
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Would you join me in prayer?




I recently had the honor of stumbling upon a new blog called Bella Mella.  Someone had requested prayer for Andrew, Melanie’s son, who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Now, having walked down that unexpected diagnosis road before, my heart was drawn to this family instantly. 

I thought I would stop by and maybe offer a prayer and some words of encouragement, but what I discovered was so much more

As Melanie faced the most dreaded words any mom could ever hear from a doctor, her faith and love for Jesus was simply unshaken.  Her mouth was filled with praises, and even now, she is proclaiming the goodness of God in the midst of this dark storm.

Many of you reading may already know this precious family.  Some may not, but either way please join with me in a time of prayer and fasting for this precious 12-year boy and his family.

In Gal.6:2 Paul said:

“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” 

Let’s bind our hearts together as we come before the throne of God.  If you have not met this family yet, you really should take a moment and check in on them. They are counting on the prayers of the saints, now more then ever.

I’m believing for a miracle, will you join me?


  1. With you and many others in prayer...


  2. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. i wondered if you two had connected. i'm so glad you have!

  4. We will be praying!!! Thanks for letting us know about them!

  5. God is able. We've been holding up this family before Him.

  6. I need this verse today, hope it comforts you as well. Praying!
    Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  7. It's just AMAZING how the Lord God is bringing His daughters together to envelope this family in prayer.

    Melanie is DEFINITELY "Praise You In This Storm" (Casting Crowns song).

  8. Continuing to stand with Melanie and precious Andrew dear sister.

    Love you.

  9. Susan, I just read the context of the scripture you sent,Isaiah 45:3.
    I am amazed at the context. Especially meaningful to me is the phrase in verse 1: "To open before him the DOUBLE DOORS..."
    Not sure if you know the significance of the word DOUBLE to me but God had you send me that verse today!!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!