
Monday, March 29, 2010

Project 365


Capturing life, one moment at a time…



My son, 1st Lieutenant Jason Amato and his beautiful bride Kristen, came over for dinner.  I look forward to every visit.  (Not to mention they always come with three very special treasures that I adore!)



My precious little Karli acting like a little diva!



Our sweet Louisiana strawberries are finally here after a very long and cold winter down south.  So I made strawberry shortcake to celebrate. Oh its so mouth-watering just to look at.  They were awesome~


ThursdayOur cat Caesar, patiently waiting at the front door for someone to let him in. I asked him to He pose for me, but he just wouldn’t smile!  




My husband Rick and Bro. Harry from our church leaving for a men’s weekend retreat.  Thank God for men who are passionate for Jesus!



Grace wanted to help Grammy get everything ready before company came over.  She ran and put on her special apron!  I just love all of “Grammy’s Helpers”.



Caught this precious moment when I took the girls for a walk down to the lake in our neighborhood after dinner.  They really have such special love for each other.


Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more awesome 365 Projects.


  1. But did you say "please" to Caesar?
    Praying as we head into Holy Week remembering all that our Savior did that we might have hope!
    I Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Where did you get that apron for your granddaughter. My Caty would love one of those to help her Nina. So it would say "Nina's Helper"

  3. I might have to send up a prayer that God bring the strawberries to my neck of the woods a little early this year because yours look AMAZING!!!

  4. Beautiful pictures! Love the one of your son and his wife - wonderful! Your granddaughters are adorable, and the one of them by the pond is sweet to capture those moments!

  5. This is a beautiful post Susan. Loved all the photos and I pay honor to your son for his service to our country and to his wife and kids.

    And yes, it's good to have men who love Jesus!! I have one too (smile)--my hubby.

    Loved the cat and of course the girls!!!


  6. such "springy" pictures this week! Happy Easter!

    Thank you to your son for serving out country. God bless him and his family.

  7. Hi Susan. What wonderful photos again this week. Your son and his wife are such a beautiful couple! And man oh man those strawberries look delicious!!!! Have a fantastic week.

  8. Yum! I'm going to have to go make some Strawberry Shortcake now. My mouth is watering....

  9. What gorgeous pictures you have again. You have a beautiful family. That last one of the girls is just so precious. Some of my favorite photos are the ones not posed. I've been thinking of making strawberry shortcake, will put it on grocery list now. Have a great week, Happy Easter!!

  10. These are such good and special pictures! I love the aprons that you have for your grandkids to wear and the strawberry shortcake looks delicious. I agree: thank God for men who are passionate for Jesus! Happy Easter! :)

  11. Another lover of the strawberries here! They look so good. Susan, your love for all your family just shines through in your pictures each week. They are blessed to have you in their lives. :)

  12. Love this project...Love seeing your loved ones.

  13. Such lovely, clear pictures. Love your stately looking Caesar and I was checking out that Saints teeshirt on your hubby!

    You have been blessed with a nice looking family. And I can tell you all love the Lord.

  14. Hi! I'm Amber from Disguised Blessings - thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I think you're photos are so cute! Glad to know about your blog :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!