
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Got Joy?





(my 2 little joy makers)

Many times in my Christian walk I’ve prayed and asked God about His perfect will for my life. 

I’ve often asked the hard questions.  Then waited, wondered and even worried about what His reply might be.

But it seems I keep coming back to this very same verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:16…

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's Will for you in Christ Jesus.”

No matter where you might be in your journey right now, God’s will remains the same… “Be Joyful Always.” Joy doesn't always mean happy, but it does mean grateful and thankful in spite of the circumstances.

Take time today to meditate on this amazing verse.  See what God is saying to you.

Please join us today over at The Internet Cafe for more WFW!


  1. Susan, these precious babies...They are absolutely beautiful!!!!! This is one of my very favorite verses (there are so many but this one does always stand out) and I remember it when I am a big GROUCH - often at the end of the day when I am tired. Thank you for the sweetness of this...

    On another note, I use pseudonyms for my children - someone told me I should for security reasons so I did.

    Their actual names are Sarah, Samuel, and Spencer but Susannah, Sawyer, and Solomon were names we considered for them as well. Glad you like them!

    Have a blessed day, Susan!

  2. Amen! I love the scripture and the gorgeous photo! I love the joy on their faces...

  3. Yes, we are of the same mind this week! What joyful little critters we both have. :) They certainly remind us of the power there is in joy.

  4. Such sweet blessings, much joy at your home.

  5. It has been awhile since I checked in on your blog - no doubt God led me here today...exactly what I need to remember. I find myself lately in a "desert season" but I can remain (and am told to remain) joyful - even now. Thanks for the post.

    And those two joy makers are adorable!!

  6. A beautiful picture to illustrate joy! Looking at their sweet faces brings a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings to you today!

  7. Hey, Susan! What a beautiful picture! It truly exemplifies joy! Love it! And the scripture is one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks everyone!! They sure bring me lots of joy~

  9. Love it--the pictures and the verse. Thank you for stopping by on WFW.

  10. Susan, what a timely message for me today after being at the point of tears today. There still remains much to be joyful and thankful for. Cute picture too.

  11. Susan
    What a nice post...Im so glad I visited. I needed this today!.As usual the children are beautiful!
    This scripture is one of my very favorite too!

    Love and Hugs..

  12. splendid!so true...just like a child be joyful always;)

  13. Beautiful picture and verse. You have beautiful chldren. Mine are all grown up and one gave us two grandchildren who are growing up so fast. Enjoy them while you can.

  14. The picture is precious!! Through the years, I also have struggled with the question "What is God's will for my life?" Then through the Word of God, it can be so simple when we read verses like this and apply them to our daily lives. Thanks so much for a great blessing today!

  15. Now if THAT isn't JOY, I don't know what is!! WOW! This is gorgeous!

    You have got to share these photo tips lady! AWESOME!!

    Loved this one friend!

    lori (((hugs)))

  16. I love that! I have been trying more and more to be thankful for whatever He decides to do. I may not always understand it but I know it is His will. Great post and some cute little ones too! =)

  17. Blessings Susan... Your sweet JOY makers make this verse come so ALIVE!
    They each are such a beautiful wonder & I'm sure that those adorable faces keep you HAPPY too! (Me, too!)

    Great word of encouragement for us all! So very true..."no matter where we are in our journey"... this is the VERSE to keep before us. And just look... it's God's will for us in Christ Jesus.

    Off to reflect on the truths in this verse...and enJOY more WORD FILLED moments!

    Thanks for your sweet words as always and glad that you took the extra time to marvel at Rhema, part of my header now with this song of
    aMazing Grace... she is aMazing too
    with her gift from God and shadow of her mom.

    I have missed you but I have not been blogging much but now that I've made my trip home to MN and back safely... I'm praising God for His Divine Protection & Love
    Reflected in sisters like you...

    Love & big hug,

  18. So true...Joy doesn't always mean happy! I'm so thankful I have the joy joy joy down in my heart...!

    Beautiful image....and great scripture!

  19. The children are so beautiful. The picture without a doubt says "JOY"

    Linda J

  20. Susan, those little ones are ADORABLE! Children can certainly bring joy to us, but the joy of our salvation is even sweeter. God is good!

    Bless you!

  21. oh they are sooo cute!

    and like Natalie I'm using pseudonyms for my kids too!

    and how i am, pray for us cuz i've got a horrible ear ache and the specialist is gone til aug. 16th so i'm taking meds to calm it down but it's not doing enough! :(

  22. Wow, what a great reminder! Children are the best reminders to be joyful. Sometimes I'm stressed out and see my little cousin who is bubbly and happy and I wonder why I'm so stressed! I really need to remember this. Thank you for reminding me!!
    The joy of the Lord is our strength! Joy = Strength! The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit!

  23. Beautiful grandchildren!!! Love the scripture you picked....I always try to remind myself of this very thing. The Joy of the Lord is our strength...Thanks for sharing!!! Happy WFW!!!

  24. So much each day over which to be joyful! Great exhortation. And those beautiful children simply warmed my heart.

  25. Love your photo! So precious those angelic faces are! And you got such a good photo--nice close up. I like the writing on the photo, too!

    Now, about that Scripture. It has such significance in my life right now. Thank you for making the will of God so clear! I look for it everyplace--am I supposed to do this job?; should I go here?; which Bible study should I take?; what guidance should I give my guys?
    And it was so simple all this time. Just be joyful and thankful.
    In addition, my hubby and I are in a small group that is studying John Piper's, "Not Desiring God" book. His main point is that joy is commanded by God. I've had some difficulty with his point of view, but your Scripture verse makes it more likable and "joyful" to do!
    Said too much! Thank you.

  26. That is just precious, Susan. Blessings ~

  27. This was way beyond precious....

  28. Susan,

    I know the Lord led me here today. The season of pain and hurt I am in sometimes threatens to take away my happiness may have been destroyed but Jesus is my joy and will remain so! God bless you, Susan, for posting this today!

  29. Aren't grandbabies just the best?! They definitely bring great joy.


  30. Oh how true! Aren't grandchildren just the best?! I know mine bring me tremendous joy. May I bring great joy to our Father.


  31. Still praying in Seattle!
    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  32. Amen! Got joy always when God is with us.

  33. My friend,

    This Scripture has been a strong part of my adult life. Thank you for sharing it today and love that beautiful photo of your precious grands!

    I pray God's blessings and favor over you and your family in Jesus Name! Amen and Amen!

    I love you. Stay encouraged!

  34. Love the picture of joy! I love being thankful and the way that creates joy in me.

    SO thankful for you. And I do love my new camera. Need to keep practicing and not give up. It's a blessing!!!

    Thanks, sweet friend.
    Love and hugs.

  35. Your children are just precious. What a wonderful photo.

    Joy comes every morning no matter what! I'm so thankful that I don't have to rely on only good circumstances to have it.

  36. Be joyful in thankfulness and praise. Great message! Love seeing the joy of children.

  37. Little Rays of SONshine! Bless you!

  38. I can so see YOU Susan in your granddaughter's face!! :) Mississippi

  39. Continuing to pray!
    Isaiah 43:1-3a: But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned ; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  40. Check out friend is waiting

  41. Praying in Seattle as always!
    Isaiah 25:8-9 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!