Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday




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My granddaughter Kayla flying high on our backyard trampoline.  Oh the joy of being a kid! 


For more awesome Sweet Shots, join us over at Life With My 3 Boybarians.


Brittney said...

Very cute! Love the red/green color combo!

partialemptynester said...

Aww, what a fun, fun picture...she is just darling!

Amanda said...

Beautiful girl and beautiful shot! Nice job!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

What a BEAUTY she is!!

You truly are an amazing Grandma!

Love ya friend.

Vonda said...

Very sweet...

CafeAngelica said...

She has the sweetest eyes.
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment. come back any time.

Heather said...

All of your grandchildren are beautiful (and handsome:) I could just tell that she was jumping on a trampoline... love the hair.
Thanks for visiting me and commenting. Blessings to you...

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

What a beautiful picture. It just jumped out from all the others at Sweet Shot.

Stylist A said...

As i have said before. She is a cutie. What a fun picture and oh so sweet. :)

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I'm guessing that you may have looked just like this when you were a little girl! This is darling!

Marilyn...in Mississippi

Michelle Pixie said...

Oh she is adorable!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Love this picture. It's go great to capture the kids having fun!

luvmy4sons said...

she is just so adorable.

Unknown said...

lovely capture! Great job on the colors! She is absolutely stunning!

Ali said...

How sweet!

Thanks for coming by my blog today! It was so neat to hear about your friend adopting 5 from Russia. What a blessing! If you bought T-Shirts, you would be the first!

Dawn Farias said...

Oh my gosh, that's fabulous!!

Thanks for stopping by my Sweet Shot today.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great shot! She is adorable!

H-Mama said...

you captured the joy on her face perfectly! precious!

Anonymous said...

This is really cute!
Continuing to pray!
Psalm 73:23-26 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Prayer Bears
My email address

BK said...

Kayla has such a beautiful smile!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute picture!! She's a beauty!

Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Great shot of fun!

hugs, friend. I haven't forgotten you.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Aww... what a sweet moment that you have captured. She is just precious!

Mommy Reg said...

I love her hair in this shot. She is adorable and her smile is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Always here lifting up prayers!
Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Maxine said...

How do you get those crystal clear, beautiful shots! Nothing better than those grandkids!

Kim Airhart said...

What a beauty!! Love that shot!