
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Standing Still








In the midst of all the busyness we find ourselves involved in every day, it was so refreshing to see this awesome scripture displayed.  It reminded me of how I need to stop and be still before the Lord each day. 

Only then can He usher me into a place of perfect peace. 

This verse is not a mere a suggestion, but rather a command by the Psalmist calling everyone to contemplate the awesome power and glory of God. 

God is truly our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.

I challenge you today to take time to stand still before the Lord.  He’s there waiting for you.

“Lord, forgive me for the many times I try to rush into my day without spending time before your throne.  I know it's in stillness that I find true peace and strength for the journey ahead. Help me to use this time to examine my heart and discover who you desire to me to be.” 


Please join us over at my wonderful and talented  friend Lori’s All you Have to Give for more WFW posts today.


  1. I will come into His presence today.

  2. Girlfriend!
    This is like the THIRD time I've read this verse this morning...It's sinking in! I'm waiting and the message is, "BE STILL..." Thank you for sharing's just the word I need to hear...apparently OVER and OVER again this Wednesday!

    love's that tooth???
    I'm so glad you're back!!


  3. What an awesome photo! And what needed words that I needed to hear today! Thank you dear sister for the blessing!

  4. Through all these posts regarding peace, and being still, you'd think that God was really trying to tell us something. This is beautiful.

  5. This was my verse from last week...I love it and i love to see how other people love it as well!

  6. This is another one of my favorite verses. It is so beautifully shown in your picture.

  7. i love this verse, great post this morning Susan!

  8. One of the simplest verses. But so good.

  9. Easy to remember but oh so difficult to follow at times. I definitely love this one and use it so much as I minister to others. Thanks for stopping by my little corner. It's always so nice to visit.

  10. Susan, I stopped by again just to tell you that I think I'm going to steal your title for comments--Word of Encouragement. I like that so much better. I hope I know how to change it on my page.

    Thx and hope you don't mind.

  11. Oh, being still is so hard for me. There's so much I want to do. Thank you for reminding me that it's NOT a suggestion. And like all His commands, it's for our good.

    Have a beautiful, peaceful evening.

  12. Awh, thank you for being so gracious Susan. Unfortunately, I tried to set it up but have no clue how to change that word from comment to something else. If you have any clue, send it my way. ;)

  13. Thank you for stopping my my WFW post!

    This is beautiful! I have this verse above my kitchen sink because I know how often I forget it!

    I wanted to invite you to my blog party giveaway because i noticed you have some adorable little girls and I have 1 adorable dress just waiting to be given to someone!

    Have a blessed week!

  14. Susan - it seems to be a theme of many still, be quiet, quit striving. A much needed reminder. Thanks for stopping by. My blog has a few more tweaks to get finished, but Amy had her baby...we got interrupted. HA! Blessings on your day sweet friend.

  15. Blessings Susan... Miss you, too Susan... (sigh) I am pulling away from my regular blog and shortly will from "The Power of Your Love" also for a while... to do just this!

    Beautiful reflection and love this WORD and humble prayer - Amen! Perfect peace... in His stillness, in His Presence; that's where I need to seek refuge, strength, peace in the 'storm' and His perfect 'cushion of calm' (as Lisa Shaw put it)! Simple words with a profound impact & message, now to do it!

    EnJOY so much your friendship and all your photos you are now sharing more & more. The song was from Amy Grant...imagine that... God led me right to it!!! I love it and it was new to me, too! Love how Heavenfirst did this video!
    Keep me in your prayers! Thanks!

    Have a wonderful week & enJOY WFW!

  16. Very pretty, Susan ~ It seems that many today chose that verse. Blessings ~

  17. Hey Susan..
    I did reply on my post, but I thought i'd mention it here as well.
    I've been freelance for about 15 years out of the past 20 years of my photography :)
    I actually used my canon powershot for my last photo session b/c my bigger one is broken, but I'm not really big on what kind of camera!

  18. How true that is! We must take time each day to spend with Him in His presence. I know it makes such a difference in my day.

    Blessings and love,

  19. This is so beautiful. Thank you for the reminder of the peace we find in HIs presence.


  20. Hi, Susan! You have such a cute blog! I am so LOVING participating in WFW this week - all the encouragement, visiting everyone's blogs! I may never go back to the old Wordless Wednesday again!!

    You have a beautiful family, and I look forward to getting to know you! ;)

  21. That's fabulous, Susan. Did you take the picture? If so, where was it?

    Somehow, when I contemplate the hugenes--the glory--of God, I'm calmed. He is indeed our refuge and our strength in times of trouble.

    Happy WFW!

    ((Hugs)) e-Mom

  22. Susan. You have no idea how much I needed to read this today. I have really been struggling with fitting time with God in each day. I have three little children, the oldest of which is five, and I am finding that I am thirsty for Him but have been feeling guilty about leaving my children for a once a week Bible study. I've considered discontinuing but yours was the last seed today that has made me realize that I need to make this first and foremost. Only then will all of the other loose ends snap into place. Thank you for the gift you have given me today!

  23. What a gorgeous photo to illustrate this inspirational Bible verse! Thank you for a delightful end to Word-Filled Wednesday. :)

  24. beyond any doubt this is what God is telling me now. this is the third time i read this verse today.

    BE STILL ☺

  25. What a wonderfully inspiring WFW...I had a crazy-filled day on the agenda, but some reality checks stopped me short as doctor's reports steadily streamed over the e-mail/texting lines today regarding two dear families in our home's later than usual that I'm on the computer, but God knew I needed to see what you'd posted! Thanks for stopping by my blog, it prompted me to stop by yours again...I've been by before, now I'm signing up to're an encouragement!

  26. I've always loved that verse. I love my quiet time with God...just Him and me alone! Great photo...very cool banner (where did you see it?)

    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  27. Continuing to lift up prayers!
    Psalm 130:5-8 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  28. We have the same verse Ms. Susan :) But I love your photo, very rustic :)

  29. I appreciate this reminder to be still. I have such a hard time being still... but I know being quiet before Him is one of the best places to be. Thanks.

  30. I would love to see banners like this on our church and was such a good reminder for me this morning!

  31. Wow how many times have I read that verse wonderful to stop and be still.....
    then we KNOW

  32. One of my favorites, I quote this to myself often.
    Blessings to you dear Susan !

  33. Beautiful picture and verse! Truly an inspiring message!

  34. Yes , we do need a "still"time with our Lord .Very wonderful Post !

  35. Praying!
    Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  36. Whether we can see it or not, the Lord is always working! Always praying!
    Romans 8:27-28 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  37. Know that I'm praying!
    Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  38. Love this pic and the encouragement and prayer to come to Jesus for peace. In the stillness, He is there.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!