
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Night Vision


Sometimes God doesn’t tell us why because He wants us to know who.

In Psalm 23, David goes from talking about God, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” to talking with Him, “Thou art with me.”

What happened in between?

David learned that no matter how dark the way is, the Lord is there to guide us. He discovered that it’s better to walk through the valley with God than stand on the mountaintop alone.

God doesn’t always light the path in advance, but He promises,

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee” (Isa 43:2).

When you feel like you’re out of your depth or in over your head, claim the promise!

Job had many unanswered questions, but when he began to understand the difference between reason and relationship, he told God, “I…heard about you before, but now I have seen you” (Job 42:5 TLB).

When you can’t find the reason, trust the relationship.

God won’t fail you.

Contrary to what you may think, darkness isn’t always the work of the enemy. Sometimes it’s one of God’s best teaching tools. “About the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea…And when they saw Him…they were greatly amazed…beyond measure, and marveled” (Mk 6:48-51 NKJV).

You get to know the Lord by going through storms with Him. The Psalmist said, “To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you” (Ps 139:12 NLT).

So instead of running from your problems, ask God to develop your night vision, to show you “the treasures of darkness…hidden in secret places”.  (by Rick Godwin)

Please join us today at the 160 Acre Woods for more Word filled posts!


  1. That's so true. Happy WFW!

  2. That is so true. I find when I don't know why ... I learn to know Him better.

  3. Such wonderful thoughts....your thoughts :) Encouragement I needed.

    I love the photo paired with the verse.

    Happy WFW!

  4. I have been learning this same lesson in my life lately. God is so good. He doesn't leave us. He doesn't forsake us. He's right there with us waiting to show us His treasures. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words of wisdom today. I love visiting everyone on WFW for encouragement. Have a great day my friend!

  5. Great stuff! I loved the line "sometimes God doesn't tell us why because He wants us to know who". Even when we can't see how it is going to work out - trusting in Him is always the answer. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love your photo, scripture and thoughts!

    Thanks for the visit. Work is great! Jan is feeling really good. A lot to be thankful for!

    Blessings my friend,



  7. oh Sue,
    i love this! thanks for blessing me today with it!

  8. Beautiful verse and encouragement for today.

  9. Great verse and cool photo! Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. Happy WFW!

  10. What a powerful quote! Not 'why' but 'who' !!!!

    I really love that! Thank you for sharing!

    Have a wonderful week!


  11. In my younger years I used to think that only the work of the enemy was done in darkness.

    I learned that some of the best teaching tools I've gained in my walk with the LORD was in the "darkness".

    Thank you for this message and I just visited the link you gave me to the Huntington Botanical Gardens! WOW is that beautiful! I viewed some of the themed gardens. Grandma would have loved that rose garden but she's in the prettiest one now in Glory!

    Thanks for sharing. I would love to get there one day in CA and I was blessed in your sharing of your mentors who have touched your life. You're a sweetie. Love you.

  12. So true! Beautiful! Thank you for the reminder... God bless you dear ...

  13. Susan, this was just awesome! I love the picture and Scripture and the promise it brings. Awesome devotional to go with it. Not all darkness is of the enemy...great thoughts to ponder! Wonderful lessons in faith. Happy WFW to you!

  14. Wow, what a great blessing. He can give us wonderful blessings even when we think we are in the darkest situations.

    Have a great day!

  15. Girlfriend! This is AWESOME!! WOW! I just read a post over at Glimpses of Faith...the guy is doing a series on Crazy's fabulous and this just ties in SOOOO well to it! I'm getting a message loud and clear!!

    Hugs friend!
    love you!!

  16. Blessings Susan...

    Beautiful photo & verse! Isaiah was my Bible reading during my 40 days!

    Thank you for sharing these words from Rick Godwin but I could not tell which were his and which were yours but whoever said this TRUTHS
    I am deeply blessed by these words:

    "When you can’t find the reason, trust the relationship."

    "Sometimes God doesn’t tell us why because He wants us to know who."

    Powerful message! Thank you...enjoy

  17. I love your perspective on the dark times in our life. Wonderful reminder! Thanks for sharing Scripture and great picture!

  18. I have goosebumps upon goosebumps. What a powerful WFW. Blessings to you!

  19. What a wonderful message and AWESOME photo!

    Happy WFW!

  20. Amen, just lovely. Thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing this encouragement.
    Blessings to you !

  21. Susan, wow! I have been so, so blessed by blogs this afternoon...and yours is right at the top! God needed me to hear your words and His scripture. Thank you!!


  22. Susan thank you for sharing this verse and the insight with it. This verse is new to me in that I just saw it where it stood out to me a few months ago. I put it in that place where I wll go back and study it in detail. You brought it back to me today- a reminder I need to rest with it a while. Thanks for this valuable lesson: When God wants us to pay attention He gently reminds us I am calling you here for a reason-don't pass it by. Blessings

  23. Thank you for your encouragement...past couple days have been "dark days" and I needed the reminder - God bless.

  24. Amen. God doesn't move. We must continue to believe and trust who He has declared Himself to be...remember the promises...remember His faithfulness...remember His sovereignty...Oh what faith the darkness builds!

  25. Very beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I needed this reminder.

  26. Hi!thanks for visiting my blog.I am from the Phillippines.Im so blessed with your verse.I can truely relate with it because I've been through a lot of storms in my life but i have no regrets because it was there that i experience Gods comfort,overwhelming love to me and learnings from the experience.God is so good!

  27. It's a blessing to be able to pray for your family!
    Psalms 70:4-5 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.
    Prayer BearsMy email address

  28. Sometimes God doesn’t tell us why because He wants us to know who. Mmm. . .that's good. I'll remember that. Thanks, Susan.

  29. Oh how I love that verse and it is a lovely picture to go with it.
    One to remember.

  30. Reminds me of the quote: "When you seek God in prayer, you may not always find the answer you want - but you WILL FIND the AUTHOR!"

    Great truths here - thanks for sharing them.

    Choosing JOY,
    [JESUS - the One I Worship]

  31. This is an outstanding word! I love the idea of developing our "night vision" for the days we walk in darkness. It's all about the person of Christ... "God doesn't always tell us why because he wants us to know WHO."


  32. Had to pop back over and love on you! Your words blessed me on my blog and you know I thought I heard someone shouting AMEN! (smile). Thank you precious sister for sharing the word of God with me from Proverbs 16:24. I will say that YOU walk in that Scripture for what you write (speak) is pleasant and a blessing to my heart.

    Love you.

  33. WOW!! I *so* needed this reminder today!! Thank you so much, Susan for sharing this encouraging word!! LOVEYOUMEANIT!!!!!

  34. Hey Susan! I was just wondering if I could get your email address so that I can keep in better contact with you about the Relay for Life stuff! You can email me at if you want- that might be easier than leaving a comment on my craft blog:)
    Thanks again for your willingness to help out!!!

  35. What a great word of encouragement and one which I needed to hear... I will begin praying for God to develop my night vision so I can see the treasures He has hidden for me in the dark... thank you!


  36. Always keep your eyes on the Lord! Lifting up prayers right now!
    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Prayer BearsMy email address

  37. Well, that's a stunning word for my tired heart tonight! I'm in the dark friend, but I'm not afraid... but it would be a short leap to get there. This is just what I needed to hear in this moment.

    Thanks for checking in. Stunning picture you have here. Did you take it?


  38. What a blessing. What a precious God. How we need Him. Thank you for posting one of my all time favorites from Isaiah 43.

  39. Know that I'm here praying hard!
    John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    Prayer BearsMy email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!