
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finally Clean


Welcome to



It’s such a joy to be your hostess today!

The purpose of WFW is share God's word (no famous quotes or literature...only the word of God)




In the midst of receiving some disappointing news at St. Jude last week, (changes in my son's scans),  I came upon this devotional that encouraged me so much.  No matter what we may be facing in life, we can rise above the circumstances, and be the “great” men and women the Lord has purposed for us to be. 

The Bible says that Naaman was a “great…man, but a leper.”

Naaman had a problem, a unique one.  In recalling this story Jesus said, “Many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman” (Lk. 4:27 NKJV).

God was about to make Naaman  a “greater man” through his time of testing. Whenever God is going to take us to another level, He often permits us to get into predicaments without any human solutions.

When He wants us to have greater influence, He often permits us to face greater challenges.

Before you can be exceptional, you must first work to develop a faith that can believe God for the impossible, and trust what He says regardless of the odds.

We must stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on God.

In the face of all the odds, Naaman believed God, and received his miracle. How about you?  (By Rick Godwin)


  1. Susan~

    I had no idea about your son. I just prayed for him and for your whole family.

    May God be glorified as He works in your lives!

  2. Great message in this verse! Thanks for hosting WFW this week!

  3. Susan,

    I stand in agreement with you on focusing on GOD and not the problem for HE alone is the solution to every situation we face.

    I am praying right now for your son and whatever news you received. I know the GOD that we belong to and serve. I'm praying that whatever those scans showed GOD would turn it around for the good of your son in the Name of Jesus! Your son has the Hand of God upon his life and I'm trusting GOD's plan for him along with you dear sister.

    Praying for him and for your family.

    Psalm 27:13-14

    Love you.

  4. I am in agreement with you, Susan, that we must focus on God and to trust HIM. I have seen Him do great things in my own life when I let go of the situation and trusted my loved ones with Him, knowing how much more He loves them. I am praying for your son and your family as you go through this disaapointment. What a blessing your blog is, glorifying God with your posts.
    Prayers and blessings,

  5. I love your picture and verse, Susan. Praying for your son ~

  6. Blessings Susan...

    Jordan is a MIGHTY man and I will continue to prayer for him & your beautiful family! Believing God for what may seem to be impossible in our eyes, build our faith, result in miracles and trust in our testing! Nothing is impossible for God...He shrinks every problem as we stay focused on Him and not the problem! AMEN! and we will hear what we longed to hear last week,
    "Finally Clean"...gone...done in Jesus' name... Naaman or for Jordan. Surrounding him and you all with love, peace and prayers! God's in the business of making us great men and women of purpose & plan for good... turning circumstances into testimonies of His glory! May you continue to find encouragement and receive encouraging devotional to carry you and Jordan to a higher place! Safe & secure in His love & care!

    :) Love ya' and sending a BIG HUG & thanks for hosting WFW! (((U)))

    btw...your precious grand daughter's sweet shot is PERFECT and so Adorable! Quite the model and you've become quite the photographer!!! Love all your Project 365 and last week's WFW of Masterpiece and that sweet shot champ! Praising God for Survivors!

  7. Praying for your precious family.

  8. I'm praying for you and your family to be encouraged by God and grow in your faith as you face this trial. May God show Himself mighty to all in this situation.

  9. Praying for your son, sweetie - and LOVE this WFW, and your message. Thanks for hosting!

  10. Wherever you are in the journey today, my prayers for peace are with you. I'll be thinking and praying for you all in this coming season...


  11. Praying for your son and entire family.


  12. Susan, I'm so sorry the news was not what you wanted to hear. I will pray for your sweet son.

    I love what you wrote today - just beautiful. You absolutely ministered to me so thank you!

  13. I am praying for your son & your entire family. Wonderful WFW !
    Love in Christ,

  14. Girl you know I'm praying...have been and will continue. God has AMAZING plans for that one...they are just not yet ours to know! He is working, He is moving, He is God.

    Love you!!

  15. Praying for you during this for comfort and strength.

    Thank you for hosting!

  16. I lovee your faith that shines through in your post today. so sorry for disappointing new about your precious son. Jesus I ask Your touch upon him. Bless his family. Bless the entire situation that good news might be forth coming. We ask Your touch upon Jordan. Thank you for Susan's faith that focuses on You and not her circumstances. Continue to strengthen and comfort them. May they feel Your presence in a very real way each day. Amen.

  17. Hi Susan, Thanks for having Word-Filled Wednesday this week and for sharing these words of encouragement in the midst of your trial. I, too, am praying for all of you!

    I had to chuckle at your granddaughter's comments while admiring her adorable photo. My own grandkids would "second her emotion" with my picture taking periodically! :) :) :)

    Have a blessed week!

  18. Hey Susan!
    funny that we both did about clean this week!
    I am praying for your son! hugs

  19. Praying for your son and family, too...

    Great image with this verse...I read this series of devotions on Naaman recently, too...wonderful words of encouragement....

  20. Lovely image and reflection and God's rich blessings on your son and the rest of your family.
    Praise God He is the sovereign Lord.
    We may have the questions.....but He is the answer.

  21. What a wonderful and God glorifying application of that Scripture to your situation, Susan. God knows exactly what He's doing in your son's life. He has a purpose in his life and those scans are a part of it. Standing with you in prayer. Amen, to what Sister Lisa said. Keep trusting in our all wise Savior my dear friend. The old folks in my church growing up used to say that He never makes a mistake. Now isn't that the truth?

  22. Amen! I believe this to be true. It is through those challenges and struggles in our lives that we learn and grow closer to God. Excellent message! God bless you, your son and your family.

  23. "We must stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on God."

    I knew this but I think I needed to be reminded of it this morning. Perfect timing!

    Thank you for hosting today Susan.

    Blessings and love,

  24. Hey, sweet girl! I will be praying for all of you as well. Sent you a message via facebook. Hop over when you can!
    Love you!

  25. This is such encouragement. There's nothing that we go through that God doesn't use. I pray for your son and your family as you stand in faith.


  26. Beautiful testimony of faith refined!

  27. Bear adds her prayer to the group's. Thanks for an uplifting, faith-filled message in the midst.

  28. Know that I'm here praying!
    Psalms 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  29. Happy WFW! Thanks for hosting.

  30. Great reminder... so often we get ourselves down with emphasis on the negatives, forgetting that He has a plan and purpose for us all. God bless!

  31. Mrs. Susan,
    That was a great devotional. Thanks for sharing!

    We had a great time yesterday. I am sure the fun is continuing today. Please let me know if you want me to come get both of them later on today. I do not mind at all.

    We are looking forward to spending some time with Jordan this weekend.

    Love you guys!


  32. When He wants us to have greater influence, He often permits us to face greater challenges.

    Susan, I often say, You must really be doing something awesome for God and WITH God, for the enemy to be roaring at you like that. (Talking to someone that is facing lots of trials). I loved your statement, and it encouraged me so much this morning.


  33. Know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers!
    Psalms 103:1-5 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!