
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 365-My Week in Pictures



What a great week I had.  My grands were out of school, and I got to see them all, several times.  Oh, the joys of being a grandmother. 



These guys mean so much to me.  Jason my firstborn, Joel the baby and my awesome husband that I just can’t live with out adore.  As you can see, they are all big Saints fans.  In case you are unaware, there are also 3 more boys sandwiched in between these two not in the picture!



My little Karli!  This is my youngest grand-daughter who just turned three.  She’s so tiny but has a huge heart and the cutest personality.  She keeps her mommy busy for sure!  She picked these flowers for her “Brammy”.




Would you like a cup of tea Grammy?  Grace Kelly, my oldest grand-daughter loves playing games with me.  Girls are so much fun!




Now, how could anyone resist those gorgeous eyes?  Just look at him and this cute expression.  My little Cole is so adorable.




Kristin came out to spend the day and as always, we took the kids to “Grammy’s Mall”.  We all had a great time making wonderful memories. 



Chuck E Cheese

Amy, over at One Bubble Bath at the Time, came over for dinner Friday night.  We had a blast.  It’s so much fun spending time with your bloggy friends, in person.  The next night she asked if my son Jordan could baby sit for her.  My grand-daughters were already spending the night, so we decided to take them all to Chuck E. Cheese!  We had a great time winning all those tickets.  You would think the kids won the lottery!  Amy, your boys are adorable, polite and so much fun.  Jordan is crazy about them!  (So are we!)



Took the girls to feed the ducks at the pond in our neighborhood.  What a beautiful sunny day it was.  Starting to feel a little like Spring!


Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365.


  1. Spending time with grandkids is always an amazing thing!
    Praying for you in Seattle!
    Psalm 71:5-8; For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth. By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. What a blessed week you had! Your family is full of love that translates through your photography!

  3. what beautiful children! love the one of the three little girls looking into the pond--lovely!

  4. Beautiful. So beautiful. You are greatly blessed!

  5. I loved your photos this week. They just made me smile!

  6. What an awesome week - your family is so precious. Count me in as another fan of "grandparents day" at Chuck E Cheese. We have so much fun there together! :) It's perfect for the Sandwich Generation! :)

  7. Thank you for visiting and leaving a nice comment for my daughter. She goes around all day wherever in the house she is she is singing. I never get tired of hearing her. You have a beautiful family. That's amazing to have 5 sons, I don't know what to do with only one boy he is so full of energy. Your grand-daughters are so so pretty, reminds me of my girls when they were young and wore matching dresses and bows in their hair. I love your pictures too so much fun all of you have together. You have alot to be thankful for. Enjoy your week and I'll check back in next week.

  8. I forgot to say yes how cute your grandson is. He has beautiful eyes and I would hold him all day he's so adorable. We were lucky to finally have a boy in the family so I know how special they are. Enjoy

  9. Loving being a Grandma "by proxy" through your photos... your life is so full of smiles! :~D

  10. Awe... Susan! Your grandbabies are just precious and I just love your family. I was so excited to finally meet Kristin too. I feel like I know her already. :)

    The boys had such a good time at Chuck E Cheese. They just adore Jordan. Thanks for being such an awesome friend... I love you!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!