
Thursday, July 16, 2009

I’m In Love!

(please remember to mute my music player first, thanks so much!)


Obsessed:  To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.


The idea of holding back certainly didn’t come from scripture. 

The bible teaches us to be consumed with Christ and to faithfully live out His words.

The Holy Spirit stirs in us a joy and peace when we are fixated on Jesus, living by faith, and focused on the life to come.


An excerpt from Crazy Love, by Francis Chan


  1. Thank you for this blessing today Susan.

    I love the LORD with all of my heart because He first loved me and in that love He has consumed my life with His goodness and His greatness.

    I'm deeply appreciative for HIS presence in my life.

    I love you.

  2. I've heard some stunning recommendations for this book. I take it, you would concur?!

    Hope all is well. This has been the craziest summer of my life!!!


  3. Oh yes to be consumed with and by Him!

  4. Greetings Susan, Thanks so much for stopping by my little spot and commenting. I so enjoy making new friends. So please, stop by anytime.

    You are richly blessed with so many children and grandchildren. Those grandbabies are too precious.

    Praises to our Lord. Blessings, SusanD

  5. Needed this so much this morning sweet Susan. I was just praying that verse in the Lord your God with all...
    I am feeling so weepy this morning and not sure why but I know it has to do w/ how I am craving more of God. Been going through some trials w/ a friend and I have never dealt w/ things like this as an adult as some of what has happened seems so highschool drama. It's hard when treated like this to want to live out "Love thy neighbor" especially when it really is my neighbor..LOL. I've got this book and have been considering doing it on my blog along w/ Linda from 2nd Cup of Coffee.
    Thanks for sharing this video. I loved it.
    Love you,
    Your grandchildren are stunning!

  6. Oh Susan! That was incredible. I felt HIM speak to my heart through the words that "played out" on the screen....

    Thank you for sharing this--and for your dedicated heart to HIM!

    BTW---those little snapshots of sugar down below this post are too cute!

    I'll have 2 grandsons with us this weekend...TIRING JOY!

  7. Precious, thank you for the beautiful prayer you prayed over me at my blog.

    I pray the Lord would continuously bless you and your family with His divine presence, power, healing, peace, strength, wisdom, love, compassion, grace and provision in Jesus Name. Amen.

    I love you.

  8. Susan,

    YOU WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Send me your mailing address when you get a chance and I will get your Nickapalooza t-shirt in the mail!!

    Love you!

    Oh, and be sure to tell me what size!!


  9. Praying for your family right now!
    Psalms 91:14-15 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  10. This is my heartbeat. Prayer.

    I may have to post this video. It speaks better than I could ever write.

    Thank you for speaking about what really matters.

    I've read Crazy Love, but I must say I didn't dive in like I usually do because I didn't own the copy. Bummer. It was the library's copy. I need my own so I can really glean from it through deeper study. My pen and highlighter are required.

    Enjoy your weekend and week.

    Love you.

  11. Susan - I just started "Crazy Love" and just absolutely love that book! I love the excerpt from it that you quoted.

    I have 3 grown daughters and 3 grandbabies myself - 2 girls, 3 boys. I am having the biggest blast being a Nana. My cup indeed overfloweth.

    Many blessings,


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!