
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Joyful Journey



Each of us here are on a journey; a journey through life.

In this verse we find a wonderful promise that God can be trusted to guide us along this journey.  While we may often face difficulties and hardships, we are reassured that joy will still be ours because of God presence.

Finally, at the end of our journey, when we stand at the very right hand of God, we will inherit the greatest promise of all, eternal life and pleasures for evermore.

I’m so blessed that Jesus has given us a guide book to directs our steps along this path on Earth.


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  1. I must really need to hear this today -- there have been many verses this morning about God caring for the details of your life and for the bigger picture; thank you for sharing this Word today.

  2. I love the thoughts He is placing in front of me this morning. Great WFW.

  3. Great WFW. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  4. So important to think eternally...the path is Jesus...His presence is the only true joy...and we will have pleasures eternally with Him. This world entalges us with temporary concerns! What a great exhortation this morning and assurance!

  5. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing!:)

  6. Amen! Beautiful picture and verse.

  7. Amen! What a wonderul reminder! Happy WFW!

  8. Every place I have been this morning, has ministered to my heart in a powerful way! Thanks for this beautiful word today.

    Praise Him for his faithfulness.

  9. Blessings sweet Susan...and so much JOY for the journey! THis Psalm does give us this blessed assurance & trust knowing we can follow in His footsteps & inherit eternal life!
    Praise & thankful for His guide book!

    Precious thoughts & thank you for blessing me with your words at MISSIONS! You are such a JOY!

  10. Oh I love coming here! Those sweet faces of your grandchildren popping up on my screen give me such a lift.

    (Did I mention that my BFF from college is about to become a grandma for the first time... exCITED! I was their maid of honor.)

    I love this too: I’m so blessed that Jesus has given us a guide book to directs our steps along this path on Earth. Yes, the Scriptures are like a "guidebook" or an "instruction" manual. We must reach as many young people as we can... especially kids. (I think I have little people on the brain.)

    Happy WFW, Susan. Love you!

    e-Mom :~D

  11. And ALL God's people said: AMEN!

  12. Wonderful, precious words. Hallelujah.

  13. Hi, I love your blog and everything on your playlist! I am so thankful to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless you and your family.

  14. Hey girlfriend!! I LOVE this!!

    I'll be on call for next week;)

    Thanks for sending a sweet comment to made her day!:)

    Are you as hot as we are????

    Love you!!


  15. Absolutely gorgeous photo.

    And amazing Word.

    This is our verse for where I work and it delights me to no end when I see it because it is an amazing reminder. :)


  16. Wow...your verse is just perfect for me today too!
    I just quit my job as a Dental Assistant that I had for 7 1/2 years. Big reason was that I didn't like who I was becoming in a VERY stressful job. I knew that I needed to move on and become a better person. I do not have a job to go to. But I do know that God led me out of there and He WILL guide me as I move along to new and better things.
    Thanks for sharing that verse today. Such good promises in His word. :)

  17. beautiful Susan! this made me smile! thanks for being a vessel!

  18. Beautifully said.Thanks for sharing and thanks for the prayers.God bless!

  19. The guidebook is nice, and I fully trust God to take care of me and guide me, but as for that reward at the end, I don't need it. The real reward is every day with God right now.

  20. What a great scripture and photo!! Love it!

    Yes! We would love an LSU t-shirt!! How sweet of you! If you'll email me, I'll give you my address. Just let me know how much $$ I need to send you!!

    Love you!

  21. I always love seeing this photo! Blessings to you!

  22. Great picture and verse. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. How wonderful to connect with Christian women online. Blessings.

  23. Wonderful words for me to read this morning....thanks for sharing this wonderful words of His and visiting mine

    @scrap collection

  24. I've recently been working on our upcoming Fall Bible study, Priscilla Shirer's "one in a million: journey to your promised land". I can't tell you how much this study is already ministering to my heart.

    How thankful I am for the presence of God as I travel this dusty terrain.

    Blessed Sabbath rest to you and yours.


  25. Still here praying!
    Romans 3:23-26 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  26. Me too. I am thankful that Jesus, after saving my soul, didn't leave me to this sinful world without any guideline what to do next. I praise God for His infallible Word.

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Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!