
Monday, June 14, 2010

Project 365-My Week in Pictures


Loving all the many visits with my grands since school is out.  We’ve been having lots of fun, and making so many special memories.  Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more Project 365.



We went to the Science Museum today.  Grace was having fun checking out this telescope.  Check out  her  silly bands!



One of my favorite flowers, yellow roses!  Aren’t they beautiful?



A fun day with the girls downtown.   It was hot, but we found a nice shady place for pictures.



My granddaughter had her cousin staying over at her house, so she brought her along when they came to our house for dinner.  They managed to get in some swimming before we ate.



Cole having a blast on the trampoline.  He is a riot to watch!  Always laughing and smiling.  What a joy he brings to my heart!



I took a photography class with Tracy over at Mommytography.  The time just went by too fast.  She was such a great teacher and I learned a lot.  This is my first official picture taken in the Manuel setting!!!    Thanks Tracy!



My granddaughter Grace came over to spend a few days with us.  She’ll start swimming lessons at the YMCA on Monday.  One of her favorite friends in our neighborhood came by to play with her. 


  1. Looks like you're a great student. So was there a reason for the roses? They're beautiful!
    Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers!
    Isaiah 12:1-2 And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Just beautiful as usual. Loved them all! You capture great memories every week with those adorable kids :D I'm sure they're used to being followed by a camera now right?

  3. I can't believe how many great pictures of your grandkids you get. Do they always want to take their pictures so happily?? They are so lucky that you do so much with them and vice versa. Love yellow roses so pretty. Thanks for sharing great photos again. Oh yeah and your picture you took from class looks good and I love how your writing the days on them, is that new? Have a good week.

  4. Love the pics. You are truly getting better and better each week. So proud of you for sticking with this, and learning so much!
    Love you!

  5. Great shots for the week! I giggled on my picture, only because I KNOW what you were saying while taking it!

    Glad you enjoyed the workshop!

  6. I love the idea of the 365 project. To be able to pause and capture something small in each day is a great way to keep the memories alive.

  7. Love your pictures for the week. Your grandkids are so adorable! I was looking at Grace's silly bands before I even read your post lol. Those are quite the craze aren't they!? The roses are beautiful as well!

  8. Looks like a fun week! My kiddos have tons of those silly bands too!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!