great words and a great reminder. I love your fun picture also.

  9. Amen, Susan. Excellent word for today. I needed to be reminded of this. Great picture and verse! Happy WFW!

  10. Yeah. Jesus should always be first. I know though that sometimes Jesus will speak through a godly advisor. Sometimes I can't hear the Lord as clearly when my emotions cloud things up. Another human being can give me perspective and help me to more clearly hear the Lord...still Jesus should be enough...God works in many ways!

  11. Great reminder to "Call on Him" first. Love the picture also. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh yes. Tell me about it. A lesson I've had to learn more times than I care to admit

  13. I'm learing to save the 'phone call' for the PRAISE time - AFTER the Lord answers the prayer that was offered on my knees to Him first!

    Looking UPward and Choosing JOY,
    [In Flight]

  14. A wonderful reminder that we should always call on God first... He is always ready to listen to us and to answer, what a blessing!

    How do you do that strike through thing... I have been trying to figure that out and have no idea how to do it...


  15. What a great graphic and verse. love it.

  16. A fantastic reminder & promise! Blessings to you & thinking of your son in Darwin!

  17. Wonderful reminder!...And there is never a busy signal!!

    Thank you for visiting my blog! Yes that is my baby, I was 8 months along when that ultrasound was done. She will be 4 months old on the 30th!...oh how the time flies!

    God Bless,

  18. I'm guilty. But I'm getting better! And Jesus is always there waiting to pick up the phone, even when my instincts make me think of others to ask first. :)

  19. O there is NO TRUER (is that a word??) message than this one dear sister. I am always reminded over the years of Joyce Meyer saying, "Run to the Throne not to the phone". It's been a constant reminder to me to GO TO JESUS FIRST. Truth is when we go to JESUS first we usually have no need to go any further. Praise the Lord!

    I've missed visiting with you. Love you.

  20. Amen, Susan! This graphic is great and likely to stick with me next time I'm tempted to go to someone else first! Thanks for the powerful encouragement instead to go to the One who created us and loves us more than anyone. Blessed WFW!

  21. Profound! Prayer is always relevant and the first thing we should do in times of need.

    (Love the graphic... what a lovely woman she is!)

    Have a blessed WFW, Susan.


  22. Cute picture and wonderful verse ~
    Hopefully soon I am going to add a song I wrote "Call Unto the Lord" to my music website. I am working on more copyrights.

  23. Thank you so much! I needed that reminder ... and the pic is so cute!

  24. Hey Susan!
    Great post, but I'm not surprised. you always speak to my heart. :)
    I heard before: Go to the throne before you go to the phone.

    love ya,
    You are mentioned in a post I did this week. :)

  25. Good word! HE is the only one to run to........... When will we learn! The visual is wonderful !

  26. I'm learning to run to the Throne not the phone. :)

    Thank you for this strong post and prayer.

    Miss you,


  27. Susan,
    I just caught up on your last several posts. I am inspired again by your beautiful writings. Thanks for sharing so much of you and your words. I am always so uplifted when I come to visit here.
    I don't always stop and leave a message like I should..because it seems I'm always running. I need to stop and take the time more. Again...I am always so uplifted when I come to visit you here.

    Love you and see you on Facebook

  28. AMEN!
    . . . love those 1950's photos.
    Often wished I'd been able to raise children back then.
    But -- FF 2009. I've got PRAYER!!!!!!!

  29. Hi susan,
    Great post and so true. He's all I need, He's all I need, Jesus is all I need...............
    hugs Sandra nz

  30. Yep, you are so right! This is great! You're such an inspiration. Thanks!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!