
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

While you are waiting…





Obstacles can’t steal your dream without your permission.

Winston Churchill rallied blitzed, beleaguered Britain from the edge of defeat with these memorable words:

“Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never give up!”

When you walk in faith and refuse to quit, God guarantees your obstacles won’t prevent your vision from being fulfilled.

Though they were enslaved, Israel received the strength to overcome Egypt’s efforts to break them. The story of their survival and success reads:

“The more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew” (Ex 1:12 NKJV).

Paul’s dream of evangelizing the world met roadblocks at every turn. Tightening his grip he declared,

“We are hard-pressed on all sides, but…never frustrated; we are puzzled, but never in despair. We are persecuted, but…never…deserted: we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out!” (2Co 4:8-9).

Joseph’s journey to the throne led him through betrayal, persecution and loneliness. His dream, still alive and unsurrendered, was put on hold for years.

Vindicated in the critics’ eyes, his dream at last realized, he recalls the amazing way in which God accomplished it.

“‘For,’ he said, ‘God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction’” (Ge 41:52 NAS).

He refused to surrender his dream – it’s what kept him alive. God made him fruitful, not by exempting him from affliction but by promoting him right there, “in the land of my affliction.”

Your obstacles can’t stop God; don’t let them stop you!  (By Rick Godwin)


Please join us over at Penny’s Penny Raine today.


  1. This is my theme verse for the year! The vision will come...God's vision!

  2. Amen! It WILL surely come if we press on....

  3. Absolutely love it! Gorgeous picture and very powerful encouragement! Thanks for sharing and blessing.

  4. this is so encouraging and motivating!! Thank you for sharing it!! : )

  5. Great post, Susan. Beautiful picture, too.

    You wrote: When you walk in faith and refuse to quit, God guarantees your obstacles won’t prevent your vision from being fulfilled.

    We are seeing this right now in the life of my uncle who is fighting malignant melanoma. He is such an inspiration to me. God is right there with him, clearing the path of all obstacles, and it's amazing to watch.

  6. Beautiful WFW imagary! Would love to have a house overlooking a view of that each day! Lol

    Great encouragement and one to keep in heart!

  7. Yes we will not give up whatever happens...Thanks for this verse. Happy WFW! Mine is ready.

  8. A beautiful reminder to keep pressing forward to reach the goals that Christ has set for our lives. Have a blessed week.

  9. Blessings Susan and a big AMEN! Without vision we will perish! We all need to get a hold of a new vision of God's vision and hold on and live it out, never giving up! Thanks for sharing Rick's sound insights! Bless you for encouraging us to get a vision but pursue & wait on the LORD!
    And I know there's a song for this...
    from "Fireproof"..."While I'm waiting..." EnJOY a wonderful WFW!

  10. Thank you for this message today. As always God puts what I need to "hear" in front of me in perfect timing.

  11. I've never noticed that verse before. Thanks for sharing. It gives me hope.

  12. LOL, many times over the years, e-Dad and I have said that Winston Churchill quote over our business. So inspiring!

    Yes, having a vision (and a hope) spur us forward in any endeavour. This is a great verse to keep in mind as we chart our course for the New Year.

    Good to have you back in blogdom, Susan. Happy WFW!

    Hugs, e-Mom

  13. Just what I needed to hear. If I am walking in God's will then obstacles will not stop me. I must simply remember that if I am stopped then I am outside of his will and the obstacles are necessary. Thanks for the reminder!
    Blessings, Kim

  14. Girl, Girl, Girl, Girl, have NO idea what this means to's as if God just jumped off the screen and spoke to ME! I've been praying for a vision, a clear vision of what HE wants from me and I know it will come in HIS time...this was amazing!!

    Happy New Year! Hugs!! Big giant HUGS to you...Love you!


  15. I so needed this verse today. I got some news today that I didn't really want to hear but knows that it was for the best and that God is still in control and has a plan for me. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Love it! Love it! Love it! What an encouraging word. That is going to be my focus for 2010. The vision (God has given me) will SURELY come!
    Love ya,

  17. That is so beautiful, Susan, I love it. Thank you. Blessings ~

  18. What a beautiful WFW!

  19. "Never Give Up!" Although I'm almost close of doing so but God always comes to the rescue and He is always on time!

  20. Great encouragement Susan! Happy new Year to you and yours. Your little ones in your header always make me smile :0)

  21. Wonderful reminder! Thank you for using this to encourage us all for WFW :)

  22. what an encouraging verse to always reminds us. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Amen for this wonderful verse. Vision will surely be done, come what may.

  24. The Lord certainly directed me to look at a few blogs before going to bed. I needed encouragement and that is exactly what I've received from many posts I've read tonight, and this was certainly one of them!

  25. Love this verse and the picture is georgeous! :D

  26. Thank you so much for the insight you shared. Walking by faith is not for the "timid or faint-hearted." We are called to "suffer hardship with me like good solider." Good word.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note on my WFW. That is my husband and our oldest grandson-who is 2.5 years old and the apple of our eye!! God is so good to allow us to see both our grown sons building their own household of faith. Praise God.

    I will begin teaching a Bible study on the book of 2 Timothy on how to hand down your faith to your children. It is entitled "Run Well. Finish Strong." We are hosting it as an online study beginning Jan. 21. It is 10 weeks long. The online study gives you access to the 45 minutes DVDs, the study notes, and interaction with other moms. Details will be on my blog. Please join us if you are able to and help us spread the word!! Thanks.

  27. Faith walkers...... we might step in a pot hole from time to time but we continue on this journey.. After all, HE told us to follow HIM..... What a journey.....

  28. I'm not primarily Christian, though I consider am working hard to stay aligned with the Spirit. It supports me in all I do, and has changed my life. Today I've been visiting Christian-based blogs, and I must say the inspiration I've received is something hard to find in any other community, no matter how 'spiritual'. This post is an example. I've struggled hard throughout my whole life to overcome a severely abusive childhood, which was followed by many adult setbacks. The examples you give inspire me to keep up the fight.

  29. The Lord understands everything you go through! Praying!
    Isaiah 53:1-3: Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  30. we put God in such a small box sometimes, dont' we? This is so encouraging to press beyond our ideas that God isn't big enough!

    and yes Susan, that was my dog & cat!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!