
Friday, May 22, 2009

A Great Report!








(Pastor Eddie Long was at St. Jude to raise money, Jordan was thrilled to get to meet him!!)


We're home! But most importantly, we've brought back a good report as a result of all the testing we had done in Memphis.

Jordan's scans showed, "no evidence of disease progression".  Yeah!!!!clap

Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. God is so good to us, and we are eternally grateful!!!smile_teeth

Going back to St. Jude is like visiting home after you’ve been away for a long time.

It was especially nice to have my hubby with us for this visit. We had the chance to catch-up with many of our old friends, and spend some R&R time away from all the pressures and demands back home.

On Sunday night, we had coffee and dessert with Mark and Mylissa from Habitat for Hope.  We also got to meet some of the new families that they are helping right now as well.

The following night, we had dinner with our friends Dawn and Mason.  There are no words to explain the special bond heart that we share with these families at St. Jude.

The following day we met two families that we have been praying for all this year, but never had the chance to meet personally.

It was so great to see little Elizabeth and Trevor. Please keep them in your prayers; they are both AML patients who need a miracle.

We are now good for another six months.  We can take some time to relax,smile_regular live and just give thanks to God for all His wonderful benefits.

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.  I’ve missed visiting you, I’ll be by real soon.

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no
one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3


  1. Great pics...and an even greater report! Praise God!

    Love ya, Kristin

  2. Susan,

    I was SO BLESSED to hear that our sweet Jordan got such AMAZING news! I know that each time you hear "no progression of disease" it takes a TREMENDOUS burden off of you. (I know that's how we used to feel after getting that kind of news) You faith is ALWAYS inspiring... SO ON FIRE for JESUS!! I'm PRAISING HIM with you for another great visit. ☺

    I LOVED the pictures you posted. Jordan is as handsome as ever and you ALWAYS look BEAUTIFUL! (Loved the pics of you and your hubby too.. y'all are SO CUTE together)

    I'm counting the days till we get to see you again! (Or at least until I do... LOL)

    Take care, Sweet Friend...

  3. so, so, so thrilled for your news! fun pictures and sounds like a wonderful time was had even in the midst of those circumstances.

    have a fabulous weekend!!

    love ya. (and thanks for continuing to pray for us)

  4. I'm so happy for your good news! Praise the Lord!

  5. How wonderful! So glad to hear the news. Now you can enjoy your holiday weekend all the more.

  6. Wow! I was so happy to see the good news on Facebook...loved reading more about it here. Rejoicing right along with you over THIS awesome news! I also praise God for such a sweet time with your old friends. He is so good!

    Love & blessings to you, sweet friend. Hope your weekend is a special one!
    Tracy = )

  7. So glad to hear your news.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog.
    I am new to the blog world, but have seen the miracle of the blogging community and prayer in the last two days. Hope you will stop by my blog and pray for little Maggie.

  8. So thankful for the good news. Am sitting here in tears...just watched a video on another site made for a precious little guy who didn't make it. I held it together pretty well until they showed his adopted sister holding his picture. That's the only way she'll ever know him...makes me even more thankful for your news!
    Know that I'm here praying!
    Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
    Prayer BearsMy email address

  9. Awesome! Praise His name! So glad for the good report. I can only imagine what a weight gets lifted when you get a good report. Have a blessed holiday weekend. Thanks for stopping by my place! Blessings to you and your family!

  10. Awesome Report!!! Praising our Wonderful Lord with you!!
    Praying your week-end is a great time of rest and celebration!

  11. Praise the Lord for a GOOD report!

    Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  12. So thrilled to hear the good news! Praise the Lord!

  13. Praise God Susan! What wonderful news about Jordan - so thankful he is clear AGAIN! :)

  14. Ah Susan!! that is such wonderful news. Praise the Lord for His goodness!! I think of you so often and recently had an opportunity during grief couseling to share the book you sent me. Thank you for sharing your love.

  15. What wonderful news! And how great of you to post it with such rejoicing! Yesterday morning I taught my ladies class using the Scripture about the 10 lepers being healed and only one of them returning to thank and praise Jesus. How HE must love it when you thank and praise and give HIM the glory for Jordan's good report!

    God bless you!


  16. Susan,
    I stopped by your blog today and I have to say I was so blessed as I listen to your beautiful worship music and read a little about you and your family. "What a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit I felt". Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. You are right, we do have a lot in common. Name, family, age, married about the same number of years, but most of all....."JESUS"!!!

    Praise His Holy Name!

    I read about Jordan and his journey. How wonderful to receive such a good report on his checkup.

    You have beautiful family! your boys are amazing and your grand daughters are a treasure!

    I too have a wonderful husband who would do just about anything to please me. However, right now he is not walking with the Lord. Oh how I miss that fellowship with him. I know that my God is faithfull and I am trusting that he is working out whatever is needed in my husband and He will be victorious in his life.

    Come by again sometime
    God bless!

  17. Just sends chills hearing those words. And, I know it has to be even sweeter for you guys to hear those words. Rejoicing with your family!

    Apparently the clinical trial Jan is on is moving to the next phase. Great news!

    Praying for a cure for ALL cancers!



    Thanks for passing on the great news.

  18. Praising the Lord with you!! I loved your photos, too.

  19. Yaaaaaaaaaaay, Yaaaaaaaaaay, Yaaaaaaay, and oh yeah...did I say Yaaaaaaay!!!

    So happy for your family and rejoicing with you!


  20. Girl.....I pray for Jordan all the time. I've been spending lots of time with Connie during recital week...It's so WONDERFUL to hear that he got a WONDERFUL report...PRAISE the Lord!

    What a blessing his life is....God has got such plans for him! Thank you soooo much for sharing his story...He looks FABULOUS!!

    love you girl!

    forgive me for being so sporadic...this "new job" at A Woman Inspired is keeping me on my toes...that with school ending and recitals...honestly, it's as busy here as in December...without the tree to decorate!:)

    you coming to the Ministry ONline conference??? have to....:)

    LOVE You!!
    Big hugs and the prayers continue!


  21. I just prayed for Elizabeth and Trevor dear one and...


    Great is Thy Faithfulness Dear GOD! We so love You and are so grateful for all that plans You have for Jordan's life. Be glorified Dear Father in Jesus Name. Amen.

    Sweet one come on over to Sharing Life with Lisa. I have a little something for you on today's post. I love you and I enjoyed viewing the photos.

  22. Praise the Lord for great news and a great trip! I loved the pictures.

  23. Thank you, Jesus! So happy to hear this and see the pics.

    Miss you. I can't seem to keep up with my blog visits lately. Know I still care for you..



  24. Hi Susan...Jordan looks wonderful in these pictures. I'm so glad to read the great news. I new of the "news" but just read your post now. I know all of you are sooo happy and filled with great joy.
    How is Cole and the beautiful girls doing? I know you are having a great time with them. They all are so sweet.

    Love and Hugs....

  25. Susan...this is AWESOME! I am so happy for you and your family.
    Praise God, praise God, praise God!!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!