
Monday, May 24, 2010

Project 365-My Week in Picture

Welcome to my week in pictures.  So glad you stopped by!  For more Project 365 please visit The Creative Mom.



We arrived in Memphis for my son’s 6 month check up at St. Jude, our home away from home.   A week filled with doctor appointments and hope for another good report.

  St Jude 2010

On Monday night many of the patients were treated to a wonderful dinner at Benihana’s.  The restaurant was closed to the public as they entertained the families from St. Jude.  They also presented St. Jude with a check for $24,000.00 for a fundraiser they had just completed!



Met with one of our dear friends, Dawn .  She is also a St. Jude mom.  It’s always such a treat to get to see her and her son Mason.  We love you Dawn!



Waiting for Jordan’s eye and hearing test.  A long day in clinic.  Met some old friends, and made some new ones.


Testing at st jude

The big day.  This was supposed to be Jordan’s last 6 month check up before he was moved to ACT Clinic and start coming for check-ups yearly.  However, there were some unexpected changes in the size of his tumor and we’ll have to go back in 6 months to scan once again.  News that we were not really prepared to hear.  Please pray with us that everything will be OK at our next visit!



My son and daughter in love had some meetings to attend for the weekend and asked us to watch the girls. Oh, that was music to my ears.  Thought this shot of Karli was extra special.  Love, love, love spending time with them. Just what I needed as a distraction.



We bought a little pool for the girls to play in.  It was such a hot day.  My little model is always ready to smile for her Grammy!



Took the girls to church on Sunday and out to lunch.  We had such a wonderful day together before we returned them back to mom and dad.


  1. Love the photos as always!
    Always praying!
    2 Samuel 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. I so love the picture of Mason and Jordan. It is so good. I am very thankful that I got to visit with you this trip. Talking with you is so refreshing and encouraging. You are such a special friend to me. My email is, you mentioned wanting to send me another picture that you took.

  3. Lovely pictures this week.
    I was smiling at all the pictures at St Jude and my heart just fell when you said the size of the tumor was not what they wanted. I'm so sorry! Sending prayers of healing to our heavenly father for your sweet son. May God heal him completely. Have a wonderful week!

  4. that first picture of you granddaughter is just magical--you really need to get that made into a canvas! and i love the black and white one too--very cute!

  5. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful granddaughters again, they have beautiful brown eyes and cute smiles. So sorry to hear about your son and that you didn't get the good news you were hoping for. Your family is in our prayers for your son to heal and have better news next time. Sending big hugs to you. Love the black and white of the girls.

  6. So sorry to hear that your son's results are not great. I will certainly be keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers! That photo of your grand-daughter is STUNNING!! You really sound like the best granny ever. I hope to be like you one day, with all my grandkids.

  7. Lovely pictures. It sounds like you were moved from your place of rest. It will come again. I don't like it when my rest is disturbed, but you will grow and trust even more. Thank you for your thoughts.

  8. My prayers are with your family. I give every year to St. Jude's. As usual, your granddaughters are beautiful! Have a great week.

  9. Such beautiful, powerful pictures Susan! Jordan is quite handsome! Did he mind the pics of him in the hospital gown? :) So sorry to hear that he's not stepping up to the once a year checkup just yet. We'll be praying.

    God bless you! Mississippi

  10. Susan, I found you from Glad Chatter. First, I love all the pictures you posted. They are so beautiful! I know you are a proud mom and grandma. Secondly, I like what you wrote to Lisa "But God was not taken by surprise. He's in control. He's got a plan." That is a beautiful thought and a beautiful mindset. God is never taken by surprise. He knows our future before we do. I pray that God will continue to strengthen and uphold you and your family with His right hand. I choose with you to believe the report of the Lord!

    Blessings to you and your family!

  11. Oh Susan...I will be praying for you & Jordan. What would we do without Jesus??? The girlies, please send them to Nebraska. They just look like they are such blessings.
    Big you.

  12. Just going back through your blog since I haven't seen many of your earlier posts. I think this may be my all time favorite of Karli. It's just a beautiful photo of her!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!