
Monday, April 26, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures







After a long harsh winter, we didn’t see any hope of our Queen Palm coming back.  Many of our neighbors just cut them down.  My husband kept hoping and praying.  What a JOY it brought to his eyes to see the new growth!  Behold all things become new!



My sweet precious Jordan!  We went for a walk the other day.  I asked him to to pose for me.  What a great smile from a huge heart.  Love my Jordan.



Each year we look forward to the Relay for Life.  This year we were invited to attend the Kick-off event.  Jordan is a brain tumor survivor and we look forward to celebrating that victory by taking the Survivors Lap each year.



My beautiful granddaughter Kayla loves riding her bike and just learned how to ride it without her training wheels!  Oh my, she just turned 5 and I’m so impressed.



Loving all those roses that are blooming like crazy around our house these days.  Praise God for Spring time!



What a special day I had with my daughter-in-love as we attended the Beth Moore conference along with two other ladies from my Bible Study group.  We soaked in some powerful words!



Here is our famous cat Caesar; always “on watch” for us.  I was not a cat person until my son Joseph brought this little kitten home one day eight years ago.  From the first day we got him, he followed me around.  I tried my hardest to resist.  What can I say, he got me!


Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more Projects!


  1. I really miss all the California palm trees...I think there are a few around here somewhere but don't get to see them very often...
    Know that I'm continuing to pray at this end!
    Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Wonderful pictures this week!
    How lucky to go hear Beth Moore!!
    The picture of your son is great, what a handsome young man!

  3. Saturday was AMAZING! I'm so excited to see some of the other 300,000+ women that were there.

  4. Hello Susan. Your photos are wonderful again this week! So sweet that your son will still pose for you. Your cat is gorgeous. I have always wanted a big "fat" cat. Ours was a stray, and she is tiny!

  5. Lovely photos this week. Your grand-daughter is adorable and the kitty photo is excellent photographic work!

  6. Susan, your photography just gets better and better! Love every single picture of your week! What a lovely way to "journal"!

    God bless! Mississippi


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!