
Monday, April 27, 2009

So, What Do You Think?

We live in a society that is so often absorbed with its own feelings.  I know for one, I am sometimes guilty of thinking poorly of myself and negatively about the situations that I find myself facing.


My thoughts run rapid. I'm fat; I frustrated: I'm sad; I'm worried; I'm afraid, and the list goes on.  Even though I may not say them aloud, these thoughts and feelings can play like a movie over and over again in my mind. I recently read a quote by a Dr. Leaf that said:

“87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. It's an epidemic of toxic emotions.”

Yes, this kind of thinking can become toxic in our lives. Our thoughts become pictures, and those pictures become the basis of how we relate to God and others.

However, thank God we have the ability, through His Spirit and by His Grace, to control the thoughts and the way we think about ourselves. Truly, a picture is worth a 1,000 words, and we need to picture ourselves the same way God pictures us!

Today's quote by Rick Warren is so meaningful:




The most successful people I know are ones who have learned to control their thoughts.  The goal is to harness them under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Let's face it; many of us suffer from the effects of the toxic thoughts that are out to destroy our future and destiny. We must wage war and take captive those thoughts that many have so accurately called "stinking thinking".

When I read the quote by Pastor Warren, the first scripture that came to mind was the one where Paul gave us a warning about how we think…

"To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6

Here we see a picture of the battle that is raging in the arena of our minds.

Death verses life and peace

Which will it be? How do we change the way we think, and how do we take captive those negative and harmful pictures from playing in the theater of our minds?

Paul answers these questions a little further along in the book of Romans where we read:

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

I once read the quote below and remember thinking how true it was…

If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind."

I don't know about you, but I do not want to continue down the same old path of wrong thinking. God has given us everything that we need to succeed.  His word is full of promises and instructions on how to live a life that brings glory to Him. 

What greater way to honor our God than to,

1) believe all that He says about us is true, and

2) then act upon that truth in the way we live our lives.

This is how we celebrate His victory.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and created in the image of Jesus, God’s perfect Son. May we always see ourselves in the light of this amazing truth.

wordfilled Wednesdaytag

Please join us over at Heart Choices today as Debbie is our gracious hostess this week.


Father forgive me for all the times I’ve believed the lies of the enemy.  You told me I can do all things through you, and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your imagine. Teach me what it means to have the mind of Christ.  Thank you for your patience and your great love and mercy towards me.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


  1. Wow.. so many good things to think about in this post, Susan! I know I fall prey to this kind of thinking alot and have been working hard in this area for the last couple of months. It's not easy, but with God's help it can be done!

  2. Know that the Lord is always with you whatever happens! Praying!
    Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
    Prayer BearsMy email address

  3. This is a wonderful post sweetie.

  4. Amen! "Stinking thinking" I call it! What we think becomes what we do and what we do becomes our habit and our habit becomes our character...Philippians 4:8 is so important. We must think on good things. We must learn to state His promises over our lives and over the lives of others. Great post! I have thought on this many times! But it is a subject I need to think on regularly so as to check how it is I am thinking!

  5. A big hearty AMEN sister Susan! Our minds are so powerful and can do so much damage when not kept in check.
    Loved this.

  6. Susan, I love your take on this quote! So many of the things you wrote, I needed to read. Love the stinkin' thinkin' bit too. It's so true that we need to be aware of the thoughts that often rage in our mind. For a while, I was in the habit of quoting Romans 12:1-2 every morning. I think I will go back to doing that. Thanks for this post and participating in IOWT.

  7. AMEN! Beautiful message sweet sister. A topic that is VERY important to me and has been for many years. I love you.

  8. Image that, we have a choice. We can't blame it on anyone else. We need to think for ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts. Praise the Lord we have the Holy Spirit on our side to help us.

  9. Susan, I truly enjoyed this post. You are such a gifted writer and I learn from you each time I'm here. Our toxic thoughts can lead us down some slippery slopes, but by God's grace we can take them captive to Christ and overcome them, can't we? Great post and some excellent truths. Love the Scripture you shared!

  10. I think your words are right on target! Thanks for sharing such wisdom with us today.

    Typing One-Handed

  11. Susan . . . excellent post! Such a great reminder for me today. Thanks!

  12. I love this post. Especially because God has really worked on my mind. I used to be so oppressed and defeated by my thinking. Renewing my mind has helped me became so filled with joy and love and peace. I can't imagine trading that back for the old mind. It's so dark. And I like light!

    Love you,


  13. Wonderful, Susan! This post is a powerful reminder. I've really been trying to control my own thoughts lately. For example, instead of complaining, whenever I'm annoyed by the barking dog next door, I think to myself "There's that happy yappy dog again!"

    I really like that quote by Pastor Rick Warren. So true.

    Have a blessed day! :~D

  14. WOW! So good!

    This reminds me of something my Granny always says, "Nothing changes if nothing changes."

    Boy, was this convicting. You know I am guilty of those negative thoughts, as well, and even though they are not conceited thoughts, they are still my eyes on my flesh. When my eyes are only one me, then I can't see all of the people in front of me who God wants me to reach out to.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Love ya, Kristin

  15. Great post! In the last couple of years I have realized my thoughts were allowed to run rampant. They looked very much like the photo you posted. I am starting to learn how to give those thoughts to Christ and renew my mind with his word. Thank you for this great reminder!!

  16. What a blessing this post was to me Susan! Thank you!

  17. Great post, Susan and thanks for coming by my site

  18. I really like the things you emphasized in this post, particularly the part about listening to the truth rather than listening to the devil's lies about us. You organized this well and the scriptures you used spoke to my heart. Thank you!

  19. Great blog! Keep it up, very encouraging, thank you.

  20. It is so true that we often live with "toxic emotions". Thank you for the reminder to think differently or else we will remain who we are right now.

  21. Oh I love this.... I am fixing to take a blogging break and will post about it on Saturday or Sunday and a lot of it is directly related to this post..... I think that sometimes we have lost focus on the Lord and the enemy floods in and our minds run rampant! Great post girl and you are a blessing to many....

  22. Only be gone a little while and I will be out reading and leaving comments......

  23. Susan:
    Training my mind to think the thoughts of God has been a life-long endeavor and one that has recently taken me to new levels of obedience. It's a joy to think upon him, but it's a very intentional embrace.

    I've eliminated a lot of extraneous variables that tend to send my mind down the wrong path. The more I starve my thoughts from worldy things, the more "offended" I am by them when they approach my world.

    Great teaching, friend.


  24. WONDERFUL POST, Susan! I need to get slapped up side the head with this every morning. Thanks!

  25. “If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind."

    So perfectly well said... Good thing we have a gracious God who helps transform us!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!