
Monday, August 3, 2009

Love Me Tender


When I found out that Marriage Monday was coming this week, I thought, how perfect!   With our anniversary around the corner and a trip to New York in a few days, I will have all kinds of wonderful ideas to write about.

Romance was in the air.



What a perfect time it would be to tell you about my awesome husband.  I wanted you all to know that he is such a caring, kind and considerate, thoughtful and giving person.

I even thought it would be a great time to share some secrets to having a great marriage.  After all 31 years, 5 sons and 4 grandchildren, I should at least qualify to speak on the subject of how to have a great marriage.


And then, this happened:  I think you know what I mean...


Wow, now this totally changed things for me and I thought, hmmm, what can I write about now?  Thank goodness today our topic is wide open! We were instructed to post our thoughts on whatever facet of marriage that was on our hearts .

So, today I would like to share with you some guidelines I read once that we have found useful in our marriage.  I pray they will encourage you to continue keep your marriage and family before the Lord.

♥  You are blessed to have each other each and everyday, enjoy those blessings.

♥  Always say “I Love You” every day to each other – no matter what!

♥  Love each other unconditionally.

♥  Laugh, laugh, and laugh! Laughter brings you closer to each other. Have      fun, enjoy life; your spouse is your best friend.

♥  Don’t ever go to bed angry.  Get things resolved quickly.

♥  Respect each other.

♥  Say thank you to your spouse when they do something special, no matter how small it may be.

♥  There are no perfect humans; and there are no perfect spouses.  Be willing to forgive and forget.

♥  Communicate, communicate, and communicate! Communication is the key to a healthy relationship and a healthy marriage.

♥ Your spouse comes first and always first; before your job, your family members and your friends.


Oh, and by the way, we recently discovered the “communication” tip came in real handy the other day!  We got things patched up, and we are very excited to be able to celebrate the gift God give us 32 years ago.

Sometimes making up is the best part of a disagreement!



Rick,  you are the greatest gift God has ever given me.

 Look out New York, here we come!

Please join us today over at my precious friend Chrysalis blog for more Marriage Monday.


  1. That last little bit steamed up my monitor a little! You go, girl!

    You and Rick model a great marriage for us all. Thanks for being honest about your struggles. It makes the rest of us feel better!

    Happy Anniversary and have a terrific time in New York. Love you, friend

  2. Susan, I pray you have a happy anniversary and wanted to thank you for this post. Definite usability!!!

  3. Hope you have a great time in New York!!!!

  4. I agree with Tami. You and Rick model a wonderful, long happy marriage. You're so encouraging!

    I remember being eighteen years old, just after my parents had split up. I was desperate to find Christian couples like you two... to give me hope. I did find a few, thankfully. God is good.

    I so appreciate your ministry here, and the encouragement you are to all of us, Susan.

    I haven't forgotten your offer to volunteer as a guest blogger at Chrysalis... hopefully we can work something out in September. (I'm planning to post videos throughout August.)

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today. Love you so much!

    e-Mom :~D

  5. Susan

    Thanks for being open and honest about being in a real marriage that has real disagreements. And, you're so right...the best part of the disagreement is the making up. I hope that you two have a WONDERFUL anniversary trip and make lots of new memories!

    Make sure and stop by "my house" tomorrow...there will be a giveaway! Please spread the word!

    ((Hugs to you))

  6. After being married over 36 years I still need pointers! ha

    Hope you and Rick have a wonderful time in New York for your anniversary! Mississippi

  7. Happy Anniversary! Havea great time in New York. Great sage advice...after 25 years...we too still lock horns now and then! LOL!

  8. I loved this!! Hubby and I have always adhered to the never go to bed angry with each other! They are all important--thanks for a great reminder. Hope your trip will go well! I am looking forward to hearing all about it when the time comes!


  9. Have fun, New York! Enjoy your anniversary.

    And I loved the tips. I think communication is key. And of course, faith and prayer.

    Congrats on finding an amazing man of God.

    Hugs, friend,


  10. Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet post! I love it!

    Thanks for your kind words on mine as well!
    Much love,

  11. Great tips, and happy anniversary! (I came here via Marriage Monday from Chrysalis.)

  12. This is such an encouraging post :) God bless you!

  13. This is a great post!.. thanks for the tips.. and 32 years of marriage, wow!you've gone a long long way.. my Hubby and I are still going to celebrate our 7th this year.. ;)

    Here's my Marriage Monday Post

  14. Thank you so much for those wonderful tips. Sometimes I think we forget that marriage is work.

    I shall be printing thost tips off!!

    Have a Blessed day.

    ~In HIS Keeping,

  15. RESPECT is always the first thing on my own list, the advice I always give at Bridal Showers! If you don't respect each other or your feelings and opinions it all kind of goes downhill from there!

    Laughter! OMG I couldn't agree more! My HUB makes me laugh and there's no sound sweeter to me than his laughter falling on my ears!

    Communication, 'nuf said! Without that, you're nothing more than room mates under the same roof!

  16. Susan, this was an excellent post! I loved your advice. While hubby and I were engaged someone also shared this piece of advice:

    Say thank you to your spouse when they do something special, no matter how small it may be.

    I can't tell you just how much of a difference that advice has made. It helps us see that even the little things we do are acknowledged and appreciated by our spouses. Better yet, our little ones have picked up on this as well.

    I certainly enjoyed my visit here today. I'll be back.

  17. Great suggestions for a healthy marriage. I just posted a quote on FB about anniversaries that got a good response. Every anniversary a couple celebrates is a reminder that they are on the right track!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!