
Monday, March 22, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures



Thanks so much for joining me this week.  Loving life through these lens.


My precious Jordan loving on our cat Caesar.  Sometimes I think he may drive the cat crazy.



Took a walk with my hubby this beautiful afternoon.  Sat down a moment to enjoy the view.



My bosom buddy came over to spend the day.  We had so much fun.  Thanks Cyndy for being such a faithful friend over all these years.



Awww…more signs of spring around our home. 



My granddaughter Kayla came over to spend the night at Grammy’s.  We had so much together.



Now here is my little soccer star with Popsy…her number one fan! 



Met my son and daughter in love at the Mall after church.  Caught this precious smile as Karli went by on the carrousel. I love being a Grammy!


Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more project 365!


  1. Good thing we don't know what cats are thinkin', huh? Loved that pic the best! Jordan looks so happy!
    Praying as always!
    Psalm 34:19-20, 22 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken...The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Your photos are awesome again this week Susan. Your granddaughters are simply gorgeous! I know I am also going to LOVE being a Granny one day, I have 3 sons, so hopefully they also manage to give me some granddaughters one day!

  3. Wonderful pictures! I can't wait until it gets warm enough here for the kids spring sports to start! Our snow is almost gone, yipee!

  4. That picture of your granddaughter is priceless. What a special moment that you have captured forever.

  5. Ok, those grandbaby photos are simply precious! I also just love the one of your hubby. I'm going to make it a goal to feature a photo of my husband on Project Life for this week. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. I love your pictures this week. Your grandaughter is so cute. Must be nice to take a walk with your hubby too, our walks always have 3 kids with us pushing between us to hold our hands. Thanks for sharing again, have a good week.

  7. You got some great pictures this week! It looks like you and your husband have a nice place for enjoying walks together.

  8. Your pictures were all great! that one of your sweet grand baby on the carousel is just priceless!!!

  9. Great pics! My son is the same way with our cat. He antagonizes it one second and the next wants to pet it. LOL!

    Your granddaughters are absolutely adorable!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!